  • north
  • be defeated
  • 方向,早晨面对太阳,左手的一边,与“南”相对:~方。~辰(古书指北极星)。~上(古代以北为上,后指去本地以北的某地,与“南下”相对)。~极星(出现在天空北部的一颗亮星,人常靠它辨别方向)。~国(指中国北部)。

  • 打了败仗往回逃:败~。

  • 古同“背”,违背,违反。


(北方) north:

  • 塞北

    north of the Great Wall;

  • 华北

    North China;

  • 黄河以北

    north of the Huanghe River


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 北庆

    Bei Qing


[书] (打败仗) be defeated:

  • 败北

    be defeated;

  • 追奔逐北

    pursue and attack the defeated enemy

  1. 他们愈往北去,天气就变得愈冷。

    The farther north they went , the colder it became .

  2. 沿海公路与这条高速公路在圣莫尼卡以北处岔开。

    The coastal road diverges from the freeway just north of Santa Monica .

  3. 北山羊与石山羊有较远的亲缘关系。

    The ibex is a distant relative of the mountain goat .

  4. 狂风一直在北海岸肆虐。

    Severe winds have been battering the north coast .

  5. 士兵过去都要在北爱尔兰服役六个月。

    The soldiers all used to do a six-month tour of duty in Northern Ireland .

  6. 哪边是北?

    Which way is north ?

  7. 他的飞机于1967年在北越被击落。

    His plane was shot down over North Vietnam in 1967 .

  8. 我想走一条穿过蒙大拿州的更靠北的路线。

    I wanted to go a more northerly route across Montana .

  9. 这部电影未在北爱尔兰政治问题上选择站边。

    The film takes no position on the politics of Northern Ireland

  10. 他出生在东京以北的山形县。

    He was born in Yamagata prefecture , north of Tokyo .

  11. 沿着街道往北过了一个街区,我找到了一个停车场。

    A block up the street I found a parking lot .

  12. 这些事件表明北爱尔兰的和平仍然很脆弱。

    These incidents suggest the peace in Northern Ireland is still brittle

  13. 开车往北仅1个小时就能到达亚特兰大。

    Atlanta was only an hour 's drive to the north .

  14. 北威尔士最西部是说威尔士语人的聚居区。

    The westernmost part of north Wales is a stronghold of Welsh-speakers

  15. 貌似这里往北的地方有个非常机密的项目正在进行。

    Apparently there 's a very hush-hush project under way up north

  16. 在北卡罗来纳州一处山顶测得的风速为每小时170英里。

    170-mile-an-hour winds were clocked on a mountaintop in North Carolina .

  17. 将军在兴都库什山脉以北集结军队。

    The general had mustered his troops north of the Hindu Kush .

  18. 他们在北太平洋航行了很多天。

    They spent many days cruising the northern Pacific Ocean .

  19. 无论走到哪里,罗盘仍然指向北或南。

    You can go anywhere and still the compass points north or south

  20. 安斯特岛是不列颠群岛中最北的一个。

    Unst is the most northerly island in the British Isles

  21. 他偷乘渡船到了北希尔兹。

    He stowed away on a ferry and landed in North Shields .

  22. 北卡罗来纳大学在美国大学篮球联赛中夺魁。

    The NCAA basketball championship was won by North Carolina .

  23. 迈克尔出生的时候,我都乐得找不着北了。

    When Michael was born I was on cloud nine .

  24. 我们在北爱尔兰目前资源不足。

    We are not yet fully resourced in Northern Ireland

  25. 据称有数百人堵住了一条往北的主干公路。

    Hundreds of people are said to have blocked a main highway leading north .

  26. 鸟类通常由北向南迁徙。

    Birds usually migrate from north to south .

  27. 他开始从事新闻工作,为北伦敦报业集团工作。

    He began a career in journalism , working for the North London Press Group

  28. 渡船在北威尔士海岸附近被一股反常的海浪击中。

    The ferry was hit by a freak wave off the North Wales coast .

  29. 我父亲葬在沿这条路往北几英里处的一个小公墓里。

    My father lies in the small cemetery a few miles up this road .

  30. 阿留申群岛是北太平洋上一长串呈弧形排列的小岛。

    The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific .