
  • 网络quarantine treatment
  1. 木包装材料高频加热检疫处理技术研究

    Research on High Frequency Heating Quarantine Treatment Technology for Wood Packaging Materials

  2. 溴甲烷是检疫处理上最常用的一种薰蒸剂。

    Methyl bromide is the most commonly used fumigant in quarantine treatment .

  3. 北美植物保护组织(NAPPO),包括加拿大、墨西哥和美国,也已接受辐照作为新鲜水果和蔬菜的检疫处理方法。

    The North American Plant Protection Organization ( NAPPO ) which in-eludes Canada , Mexico and the U.S.A.has also accepted irradiation as a quarantine treatment of fresh fruits and vegetables .

  4. 出口苗木寄生线虫检疫处理技术的研究

    Studies on quarantine techniques for parasitic nematodes in export garden plants Export Procedures

  5. 微波技术在我国有害生物检疫处理中的应用现状

    Advances in application of microwave technology to pest quarantine

  6. 冷藏常用于水果和蔬菜的检疫处理。

    Cold storage is commonly used as a quarantine treatment for fruits and vegetables .

  7. 使用杀虫浸泡作为检疫处理时应考虑残留的问题。

    Residue problem should be taken into consideration when insecticide dips are used as quarantine treatment .

  8. 江苏进出口园林植物寄生线虫调查及检疫处理技术

    Investigation on parasite nematodes of import and export garden plants in jiangsu privies and treatment technique in quarantine

  9. 免检:对经园区中转、转口至境外的货物,一般不再实施检验和检疫处理。

    Simplified Inspection and Quarantine : The goods which transfer or re-export through park to oversea usually will not need to implement Inspection and Quarantine procedure .

  10. 在其领土内实施的任何控制和检查程序、生产和检疫处理方法、杀虫剂允许量和食品添加剂批准程序;

    Any control and inspection procedures , production and quarantine treatment , pesticide tolerance and food additive approval procedures , which are operated within its territory ;

  11. 但由于该试验的处理对象是裸露的菌瘿,要将该方法应用于现场检疫处理,还需进一步做验证试验。

    However , the handling object of the test was bare bacteria gall , further verification tests should be done before the method was applied in quarantine .

  12. 目前,在粮食储藏、粮食检疫处理和粮食加工领域,急需开发更多的熏蒸剂和其它防治害虫的新方法,特别是物理的方法。

    The present situation urgently calls to develop more fumigants and other approaches especially physical methods for disinfestation in the field of grain storage , grain quarantine treatments and grain processing plants .

  13. 本研究的结果表明:加入10%~20%,可望显著降低硫酰氟用于检疫处理,特别是集装箱熏蒸的用药量。

    These results indicate that the application rates of sulphuryl fluoride used for quarantine treatment purpose , especially for treatment of cargo containers may be markedly reduced by the simultaneous addition of 10 % ~ 20 % CO 2 .

  14. 进口藤害虫检疫与处理

    Study on quarantine and treatment of imported rattan pests

  15. 拒绝的组分,包材,标签与产品被适当检疫与处理。

    Rejected components , packaging , labeling , and products are appropriately quarantined and dispositioned .

  16. 除害处理方法和专用标识应当符合国家质检总局公布的检疫除害处理方法和标识要求。

    The method of harm-elimination treatment and special marks shall be line with those as announced by the GAQSIQ .

  17. 木包装检疫除害处理是国际贸易过程的关键环节,处理效果会直接影响贸易活动的成败,因此世界各国都非常重视木包装检疫除害处理技术和方法的研究。

    Wood packaging phytosanitary treatments are the key sector in the international trade , which may have a direct impact on the success of the trading activities .

  18. 对国内近年植物检疫除害处理技术几个方面的研究进行了综述,从总体看,高效、环保除害技术是未来植物检疫除害处理技术研究的基本要求和发展方向。

    The advances in the research of the technology of plant quarantine treatments were reviewed in this paper , which showed that the highly effective and environment-friendly technologies are needed in the future .

  19. 出入境检验检疫局单证处理系统

    Policy and Certificate Processing System for CIQ

  20. 通过国外对我国出口商品木包装的主要检疫对象和处理措施,提出了应采取的主要技术对策。

    The writer wants to introduce some main technical countermeasures to the quarantine that foreign countries require on wood packaging of china 's export commodities .

  21. 我国天牛的进出口检疫现状及处理对策我国贸易出现出超(出口量大於进口量)。

    Present Situation and Countermeasure of Imports and Exports Quarantine of Chinese Longicorn Beetles Our trade is in surplus , ie We are exporting more than we are importing .

  22. 所测得的昆虫温度变化过程的一些数据将会给昆虫的检疫以及射频热处理杀虫技术提供有价值的参考。

    The data about temperature history of insect pests offers valuable reference insects quarantine and RF insecticidal treatment technology .

  23. [方法]通过检疫查验和卫生处理掌握入境交通工具、集装箱、货物、邮包和行李携带鼠类的情况。

    Methods rats infestation situation in entry vehicles , containers , cargoes , parcel posts , and luggages were be found by quarantine inspection and sanit (?)

  24. 第三十二条邮寄进境的动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物,经检疫或者除害处理合格后放行;

    Article 32 Animals or plants , animal or plant products or other quarantine objects that enter the country by post shall be released if they pass the quarantine inspection or conform to the standards after the treatment of disinfection and disinfestation ;

  25. 经检疫不合格又无有效方法作除害处理的,作退回或者销毁处理,并签发《检疫处理通知单》。

    Those that fail in quarantine inspection and are unable to be treated by disinfection and disinfestation with effective methods shall be returned or destroyed , and the Quarantine Treatment Notice shall be issued .

  26. 入境后在出入境检验检疫机构指定的地点实施集中检疫,集中处理。

    The wooden packing materials shall be collected to the designated place for quarantine and disposal by the inspection and quarantine authorities after entry .