
The state-run Xinhua News Agency , which reported the charges on Thursday , alleged that Mr Liu covered up murders committed by his brother , Liu Wei , who ran gambling rings in their home town of Guanghan , Sichuan .
From the Anomalous Langevin Equation in Liouville Space to Nonequilibrium Entropy
Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics Subject to the Anomalous Langevin Equation in Liouville Space
Unified linear regression method for the analysis of seven commonly used statistical distributions
It is verified that Liouville 's theorem still holds under such circumstances .
Liu Wei also goes the name Liu Yong , official reports say .
Application of liouville 's theorem to electron and ion optical systems possessing the primary aberrations
Neither Mr Liu , or his brother , could be reached for comment on the allegations .
The anomalous Langevin equation is proposed as a fundamental equation of statistical physics to replace the Liouville equation .
The light ray liouville 's theorem and its application are discussed on the basis of ray mechanics in the paper .
When the generalized uncertainty relation is considered the new equation of quantum state density is obtained based on Liouville 's theorem .
The master equations of a reduced system density operator , by means of the Liouville equation and the projection operators techniques have been derived .
I look ridiculous in Liu Wei 's glasses , so I thought I 'd share this with you so you can all have a good laugh .
The deal fell apart last March after police said they had detained Mr. Liu on suspicion of harboring Liu Wei , whom police suspected of murder .
Of the four equations the basic equation is the continuum equation of phase space for the guiding center which has its root in the Liouville 's theorem .
For a model of a boson particle interacting with a boson field , a star-unitary transformation is constructed which transforms the reversible Liouvelle equation to an irreversible kinetic equation .
A warrant issued at that time detailed Liu Wei 's involvement in a 2009 gangland-style triple killing at a teahouse in the brothers ' hometown of Guanghan in Sichuan province .
In this paper , the author deduces the basic equation of statistical Mechanics-Liouville Theorem in two different ways from analytical mechanics ′ concepts of phase space and the Hamilton Canonical Equation .
In this paper we establish a set of kinetic equations from Liouville 's theorem which can be used to describe the charged particle distribution in the accretion column of a neutron star .
The distributive probability of magnetic field lines in stochastic field region may be obtained by Liouville equation , by which the statistical average of any physical quantity relating to magnetic field can be given .
Starting from the Liouville 's equation , we have derived an expression for the electrical current and a boltzmann-type equation for diagonal elements of the density matrix in the lowest order of the electron-phonon interaction .