
xǐ wèi
  • gastric lavage;gastrolavage
洗胃 [xǐ wèi]
  • [gastric lavage] 洗涤清除胃内容物。喻彻底改过自新。又以洗胃为文思益进之典

洗胃[xǐ wèi]
  1. 治疗中毒病例,洗胃比用催吐剂好

    Gastric lavage is preferable to emetics in poisoning .

  2. 胃镜牙垫在急诊洗胃插管中的应用

    Application of gastroscope bite block to catheterization during emergency gastric lavage

  3. 洗胃之后,她昨天出了院。

    She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped .

  4. B组为对照组,84例,给予催吐和洗胃。

    Those in group B , received only emetic and gastrolavage .

  5. 结果总洗胃时间:A组比B组缩短了11min(P<0.01);

    Results The overall time in gastric lavage of group A is shorter than that of group B by 11 minutes ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. SC系列自动洗胃机的研制

    Development of SC automatic gastric - lavage machine

  7. 洗胃预防新生儿咽下综合征效果的Meta分析

    Meta analysis of effect of gastric lavage to prevent newborns from swallowed blood syndrome

  8. 目的探讨重度新生儿窒息后24h内常规洗胃对胃肠功能的影响。

    Objective To discuss the influence of micro-feeding to gastrointestinal function after 24 h routine gastrolavage of severe neonatal asphyxia .

  9. 对照组患者采用催吐、洗胃、导泻、对症支持治疗的传统方法,PE组在应用一般疗法的基础上进行血浆置换术。

    The patients of control group were gave emetic , gastric lavage , catharsis and symptomatic treatment ; The patients of PE group applied plasma exchange therapy base on the general treatment .

  10. 方法对92例AOPP并呼吸衰竭机械通气患者分别采用切开洗胃及鼻胃管洗胃,每种洗胃方式又分空腹组和餐后组。

    Methods 92 cases of respiratory failure due to severe AOPP treated with mechanical ventilation were treated for gastric lavage with nasal gastric tube or gastrotomy .

  11. B组采用传统洗胃方法和插入长度;A组采用多孔胃管并延长插入长度10~15cm。

    Group B is treated by traditional method of gastric lavage with no change in insertion length , while group A is treated by porous stomach-tube with the insertion length of cannula being extended by 10 ~ 15 cm .

  12. 口含液体置胃管法用于中毒洗胃的研究Uchida法扎管组;

    Study on inserting stomach tube for intoxication gastrolavage with mouthful of water ( 2 ) Uchida 's ligature ;

  13. 方法采用延长胃管插入长度为55~70cm,用0.45%氯化钠溶液,每4h重复间歇洗胃3~6次。

    Method prolong the gastric tuber insertion up to 55 ~ 70 cm , and then washing the stomach 3 ~ 6 times per 4 hours by 0.45 % sodium chloride .

  14. SC-IA型洗胃机显示故障的处理及电路改进

    Elimination of the fault in the display circuit in SC-IA gastric-lavage machine and improvement of the circuit

  15. 目的在传统插管长度的基础上再延长插入10~15cm的临床研究来实现最佳洗胃效果。

    Objective Clinical study on extending insertion length by 10 ~ 15 cm , with length of cannula remaining the same , is made in order to achieve the best effect of gastric lavage .

  16. 方法选择经过院前系统救治后接回医院的174例SAOPP患者作为治疗组,自行前往医院或拒绝院前洗胃者160例为对照组。

    Methods One hundred and seventy-four patients with the pre-hospital systematic treatment served as the treatment group while 160 patients going to the hospital by themselves without treatment or rejecting gastrolavage served as the control group .

  17. 口服补液盐Ⅱ用于重度口服有机磷中毒重复洗胃40例临床研究

    ORS II used in repeated gastrolavage in severe oral organophosphorus intoxication

  18. 利眠宁中毒洗胃并发胃穿孔一例

    A case of stomach perforation during gastric lavage for chlordiazepoxide poisoning

  19. 去甲肾上腺素洗胃液对胃吸收有机磷农药影响的实验研究

    The effect of gastric noradrenaline lavage on absorption of organophosphorus pesticide

  20. 一种新型洗胃机的研制

    The study of a new type of intellectualized washing stomach machine

  21. 251例口服中毒患者洗胃的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 251 Orally Poisoned Patients Treated With Gastric Lavage

  22. 传统洗胃法盲区的观察及其临床意义

    The blind area in routine gastric lavage and its clinical significance

  23. 重复洗胃在有机磷农药中毒患儿中的应用

    Application of repeated gastric lavage for pediatric patients with organophosphate poisoning

  24. 48例小儿经口中毒洗胃体会

    Experience of gastric lavage based on 48 children cases of poisoning

  25. 急救口腔支架在洗胃及吸痰中的应用

    Applying of Emergency Oral Cavity Stand in Gastrolavage and Sputum Aspiration

  26. 群体桐籽中毒病人洗胃的护理

    Nursing Care of the Patients with Tung Nut Poisoning Receiving Gastric Lavage

  27. 重症有机磷农药中毒气管插管后洗胃的护理

    Nursing of acute severe organophosphorus pesticide poisoning cases treated with endotracheal intubation

  28. 急诊洗胃过程中牙垫固定洗胃管的效果观察

    Role of Lavaging Tube Fixation by Bite Block During Emergent Gastric Lavage

  29. 他现在正在医院洗胃呢!

    He 's in the hospital having his stomach pumped !

  30. 用温液做个洗胃。

    Let 's do a gastric lavage with warm fluids .