
  1. 说新唱新的时代要求,使得北京评书创演的题材内容和思想主题不断拓展。

    Era ," said the new singing new " requirements , making Beijing storytelling created and performed the theme of subject matter and ideas continue to expand .

  2. 较之传统的评书节目,故事性虽强而评书味略欠;对北京评书的艺术发展而言,开拓性较强但继承性不足。

    Compared with the traditional storytelling show ," story ", although strong and " storytelling flavor " Lueqian ; development of the arts in terms of storytelling Beijing , pioneering stronger but less inheritance .

  3. 而对于新评书的研究,无论对当代评书史乃至整个曲艺史的研究,还是对当代北京评书创演以及整个曲艺新节目创新的研究,都非常富有意义。

    As for the " new storytelling " study , regardless of the history of the study of contemporary folk art of storytelling and the whole history of storytelling record or play in contemporary Beijing and the entire opera new innovative research programs , are very meaningful .