
  1. 官方通讯社新华社(Xinhua)周四报道了这些指控,称刘汉掩盖了其弟刘维所犯下的杀人罪行。刘维在兄弟俩的故乡四川广汉管理赌博团伙。

    The state-run Xinhua News Agency , which reported the charges on Thursday , alleged that Mr Liu covered up murders committed by his brother , Liu Wei , who ran gambling rings in their home town of Guanghan , Sichuan .

  2. 从刘维空间反常朗之万方程到非平衡熵

    From the Anomalous Langevin Equation in Liouville Space to Nonequilibrium Entropy

  3. 刘维空间反常朗之万方程为基础的非平衡统计物理

    Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics Subject to the Anomalous Langevin Equation in Liouville Space

  4. 刘维方程与统计分布分析常用7种统计分布的统一线性回归方法

    Unified linear regression method for the analysis of seven commonly used statistical distributions

  5. 证明了存在二级像差情况下刘维定理仍然成立。

    It is verified that Liouville 's theorem still holds under such circumstances .

  6. 据官方报道,刘维又名刘勇。

    Liu Wei also goes the name Liu Yong , official reports say .

  7. 存在初级象差下电子和离子光学系统中刘维定理的应用

    Application of liouville 's theorem to electron and ion optical systems possessing the primary aberrations

  8. 记者无法联系到刘汉或刘维对这些指控置评。

    Neither Mr Liu , or his brother , could be reached for comment on the allegations .

  9. 用刘维空间反常朗之万方程取代刘维方程作为统计物理的基本方程,由此得到了平衡态系综。

    The anomalous Langevin equation is proposed as a fundamental equation of statistical physics to replace the Liouville equation .

  10. 本文对近年来在光线力学的基础上发展起来的光线刘维定理及其应用问题作一个综述性讨论。

    The light ray liouville 's theorem and its application are discussed on the basis of ray mechanics in the paper .

  11. 当考虑了广义不确定关系后,在刘维定理的基础上采取了新的量子态密度方程,我们发现黑洞视界附近的量子态数目变成了有限。

    When the generalized uncertainty relation is considered the new equation of quantum state density is obtained based on Liouville 's theorem .

  12. 在本文中我们利用投影算符技巧通过刘维方程推导了系统约化密度主方程,这种方法特别适合于赝非马尔可夫的库场情况。

    The master equations of a reduced system density operator , by means of the Liouville equation and the projection operators techniques have been derived .

  13. 戴着刘维眼镜的我显得很可笑,所以我想我应该和你们分享这张照片,以博取大家开怀一笑。

    I look ridiculous in Liu Wei 's glasses , so I thought I 'd share this with you so you can all have a good laugh .

  14. 此项交易去年3月份宣告失败,因警方之前表示,已经拘留了刘汉,理由是其涉嫌窝藏谋杀嫌犯刘维。

    The deal fell apart last March after police said they had detained Mr. Liu on suspicion of harboring Liu Wei , whom police suspected of murder .

  15. 这四个方程中,引导中心相空间连续方程是基本方程,刘维定理则是核心。

    Of the four equations the basic equation is the continuum equation of phase space for the guiding center which has its root in the Liouville 's theorem .

  16. 对一玻色粒子-玻色场相互作用的量子系统定义了星么正变换。这一变换将可逆的刘维方程变换为不可逆的动力学方程。

    For a model of a boson particle interacting with a boson field , a star-unitary transformation is constructed which transforms the reversible Liouvelle equation to an irreversible kinetic equation .

  17. 当时公布的一份证明材料详细描述了刘维参与2009年一起黑社会性质的谋杀案的情况。这起谋杀案发生在刘氏兄弟家乡四川省广汉市的一个茶馆里,当时有三人被杀。

    A warrant issued at that time detailed Liu Wei 's involvement in a 2009 gangland-style triple killing at a teahouse in the brothers ' hometown of Guanghan in Sichuan province .

  18. 本文笔者用两种不同思路由分析力学的相空间概念和哈密顿正则方程推导了统计力学的基本方程&刘维定理。

    In this paper , the author deduces the basic equation of statistical Mechanics-Liouville Theorem in two different ways from analytical mechanics ′ concepts of phase space and the Hamilton Canonical Equation .

  19. 本文从刘维定理出发,通过相空间求平均,建立了中子星吸积柱中粒子流连续方程和动量迁移方程。

    In this paper we establish a set of kinetic equations from Liouville 's theorem which can be used to describe the charged particle distribution in the accretion column of a neutron star .

  20. 随机场区的磁力线分布几率可从刘维方程得到,用它可以求任何与磁场有关的物理量的平均。

    The distributive probability of magnetic field lines in stochastic field region may be obtained by Liouville equation , by which the statistical average of any physical quantity relating to magnetic field can be given .

  21. 针对低补偿情况,略去复杂能带结构,我们由刘维方程出发,把密度矩阵对电场,然后对电声子作用展开,得到电流表达式及密度矩阵对角元所满足的玻兹曼型方程。

    Starting from the Liouville 's equation , we have derived an expression for the electrical current and a boltzmann-type equation for diagonal elements of the density matrix in the lowest order of the electron-phonon interaction .