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HPLC Fingerprint Data Establishment for Pueraria Lobata ( Willd ) Ohwi in DABIE Mountains and Study on the Protection Effects of Its Phytochemicals Against Ethanol-induced Neurotoxicity
Structure-activity relationship of anthocyanin phytochemicals in inhibiting oxidized-stress injury of vascular endothelial cells
Through add chemical preparation plants or its content of food is higher in high pollution area to prevent the function of AFT lead to PHC attracted more and more researchers ' attention .
Additionally , the arguer states that soy contains phytochemicals called isoflavones , which supposedly have disease-preventing properties .
Conclusion : The PHLC-DPPH flow injection hyphenated technique could realize high-flux screening analysis for antioxidant of phytochemicals .
It turns out that soy contains phytochemicals called isoflavones , which have been found to possess disease-preventing properties .
Phytochemicals , especially phenolics , in fruits and vegetables are thought to be the major bioactive compounds for the health benefits .
Experimental Demonstration of Efficacy of Coordinated Application of Sex-Attractant and Agricultural , Biological Control Technology to Control Rice Stem Borer , Chilo suppressalis
To compare the anti-fatigue effect of quercetin with other common phytochemicals for the development of new anti-fatigue functional foods containing phytochemicals . 3 .
Then the alcoholic liver disease ( ALD ) and its pathogenesis are depicted in brief , as well as the treatment of ALD by natural plant chemicals .
Background and Objective Currently , the natural plant chemical study of biological effects has become a hot topic in the area of food and pharmacy research . Researchers try to find biological compounds from plant , do the problem of relieving and resolving various diseases .
The possible mechanism of Aflatoxin B_1 Hepatocarcinogenesis and preventive effects of phytochemicals
Research shows that some plant chemicals such as chlorophyll , tea polyphenol , flavonoids compounds has a unique anti-cancer effects in the neighborhood of cancer prevention .
Epidemiological studies have also found that the intake of flavonoid phytochemicals which are widely distributed in the plant food such as vegetables , fruits , cereals and beans are negatively correlated to the initiation and development of AS and cardiovascular diseases .
Modern Nutriology considers that there are many kinds of bioactive compounds being called phytochemicals in plant food , excepting the traditional nutritional ingredients such as protein , fat , carbohydrate , vitamin and mineral .