
  • 网络plant megafossils;macrofossil;plant macrofossil
  1. 关于维管植物大化石保存方式术语的商榷

    Terminology of the Modes of Preservation of Vascular Plant Megafossils : A Discussion

  2. 孢子花粉与植物大化石:地质记录的差异及其古植物学意义

    Spores and pollen vs plant megafossils : discrepancy of geological records and their palaeobotanical significance

  3. 她回顾了四条证据:含有精神活性植物的大化石,发酵的酒精饮料残留物,文物和遗骨的活性生物碱(化合物)以及精神活性植物和饮用场景的艺术描写。

    She reviewed four lines of evidence : macrofossil remains of psychoactive plants , residues from fermented alcoholicdrinks , psychoactive alkaloids ( chemical compounds ) on artifacts and skeletalremains , and artistic depictions of psychoactive plants and drinking scenes .