
  1. 格兰仕(Galanz)的招聘主管刘婷婷(音译)与十几个身着制服的同事们聊着天,出站的农民工络绎不绝地从他们身边走过。

    Liu Tingting , a recruiting executive with Galanz , chatted with a dozen uniformed colleagues as migrant workers exiting the station streamed past them .

  2. “这个节目就像一个跌宕起伏的肥皂剧”北京的一位已婚的办公室白领刘婷婷每每看完节目后如是说。

    " The show is as dramatic as a TV soap opera ," says Liu Tingting , a married office worker in Beijing and regular viewer of the show .

  3. 全球金融危机已经趋缓,订单又回来了,但劳工短缺相对严重,刘婷婷表示。她承认,自己团队的这招是不寻常之举。

    The global financial crisis has eased and orders are coming back , but the labour shortage is relatively severe , Ms Liu said , admitting that her teams effort was an unusual one .