
bào yǐn bào shí
  • eat and drink too much;be crapulent;crapulous;eat and drink too much at one meal
暴饮暴食 [bào yǐn bào shí]
  • [crapulous;eatand drink too much at one meal] 又猛又急地大量吃喝,使身体失调

暴饮暴食[bào yǐn bào shí]
  1. 减少次数和分量,才不会产生暴饮暴食的现象。

    Reduce frequency and weight , ability won 't produce the phenomenon that eat and drink too much .

  2. 在饮食上她们偏重高热量食品,饭量大,有暴饮暴食的不良习惯。

    On food high fever of their lay particular stress on measures food , appetite is big , have the undesirable habit that eat and drink too much .

  3. 暴饮暴食是七宗罪之一。

    Gluttony is a deadly sin .

  4. 如果你常常因为沮丧而暴饮暴食,首先应该设法找到悲伤的原因。

    If you tend to overeat because of depression , first take steps to recognize the source of your sadness .

  5. 黑暗的环境更容易导致暴饮暴食,因为人们在光线不好的地方自我感觉能力差,可能会吃下更多的食物。

    Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating , for people are often less self-conscious when they 're in poorly lit places — and so more likely to eat lots of food .

  6. 草案还明确,禁止制作、传播宣扬量大多吃、暴饮暴食等浪费食品的节目或者音视频信息。违反规定的,由管理部门责令整改,给予警告;拒不改正,处一万元以上十万元以下罚款。

    The draft also clarifies the ban on making or broadcasting programs or videos related to excessive eating , noting that violators who refuse to correct the problem after being warned by cyberspace administrations will be fined from 10000 yuan to 100000 yuan .

  7. 该法还明确,禁止制作、传播宣扬量大多吃、暴饮暴食等浪费食品的节目或者音视频信息。违反规定的,由管理部门责令整改,给予警告;拒不改正,处一万元以上十万元以下罚款。

    The law also clarifies the ban on making or broadcasting programs or videos related to excessive eating , noting that violators who refuse to rectify the problem after being warned by regulatory agencies will be fined from 10000 yuan to 100000 yuan .

  8. 前不久,亚拉巴马大学伯明翰分校(UniversityofAlabamaatBirmingham)的科学家们和另一个研究机构试验通过运动对抗学习后的暴饮暴食。

    Scientists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and another institution recently experimented with exercise to counter such post -- study food binges .

  9. 肥胖儿的皮脂厚度大于对照组(P<0.01),在饭量、暴饮暴食等8个方面肥胖组与对照组有显著性差异。

    The obese children had thicker skinfold thickness as compared with the controls ( P < 0.01 ) . There were obvious differences between the tow groups in appetite , eating and drinking the much at one meal .

  10. 相反,香蕉是零脂肪食品,拥有大量抗性淀粉(简称RS,一种健康的碳水化合物),会帮你填饱肚子,并驱走暴饮暴食的欲望。

    Rather , bananas are a zero fat food loaded with resistant starch ( RS ), a healthy carbohydrate that fills you up and keeps those cravings away .

  11. 两餐间隔时间越短、经常吃零食、BMI值越大、经常暴饮暴食的人群,TG水平比较高。

    The shorter two meal time intervals , the more intake of snack , the higher BMI , the more overeat and overdrink , the higher level of TG is .

  12. 多年来,莫里斯一直在接受金医生(DrKing)的诊治。金医生总是一边告诉莫里斯他的身体非常健康,一边又警告他不要暴饮暴食。

    Morris has been for many years a patient under Dr King , an old-fashioned GP who used to tell him he was in fair health while warning him not to eat and drink so much .

  13. 我们的研究显示出一个人可以通过摄取CB1拮抗剂来对抗暴饮暴食。

    " Our research suggests that one can target binge eating with a peripheral CB1 antagonist ," says Piomelli .

  14. 路德维希博士是哈佛大学公共卫生学院(HarvardT.H.ChanSchoolofPublicHealth)的肥胖症专家和营养学教授,他认为,人要是吃错了东西,就会引发激素紊乱,陷入“想吃—饥饿—暴饮暴食”的恶性循环,结果就是体重开始增加。

    Dr. Ludwig , an obesity expert and professor of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health , argues that weight gain begins when people eat the wrong types of food , which throws their hormones out of whack and sets off a cycle of cravings , hunger and bingeing .

  15. 医生劝他不要再暴饮暴食了。

    The doctor advised him to lay off eating and drinking excessively .

  16. 动物研究表明,摄入糖分会导致暴饮暴食、戒断不良反应和内心产生极度渴望。

    Animal studies show sugar consumption causes bingeing , withdrawal and craving .

  17. 当然,或许你会经不住诱惑暴饮暴食,

    Of course , you might be tempted to eat too much ,

  18. 哦,别暴饮暴食。

    Oh , don 't eat too much and drink too much .

  19. 你想要长生不老却暴饮暴食,你想关系友好却又剥削他人。

    You want longevity and overeat , you want friendship and exploit .

  20. 过节不一定要暴饮暴食和过度放纵。

    The holidays don 't have to be about gluttony and overindulgence .

  21. 专家发现缺乏自尊是造成暴饮暴食的一个主要原因。

    Experts note that low self-esteem is a major cause of overeating .

  22. 莱瓦克说,这和纠正暴饮暴食这种坏习惯相似。

    Think about a bad habit like overeating , Dr. Levak says .

  23. 疲劳、暴饮暴食、情绪波动是诱发恶性心律失常的主要因素。

    Fatigue , crapulence and emotional lability are main causes inducing malignant arrhythmias .

  24. 上次允许自己暴饮暴食是什么时候?

    When was the last time you gave yourself permission to be pampered ?

  25. 幸运的是,在火鸡日那天暴饮暴食没什么丢人的。

    Fortunately , there 's no shame in over-eating on " Turkey Day " .

  26. 暴饮暴食还引发很多人对冬季体重飙升的担忧。

    Overeating and drinking also leaves many with excess winter weight to worry about .

  27. 特别是暴饮暴食更容易造成胃痛或胃肠道疾病。

    In particular it easier for overeating or stomach pain caused by gastrointestinal diseases .

  28. 闻闻薄荷香气能够非常有效地减少饥饿感,还可以预防暴饮暴食。所以不如在你的餐盘里加上点薄荷叶子吧!

    It can also prevent overeating - simply add some peppermint to your dishes .

  29. 饥饿的身体会降低新陈代谢速度,从而导致晚些时候暴饮暴食。

    Starving the body can slow down its metabolism and lead to overeating later .

  30. 怎样才能控制住即将到来的暴饮暴食呢?

    So what can be done to keep the gluttony under something resembling control ?