
jiǎn yàn fǎ
  • Inspection method;method of inspection
  1. 四格表的Fisher检验法及其BASIC程序

    Fisher 's Test Method of Fourfold Table and Its BASIC Program

  2. 经F检验法及t检验法检验,两种方法的结果没有明显差异。

    F-test and t-test prove that the method is reliable .

  3. 对U检验法使用的探讨

    An Examination on the Application of U-test

  4. 对C波段实测雷达海杂波数据进行了统计分析,并为分析杂波拖尾特性构造了修正的均方差检验法;

    C band real radar sea-clutter data were analyzed and the modified mean square difference test for analyzing the tail of clutter was constructed .

  5. 风险价值VaR的F检验法

    The F Test of Value - at-Risk

  6. 用SR检验法,检验了品种间的差异程度;

    The different degree among varieties is measured with SR - test method .

  7. 结果针对有重复和无重复两种资料,提出了散点图轮廓判断法和F检验法。

    Results We provided a statistical method ( scatter gram , F-test ) to repeated data and non-repeated data .

  8. 采用Laplace趋势检验法对模型进行了检验验证。

    Laplace tendency test method was used to examine the model .

  9. 通过使用残差的卡方检验法,对多种非平稳ARMA模型生成的模拟波进行检验;

    Chi-Square verification tests are performed in the different nonstationary ARMA model .

  10. 组间比较采用LSD检验法,以P0.05表示差异有统计学意义。

    LSD test was used to compare among groups .

  11. CRC差错检验法在PC机与8031单片机串行通讯中的应用

    The Application on Series Communication Between PC and Microprocessor Using CRC Error Detecting Method

  12. 针对传统F检验法只能用于已知变异点的检验,而无法用于变异点的识别问题,本文提出了滑动F识别与检验法。

    Usually , the statistical method of F test is used to test change-point , but it cant be used to check out change-point .

  13. 用蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)模拟方法和t检验法对气象要素的长期变化进行了统计检验。

    Monte Carlo simulation approach and t-test method are used in checking the significance of the long term changes of meteorological elements .

  14. 其聚类结果很大程度上受闽值名的影响,所以本文采用F检验法确定最佳阈值的选择。

    The result is big affected by the threshold ,λ, and in the paper we introduce the way of F-test to estimate the optimal threshold .

  15. 采用游程检验法分析了该陀螺仪随机漂移数据的平稳性,并根据该漂移为均值非平稳、方差平稳的随机过程的结论,采用梯度径向基(RBF)神经网络对漂移数据进行了建模。

    The analysis , which is based on run test , shows that the drift is not a weak stationary random process .

  16. 运用科克兰(Cocnran)Q检验法,将黄河流域湿地分为河道湿地型、河滨湿地型、河口型3类。

    Based on Cochran-Q Test , wetlands of Yellow River valley could be divided into three types : channel wetland , riparian wetland and estuary wetland .

  17. 并且在对系统进行故障检测方面,提出了一种新的组合式X2检验法。

    And in the fault detection , a new integrated chi-square test is proposed .

  18. 利用二维AR模型对各等级路面进行了虚拟重构,利用F检验法和相关指数法对重构路面进行检验与分析。

    Each class of virtual pavement is reconstructed by two-dimensional AR model , and reconstruction results are tested and analyzed by using the F-test and associated index method .

  19. 对F检验法与AIC准则建模进行了比较,表明F检验法建模是合理的。

    A comparison is made between F testing method and AIC criterion method , which leads a result that the F testing method is reasonable .

  20. 本文应用F检验法处理机油光谱分析数据,实现对机械设备的工况监测和故障诊断。

    In this paper , we deal with the data of oil light spectrum analysis by using F & test and realize technical conditions monitoring and trouble diagnosis for mechanical equipment .

  21. 方法应用符号检验法及Wilcoxon符号秩检验法。

    Method s : Sign test and Wilcoxon signed ranks test were applied .

  22. 结果两组总有效率用U检验法比较有显著差异,治疗组有效率显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Results The total response rate between two groups was obviously different with u test , the total response rate of the therapeutic group was obviously higher than the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  23. SPRT检验法和小波变换法在管道泄漏检测中的应用

    Pipeline Leak Detection Based on SPRT and Wavelet Transform

  24. 条纹扫描Ronchi检验法测量波像差

    Fringe Scanning Ronchi Test for Measuring the wavefront Aberration

  25. 本文使用Granger和Sims因果关系检验法发现,中国的保险供给与保险需求之间不存在因果关系。

    This text use Granger and Sims causality examine law find there is no causality between insurance supply and insurance demand of China .

  26. 对Wilcoxon秩和检验法的改进

    Improvements in Wilcoxon rank sum test

  27. 通过对实测数据统计分析以及经x2检验法验证,停靠时间不符合正态分布。

    Stopping time distributions do not accord with normal distribution by statistically analyzing empirical data and x ~ 2 test method testing .

  28. 数据间差异性测定采用Mann-Whitney非参检验法。

    Mann-Whitney test was used for data comparison .

  29. 实证结果表明F检验法的结果对滞后期的选择比较敏感,最小化FPE法更加稳定。

    The empirical results show that the result of F-test method is sensitive to lags , but the method of minimizing the FPE is more stable .

  30. 并采用了X2拟合优度检验法和偏度、峰度检验法对它们进行了假设检验。

    Furthermore the correctness of normal distribution has been proved by the hypothesis testing of X2 goodness of-fit testing and the skewness-kurtosis testing .