
  • 网络rainstorm flood;storm flood;flood
  1. 2005年洮儿河镇西水文站暴雨洪水特性分析。

    Analysis for the features of the rainstorm flood in the hydrologic station of the west of Taohe town in2005 .

  2. 梧州2005.6暴雨洪水分析

    Analyze the rainstorm flood occurred in June of 2005 in Wuzhou

  3. 8月12日,湖北省防汛抗旱指挥部启动防汛Ⅲ级应急响应。8月12日,水利部增派了4个工作组赴湖北、安徽、江西3省指导暴雨洪水防范应对工作。

    The flood control and drought relief headquarters of Hubei province activated Level III emergency response for flood control on Thursday .

  4. 预计8月中下旬,黄河、海河、长江部分河段可能发生超警洪水,台风降雨可能引发区域性暴雨洪水。近期我国西南、长江中下游等地局部暴雨洪水频发。

    Water levels are likely to exceed the warning levels in some sections of the Yellow River , Yangtze River and Haihe River in mid-to-late August , with typhoons triggering regional downpours and floods .

  5. 研制了包括Sacramento模型、Tank模型、API模型、新安江模型等多种洪水预报模块,并形成了浑河流域暴雨洪水预报系统。

    Developing lots of flood forecasting models , including Sacramento Model , Tank Model , API Model and Xin'an River Model , and forming the storm and flood forecasting schemes in the Hun basin .

  6. 三是在每km2的控制范围内,要有骨干坝0.3座、淤地坝1.0座,坝系的整体布局与结构要达到合理,使暴雨洪水达到均衡分配;

    There should be 0.3 main dam and 1.0 check dam within one kilo squire meter . The overall layout and structure of dam system should be rational so that storm flood could be distributed harmoniously .

  7. 沃尔什函数在暴雨洪水长期预报分析中的初步应用

    The application of Walsh function to long-range forecast of storm flood

  8. 北京山区暴雨洪水成因分析

    Analysis on the Causes of the Floods in Beijing Mountain Area

  9. 深圳河流域6.13特大暴雨洪水特性分析

    Flood Characteristic Analysis of 6.13 Super Rainstorm in Shenzhen River Valley

  10. 工程随机模型在暴雨洪水分析计算中的应用

    Application of Engineering Stochastic Model in the Analysis of Storm Flood

  11. 陆气耦合模型在实时暴雨洪水预报中的应用

    Application of a coupled atmospheric-hydrological modeling system to real-time flood forecast

  12. 19世纪是我国特大暴雨洪水发生期

    A Catastrophic Rainstorm and flood period in china & 19th Century

  13. 流域暴雨洪水天气成因相似性分析

    Analysis of similarity for flash flood weather origin in river basin

  14. 对陕北84.7暴雨洪水的讨论

    Discussion on the ' 84.7 ' rainstorm-flood in Northern Shaanxi

  15. 暴雨洪水相似性分析指标体系研究

    A Study on the Index System for Storm-Flood Resemblance Analyzing

  16. 贵州特小流域暴雨洪水计算

    Heavy Rain and Flood Calculation of Guizhou very Small Basins

  17. 贺江流域特大暴雨洪水特性分析

    Analysis of extraordinary storm flood characteristics of Hejiang river basin

  18. 龙江流域00·6暴雨洪水分析

    Analysis of " 00.6 " storm flood in the Longjiang river valley

  19. 柳江96.7暴雨洪水分析

    Analysis of the 96.7 storm flood of the Liujiang river

  20. 里下河建湖片2003年暴雨洪水分析。

    Analysis to torrential rain and the floods of the Lixiahe in2003 .

  21. 面雨量计算方法对小流域暴雨洪水模拟精度的影响

    Analysis of Small Areal Rainfall Calculation Method Impacting on Hydrology Simulation Precision

  22. 1998年嫩江松花江暴雨洪水特性分析

    Analysis of 1998 storm flood character on Nenjiang and Songhuajiang River basin

  23. 江西暴雨洪水及防灾减灾

    Storm flood and disaster prevention , disaster reduction in Jiangxi

  24. 继续加强河北省水文情报预报工作的必要性&对96·8暴雨洪水的思考

    The Necessity of Continuously Strengthening Hydrology Information & Forecast Work in Hebei Province

  25. 伊春市南部96.7暴雨洪水

    The Storm Flood in the South of Yichun City in July , 1996

  26. 1998年长江流域暴雨洪水环流背景分析

    Analysis on weather background for 1998 heavy flood in the Yangtze River Valley

  27. 伊春河85·8暴雨洪水

    Storm Flood of Yichun River in August , 1985

  28. 澧水流域暴雨洪水的初步研究

    Study on the Storm Flood in Lishui River Basin

  29. 泾河流域暴雨洪水特性

    The Characteristics of Storm Floods in Jinghe River Basin

  30. 陕南“02.6.8”特大暴雨洪水过后的几点启示

    A few enlightenments got from the " 6.8 " extreme rainstorm in Shan'nan