
jì lù zhǐ
  • record paper;recording paper;record sheet;log sheet
记录纸[jì lù zhǐ]
  1. 首先使用扫描仪将记录纸上的信号曲线转化为数字图像文件,并进行预处理;

    Firstly , a digital image file is acquired by scanning a signal curve , which is printed on record paper .

  2. 校准心电图走纸速度的方法,在实际操作中,钟表检查法不宜掌握、浪费记录纸、误差较大;

    There are some methods to adjust paper speed of electrocardiogram machine . In the actual operation , the watch inspection method is not suitably grasped , it wastes the record paper , the error is big ;

  3. 在传统的临床EEG检查中,主要是由脑电专家阅读记录纸上的多导脑电图,识别EEG中的癫痫特征波形,判断是否患有癫痫。

    During the traditional clinical EEG examination , it mostly depends on expert reading the multi-channel EEG and detecting the epileptic characteristic waves to diagnose epilepsy .

  4. 热敏记录纸发色层耐老化性的初步探讨

    Study on the Coating Film Aging Characteristics of Thermo_sensitive Recording Paper

  5. 记录纸以字符或表格的形式记录信息的纸。

    A sheet presenting information in the form of graphs or tables .

  6. 热敏记录纸用精细化学品的应用与发展

    Application of the Fine Chemicals for the Thermal Recording Paper and Its Progress

  7. 心电图记录纸的标准速度为每秒50毫米。

    The standard speed for the paper of the electrocardiograph is50mm per second .

  8. 圆形记录纸数据的数字图象提取方法

    The Extraction Method of Digital Image for Round Charts

  9. 用扫描仪从生理波形记录纸提取生理信号数据的方法

    A Method to Extract Digitalized Data of Physiological Waveforms form Recorded Paper by Using a Scanner

  10. 高附加值型热感记录纸

    High added - value thermosensitive paper

  11. 一个校准的热敏记录纸,然后固定在背后的全球弯曲持有人。

    A piece of calibrated heat-sensitive recording paper is then fixed to the curved holder behind the globe .

  12. 仅仅是说谎的行为才会在记录纸上产生“暴露内心”的墨迹吗?

    Is it only the act of telling a lie that produces the telltale patterns of inked lines on graph paper ?

  13. 因为稀释平板培养都是彼此的重复者,测定每毫升样品的重复细菌计数的平均数,而且登录在记录纸上。

    Since the dilutions plated are replicates of each other , determine the average of the duplicate bacterial counts per ml of sample and record in the chart .

  14. 介绍了无碳复写纸、感热记录纸、喷墨打印纸等特种纸功能染料的现状和最新进展。

    The paper gives a review on the present situation and advance of functional dyes for special paper such as carbonless copy paper , thermal recording paper , ink-jet printing paper .

  15. 我要让自己记住,我不是在治疗一张病人发烧的记录纸也不是恶性肿瘤本身,而是一个活生生的人。他的病可能会影响到他的家人以及造成沉重的家庭经济负担。

    I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart , a cancerous growth , but a sick human being , whose illness mayaffect the person 's family and economic stability .

  16. 主要讨论如何将记录纸上的曲线信号准确采进计算机,从而利用我们的配套软件对此离散信号进行数据处理以提取各种特征信息。

    We mainly introduce how to sample various curve , signals which were depicted on the tracing paper into computer precisely , Afterwards , applying our developed softwares to process these discrete signals , and to extract various characteristic information for some application ;

  17. 他不能以尽快的速度记录在纸上。

    He can 't get it down on paper fast enough .

  18. 的意思是把某事物记录在纸上。

    ' to write down'means to record something on paper .

  19. 我从这张25年前记录的纸上一字不差地把这些文字摘抄下来贴在这里:

    Here it is , reproduced verbatim from her 25-year-old sheet of paper :

  20. 儿童的预防注射被记录在纸上,存放在医生诊所和家里。

    Childhood immunizations are recorded on paper and kept in the doctor 's office and at home .

  21. 上世纪80年代,动物血统信息都记录在纸上,如今大多数信息都进入了电脑数据库。

    Around since the1980s in paperback form , most of today 's studbooks are in computerized databases .

  22. 最好是在需求改进需求之前,首先将需求记录在纸上。

    It is best to get the requirements down on paper first , before seeking to improve them .

  23. 金属玻璃或纸板磁盘,涂有漆或蜡,用于记录声音纸的表面就会用墨水记录下地板运动的情况。

    Disc , of metal glass or paperboard coated with lacquer or wax , to be impressed with sound its movement would be recorded in ink upon its surface .

  24. 显影剂用于使记录在感光纸上的图象可见的化学物质。

    A chemical used to render visible the image recorded on a photosensitive surface .

  25. 本系统实现了生殖中心从手工记录到无纸化操作的转变,提高工作效率的同时实现治疗过程的质量控制。

    This system changed the manual records into paperless operations , improves work efficiency and performs the quality control process in the reproductive center .

  26. 课题研究的系统操作简单,实现了计量的智能检测和计量记录的无纸化管理。具有效率高,误差小,可移植性强和后续开发能力强等特点。

    This design pattern makes the system operation easily ; realize the measurement of intelligent detection and measurement record paperless management , high efficiency , little error and portability strong and subsequent development ability etc.

  27. 或者可以用数码相机记录下写字板纸/白板上的内容,照片可以上传到一个文件共享空间或传送到团队的wiki上。

    Or the team may choose to use a digital camera to record notes from flipcharts / whiteboards so the photos can be upload a shared file space or transcribed onto a team wiki .

  28. 她在法庭上所做的陈述全部记录在这张纸上。

    Her account at the court was down here on the paper .

  29. 一张记录工作计划的纸。

    A piece of paper recording work planned or done on a project .

  30. 负责印制各相关岗位的记录本、记录纸,负责与各供应商、承包商之间来往文件资料的管理工作,建立相关管理档案。

    Be responsible for the print of position registering book and registering paper-sheet in various positions , also manage the files and information transfer between SECCO hsse , vendors and contactors in normal production , and install each relative management files system .