
  1. 通过与世界卫生组织共同制定200项食品法典国际规范来保护消费者并作为解决世贸组织卫生和植物检疫法规方面争端的基准。

    Through the establishment with WHO of200 Codex Alimentarius norms to protect consumers and serve as benchmarks for resolving disputes over WTO sanitary and phytosanitary regulations .

  2. 全部包装或包装的任一部分均应满足中国动植物卫生检疫法律、法规的规定。

    All or any part of the packages must be in conformity with the requirements specified in the sanitary and phytosanitary laws and regulations of China .

  3. 植物检疫证书是证明货物的植物检疫状况符合植物检疫法规的官方文件。

    PhytosANitary certificate is AN official document which attests to the phytosANitary status of ANy consignment affected by phytosANitary regulations .