
  • Detox;Detoxification;Detoxifying
  1. 圣诞节一番放纵之后排排毒或许是个不错的主意。

    It might be an idea to detox after the indulgences of Christmas

  2. 通过清洁排毒法对身体进行“大扫除”。

    Overhaul your body with a cleansing detox

  3. 每天擦洗皮肤有助于皮肤排毒。

    Daily brushing of the skin helps the skin expel toxins

  4. 许多人已经养成了每年进行一次身体排毒的习惯。

    Many people have made it a rule to detoxify once a year

  5. JOMO其实就是戒除社交瘾,跟九日果汁排毒的理念相同。

    JOMO is a social detox , the equivalent for the mind of the nine-day juice cleanse2 .

  6. 正是这些脂肪导致了腰间赘肉。事实纠正:喝排毒果汁就能一劳永逸地瘦身——这是个神话。我重复一遍,这是个神话。

    Reality check : It 's a myth -- I repeat , a myth -- that juice cleanses4 can whittle5 your waist for good .

  7. 孕妇生殖道Ⅱ型HSV无症状排毒率为3.07%;

    The asymptomatic genital shedding rate of type ⅱ HSV was 3.07 % .

  8. 试验鸡感染H5N1亚型禽流感病毒后排毒规律的研究

    Dynamic changes on shedding virus of experimental infection of chickens with avian influenza virus H5N1 subtype

  9. BluePrint于六年前创立,当时卖的是一种每天六瓶的化排毒产品,每天花费75美元(约合人民币450元)。

    BluePrint was founded six years ago to sell a six-bottle-a-day-cleanse product that costs $ 75 a day .

  10. 抗体表现阴性的猪不能阻止CSF野毒的侵袭,且有排毒和散毒危险。

    Pigs with negative antibody could not prevent against wild CSFV infection and there was a risk of excreting and diffusing CSFV .

  11. GSTs是生物体进行脱毒和排毒的重要方式。

    GSTs is the important way to detoxicate of biology .

  12. 实验过程中每天用棉拭子采集各实验组鸡的咽喉及泄殖腔黏液,进行微量血凝试验及RT-PCR检测,以确定各实验组鸡的排毒情况。

    During the course of test , oropharyngeal and cloacae swabs were collected every day from 6 groups , and then , AIV was inspected by HA test and RT-PCR .

  13. 排毒双调综合疗法对5/6肾切除CRF大鼠的疗效及血清NO含量的影响

    The Effect of Pai Du and Shuang Tiao Synthetic Therapy to the Contents of Serum NO on the CRF Rats with 5 / 6 Nephrectomy

  14. 补肾排毒合剂对慢性肾衰大鼠瘦素、瘦素受体及NPY表达的调控机制的研究

    The Study of the Mechanism of Adjusting the Leptin 、 Leptin Receptor and NPY Expression in CRF Rat by the Reinforcing Kidney and Exhausting Toxin Mixture

  15. 在其他条件已成功的排毒方案实际上可以把一些在医院CFS患者如果不首先解决他们的谷胱甘肽缺乏。

    Detox programs that have been successful in other conditions can actually put some CFS patients in the hospital if their glutathione deficiency is not first addressed .

  16. 这种宗教观念在如今的“节食排毒”(detoxdiets)饮食理念中得到延续。该饮食方式通常需要戒绝一切食物,只食用果汁之类的选定的“天然”产品。

    This religious notion survives in today 's " detox diets , " which often entail forswearing everything except selected " natural " products such as juices .

  17. HEVs具有独特的向外环境排毒的方式,病毒感染易感者后,受感染的个体无论有无临床症状都会持续向外环境排出带有病毒的粪便,大约持续数周。

    Once been infected , individuals with clinical symptoms or not will continually excrete feces with virus for several weeks .

