
jiǎn yì cuò shī
  • quarantine measures
  1. 结论根据检测到的IgG和IgM抗体结果,应对早期潜伏期梅毒和晚期潜伏期梅毒,分别采取不同的卫生检疫措施。

    Conclusion Different quarantine measures should be adopted respectively for cases of early latent and later latent syphilis according to the result of syphilis IgG and IgM tests .

  2. 蝴蝶兰有害生物防治及其检疫措施

    Prevention of pests in moth orchid and quarantine measures

  3. 这项检疫措施现已取消。

    The quarantine is now abolished .

  4. 该报告已经成为我国制定进口动物遗传物质检疫措施的重要科学依据,并被WTO主要成员国家所接受。

    This IRA reports have been becoming to scientific bases for the state to make up measures of importing animals semen , and have been is accepted by main WTO members .

  5. 乌拉圭回合之后,世界贸易组织制定了《关于实施动植物卫生检疫措施的协议》(SPS协议)。

    Since the Uruguay Round , the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures ( the SPS Agreement ) has come into effect .

  6. 加强进口水果的有害生物风险分析(PRA)工作,使限制进口水果的检验检疫措施建立在科学合理的基础之上;

    To strengthen pest risk analysis ( PRA ) of entry fruit to provide scientific evidences for restricting measures of entry fruit .

  7. WTO成员要想成功援引《卫生和动植物检疫措施协定》必须满足以国际标准为基础、以科学证据为基础的风险评估、保护水平适当和有关同等待遇的规定等适格性条件。

    The successful adoption of SPS for members of WTO requires such proper conditions as the risk evaluation based on the international ( criterions ) and scientific evidence , the proper protection level and the regulations as to the equal treatment .

  8. 首先论述了WTO《农产品协议》的主要内容,包括市场准入、国内支持承诺、出口竞争承诺、卫生与动植物检疫措施等;

    This paper discusses the main content of " WTO agreement on agriculture " at first , which consists of market accession , domestic support commitment , export allowance to agricultural products , sanitary and plants and animals phytosanitary measures , and so on .

  9. 简要地说,国际植物保护公约(IPPC)为国内植物检疫措施的调和提供了一个国际框架。

    In brief , the IPPC provides an international framework for the harmonization of national phytosanitary measures .

  10. 然而对该法规开放后被滥用而成为贸易的一个多余的障碍的关注引发近来越发多的有关技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)与动植物卫生检疫措施的协议。

    However the concern that this legislation was open to abuse as an unnecessary barrier to trade gave rise to more recent agreements on Technical Barrier to Trade ( TBT ) and SPS measures .

  11. 因此,对其疫区国家输华木材、木质包装采取紧急的植物检疫措施是必要和紧迫的,完全符合SPS协议原则和国际惯例。

    Consequently , it is necessary and urgent to take emergency measures to wood and wooden packages imported into China from quarantine areas , at the same time it is in accordance with the principle of SPS ' and international practice .

  12. 国境口岸传染性非典型肺炎检疫措施的研究

    Discussion on perfecting quarantine measure for SARS in frontier ports

  13. 提出了采取营林措施、检疫措施、人工、生物、化学防治等防治措施。

    Control methods were offered such as silviculture , quarantine , biological and chemical control .

  14. 以往的经验表明,不必要采取检疫措施并对人员和货物流动加以禁止。

    Past experience shows that quarantine measures and embargoes on the movement of people and goods are unnecessary .

  15. 为此,我国采取了一系列严格的检疫措施,有效地防止地中海实蝇传入。

    China has taken a series of strict quarantine measures and prevented the entry of Mediterranean fruit fly effectively .

  16. 但官方表示,这项规定不能包含需要征收出口关税、实施检验检疫措施的商品。

    But officials suggest it cannot apply with products that need to export tariffs and inspection and quarantine measures .

  17. 青岛市政府表示,将加强风险评估和口岸检疫措施,以更好地控制疫情。

    The city government says it will enhance risk assessment and port quarantine measures to better curb the epidemic .

  18. 国际贸易中动植物卫生检疫措施的壁垒含义分析

    An Analysis of the Trade Barriers Caused by the Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary Measures ( SPS ) in International Trade Contexts

  19. 从广州番禺出口竹木草制品检验检疫措施看贵州竹木草制品出口的发展

    Thinking for Exporting Development of Bamboo , Wood and Grass Products from the View of the Inspection and Quarantine Measure in Guizhou

  20. 支持所有现有水果和蔬菜的加工将不受国家预算上限管制,并将增加植物的卫生检疫措施。

    All existing support for processed fruit and vegetables will be decoupled and the national budgetary ceilings for the SPS will be increased .

  21. 2004~2005年度我国主要贸易伙伴技术壁垒、检疫措施最新实施情况回顾(连载四)

    Retrospection on technique vallation of Chinese primary commerce buddies and the latest implement condition of quarantine measures , 2004 ~ 2005 ( 4 )

  22. 鉴于此,我国应加强苜蓿黄萎病菌的植物检疫措施力度,严防该病的传入或扩散。

    Therefore , the quarantine measures should be strengthened accordingly in the above-mentioned areas so as to prevent the introduction or spreading of Verticillium albo-atrum .

  23. 根据国际植物检疫措施标准,对我国进境台湾繁殖材料可能携带的植物病毒进行风险评估。

    According to the international standards for phytosanitary measures , the PRA of plant virus for the propagating materials imported from Taiwan was carried out .

  24. 没有必要采取边境检疫措施,这种措施会转移资源并可能妨碍各机构和各国家之间的合作。

    There is no need to establish quarantine measures at the border , a measure that diverts resources and may hamper cooperation between institutions and countries .

  25. 然而政策已在国际层面存在,至少可追溯至19世纪,其目的在于调整植物检疫措施以便在一个更宽泛的领域提升生物安全性。

    However policy has existed at an international level , since at least the19th century , with the aim of coordinating phytosanitary measures to improve biosafety over wider areas .

  26. 所有这些风险都可通过检疫措施来缓和:调整引入资源的形态与属性、削减高风险资源或使其服从检疫与治疗。

    All such risks are alleviated through quarantine measures : regulating the form and nature of incoming material , eliminating high-risk material or subjecting it to quarantine and therapy .

  27. 台北市政府称,由于还要完成引进手续和检疫措施方面的程序,这两只大熊猫可能无法在今年年底之前到达台湾。

    Due to the import procedures and quarantine measures , the two pandas might not arrive in Taiwan before the end of the year , according to the Taipei city government .

  28. 同时从不同角度分析了害虫发生的主客观原因,探讨了害虫发生与环境条件、竹林管理水平、某些非生物因素以及检疫措施等因素之间的关系。

    The relationship between pests ' occurring and the factors of environmental conditions , the management level of the bamboo forest , some other abiological factors and the quarantine measures is explored .

  29. 他补充表示,从疫情爆发之初,中国医务人员就为遏制疫情做出了艰苦的努力,中国的全覆盖式检疫措施证明了这一点。

    He adds that from the very start of the epidemic , Chinese medical personnel have worked very hard to contain the outbreak , as demonstrated by China 's extensive quarantine measure .

  30. 两支小组利用计算机模型模拟了在泰国爆发禽流感。他们模拟了不同的策略来控制疫情爆发,利用不同药物组合、疫苗和检疫措施来确定防止该病毒传播的最佳途径。

    They simulated different strategies for controlling the outbreak , using varying combinations of drugs , vaccines , and quarantine methods to determine the best way to prevent the virus from spreading .