
  • 网络Beichuan river
  1. 误差分析的结论同样在基于神经网络对结构进行损伤诊断的方法中得以体现。5、以北川河钢管混凝土拱桥为对象,研究采用神经网络方法实现大型结构的损伤监测。

    The effect of model error on assessment results is also reflected in the ANN method.5.This paper uses ANN to realize the damage monitoring of a large structure , a concrete-filled steel tubular bridge of Beichuan River .

  2. 西宁北川河钢管混凝土拱桥的理论和实验模态分析

    Experimental and analytical modal analysis of a CFT arch bridge over Xining Beichuan River

  3. 北川河钢管混凝土刚架系杆拱的结构分析

    The structural analysis of Beichuan river concrete-filled steel tubular arch bridge with tied frame

  4. 北川河流域植被演替趋势是达到当地顶极群落-青海云杉-藓类林。

    The succession trends in the areas are to get to the climax community of Picea crassifolia + moss forest .

  5. 西甯市的海拔为2275米,市区坐落在湟水中游谷地,湟水及其支流南川河、北川河从西、南、北叁面汇合于市区,向东贯流全市。

    The river from west and its branches of Nanchuan River from south , and Beichuan River from north meet in the city and go eastward through the whole city .