  18. 海曼博士最新的一本著作名为《10天排毒餐的血糖解决方案》(TheBloodSugarSolution10-DayDetoxDiet),已于2月份出版。该书建议要避免食用糖、谷物、乳制品、豆类、酒精、咖啡因和加工食品。

    Dr. Hyman 's latest book , ' The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet , ' published in February , recommends avoiding all sugar , grains , dairy products , legumes , alcohol , caffeine and processed foods .

  19. 接触工龄越长,TNT白内障的检出率越高。预防控制TNT职业损害,要进行工艺改革,加强通风排毒,降低车间空气中TNT浓度,采取切实有效的皮肤防护措施。

    Improving the techniques , the ventilation and reducing the concentration of TNT in the workshop and skin protection should be strengthened in order to prevent and control TNT hazard .

  20. 纽约的营养师邦妮&12539;托布-迪克斯(BonnieTaub-Dix)将其称为清洁进食。她建议道:别吃那些排毒化品了。

    New York nutritionist Bonnie Taub-Dix calls it ' clean eating . ' She advises : ' Skip the cleanse .

  21. 对于进行液体化排毒的人,Suja在其网站销售套装。

    For people doing a liquid-only cleanse , Suja sells packages on its website .

  22. 低聚果糖(FOS)因其具有高效增殖双歧杆菌、排毒洁肠、预防龋齿和改善脂质代谢(降血脂及胆固醇)等生理功能,而逐渐受到消费者的青睐。

    Fructooligosaccharides ( FOS ) have efficient propagation of bifidobacteria , intestinal detoxification clean , prevention of dental caries , improve lipid metabolism ( fat and cholesterol ) and other physiological functions , people give more attention to them .

  23. 一家大型保险公司的前首席投资官安妮・波拉克(AnnePollack)说:“它打破你和食物的关系。”波拉克每年会在一名营养顾问的指导下做两次排毒,每次排毒持续三周。

    It breaks your relationship with food , ' says Anne Pollack , a former chief investment officer at a large insurance company , who does a detox twice a year for three weeks with a nutrition counselor .

  24. 经补肾排毒合剂治疗后,脑组织Ob-Ra、Ob-Rb的表达受抑制使NPY的表达有所恢复,肾Ob-Ra表达增强。

    After perfusing with the REM , the Ob-Ra Ob-Rb expression level was inhibited , which make NPY was reinforced in brain ; renal ob-ra expressed more strongly than CRF group .

  25. 一家大型保险公司的前首席投资官安妮&12539;波拉克(AnnePollack)说:它打破你和食物的关系。波拉克每年会在一名营养顾问的指导下做两次排毒,每次排毒持续三周。

    ' It breaks your relationship with food , ' says Anne Pollack , a former chief investment officer at a large insurance company , who does a detox twice a year for three weeks with a nutrition counselor .

  26. 对EDS-76试验感染鸡脏器带毒、排毒情况和临床样本的检测表明,双夹心ELISA方法对EDS-76病毒的检测特异性强、敏感度高、适合于成批样本的检测。

    The detection to the sample from experimental infected chickens and the clinical cases showed that the method of antibody sandwich ELISA has high sensitivity , good specify , and is suitable to test large numbers of samples .

  27. 安德森-霍洛维茨合伙人克里斯·迪克森(ChrisDixon)说,作为Soylent的投资人,这家公司的一些人甚至进行了一次“Soylent排毒食疗”,连续几天只喝这种液体。

    Some members of the firm , which has invested in Soylent , have even gone on a Soylent cleanse , drinking only the liquid for several days , said Chris Dixon , an Andreessen Horowitz partner .

  28. 部分,但仍像你猜测的那样,增加排毒。

    Partly , but also as you suspect , increased detoxing .

  29. 现在,此排毒疗程终于首次登陆马来西亚。

    Finally , it is making its maiden appearance in Malaysia .

  30. 但是很多主流权威专家并不承认排毒这一说法,称其为伪科学。

    But many mainstream experts dismiss the detox claims as pseudoscience .