
hónɡ shuǐ wèi
  • flood level;high water mark/level
  1. 基于MODIS的洞庭湖面积变化对洪水位的影响

    Analysis of the influence of Dongting Lake 's area variation measured by MODIS on flood level

  2. 应用水力学方法推求内涝区设计洪水位

    Application of Hydraulics Method to Ascertain Design Flood Level in Inundate Area

  3. 特小流域变电工程设计洪水位的推求

    Derivation of Design Flood at Substation Project in Very Small Basin

  4. 城陵矶洪水位抬高原因分析

    Analysis on causes of water level rising at Chenglingji Hydrological Station of Changjiang River

  5. 为了快捷准确预测洪水洪峰出现的时间和最高洪水位,以便在可能遇到险情时,有更充分的防洪抢险准备时间。

    In order to forecast quickly and exactly flood peak size and emerging time .

  6. 分期汛限水位和设计洪水位的确定方法

    Calculating Methods of Staged Limit Water Level in Flood Season and Design Flood Level

  7. 长江防洪堤南京段设计洪水位风险分析

    Risk Analysis of Design Flood Stage of Nanjing Section of Yangtze River Flood Protecting Embankment

  8. 洞庭湖容积减小对洞庭湖和长江洪水位的影响

    The influence of capacity decrease on flood stages in Dongting Lake and in Yangtze River

  9. 在弯曲河道凸岸处推求厂址设计洪水位的方法探讨

    A Method to Compute Design Flood Level of Power Plant on Warping River Convex Side

  10. 在较长一段时间内,挖槽疏浚增加了河道输沙能力,降低了洪水位。

    For a long period , sediment-carrying capacity remains increased , and the water level remains lowed .

  11. 利用理正工程软件对土坝进行了校核洪水位工况下的渗流和稳定分析,将两者的计算结果进行对比。

    Carried on the stress state analysis of the earth dam under the condition of checking flood level .

  12. 长江中游典型测站1998年洪水位变化特性

    Study of the flood level characteristics of the typical hydrologic stations in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River

  13. 建立河段水位与流域面平均雨量和潮位的水位函数,利用频率组合法推求感潮河段设计洪水位。

    The water level function , which described flood water level relation to watershed average precipitation and tidal level , was established .

  14. 调蓄量增大的主要原因是由于螺山至汉口河段的大量淤积,城陵矶附近长江干流的洪水位不断抬升,造成相同水位下洞庭湖出流量大幅度减少。

    The sediment deposition in the reach from Luoshan to Hankou of Yangtze River is the main cause affecting the increment of storage capacity .

  15. 本文提出的模型可预测未曾发生过的高洪水位工况下的堤防渗流风险率。

    By using this method the seepage risk rate of embankment under the condition of high flood level never occurred in history can be predicted .

  16. 在进行堤防工程设计时,一般要进行竣工期、水位骤降期及高洪水位运行期的抗滑稳定分析。

    The safety factors of levee project under the conditions of completion , the water level fall suddenly and the high water level should be analyzed in the designs .

  17. 水库运行至20年末遇频率5%及20%的洪水,泥沙淤积对洪水位的影响不明显。

    The sediment deposition has no obvious effect on flood stage when 5 % and 20 % probability floods occurs at the end of 20 year operation of the Reservoir .

  18. 在采石矶岸段的岩壁上也存在着高程大致相当的水位痕迹,反映出是保存在长江南岸岩壁上的区域性洪水位遗迹。

    Some remnant marks of flood water level , characterized by dark color and with small eroded holes distributed on the horizontal level marks , are found along the hillside of Nanjing .

  19. 设计基准洪水位是滨海核电厂选址中的重要参数之一,而风暴潮评价又是设计基准洪水位的主要组成因素。

    Design Basis Flood Level is one of the important parameters in nuclear power plant siting in coastal area , and evaluation for storm surge is the main factor of Design Basis Flood Level .

  20. 结果显示,退田还湖工程的实施,对降低洞庭湖区江湖洪水位,缓解江湖洪水威胁具有重要意义。

    The results show that it is of importance for lowering the water level of flood of the Dongting Lake and reducing the threat from the flood to implement the project of returning being lake from cultivating .

  21. 高洪水位期间,存在蚁害隐患的堤坝易出现散浸、管涌、跌窝和塌坡等险情。

    During the period of high flood stage , it is easy to cause lots of dangerous situations in those dams in which exist ants hidden dangers , such as seperation seek , piping , collapse and landslide , etc.

  22. 1996年长江中游发生了较大洪水,洞庭湖及干流城陵矶地区的洪水位超过历史最高洪水位,防洪工程发挥了重要作用。

    The comparatively large floods occurred in the middle reach of the Yangtze River in 1996 , with the flood levels at Dongting Lake and Chenglingji district on the main stem of the Yangtze River exceeding their historical highest flood levels .

  23. 利用实测历史最高洪水位的分布模型及其参数,提出了推求现有堤防工程在不同设计标准(重现期)下洪水位的概率模型及其参数的统计分析方法;

    Using the distribution probability model and its parameters of measured annual maximum flood levels , a statistical analysis method for probability model and its parameters of flood level at different design standard and different return period for existing dikes is proposed .

  24. 并根据实测资料,统计分析了行洪期间各方位的大风频率,用全概率公式计算洪泽湖大堤在4种洪水位时发生漫溢的概率。

    By using of measured data , the wind frequency of occurrence at different direction in high water has been statistically analyzed , and the levee overflow probabilities of Hongze Lake at four high water level is calculated from total probability equation .

  25. 采用高压摆喷灌浆和粘土固化注浆技术综合治理后,坝区的总渗水量降低90%,在设计洪水位条件下坝体安全系数为1.520,说明所提出的措施合理、可靠。

    The safety coefficient of the dam is 1.012 under seepage and it turns to 1.520 after the dam is reinforced by high pressure jet grouting and clay-solidified grouting . The anti-seepage rate of 90 % shows that the reinforcement is feasible and rational .

  26. 在水动力较强的条件下,沉积物粒度较粗,磁化率较低、指示较高的洪水位;反之,在水动力较弱的条件下,沉积物粒度较细,磁化率较高、指示较低的洪水位。

    The deposit layer of thick granularity and low magnetic susceptibility formed in condition of stronger water power indicates higher flood level . Otherwise , the deposit layer of thin granularity and high magnetic susceptibility formed in condition of weaker water power indicates lower flood level .

  27. 最后总结工程建设对洪水位、流速、河势、堤防及防洪抢险等方面进行综合评价,得出码头建设对行洪影响较小的结论。

    Finally , the synthetical evaluation on the influence of the project on the flood level , velocity , river circumstances , bank protection and flood prevention was made and the conclusion that the construction of the dock had little effect on the flood discharge was obtained .

  28. 湖区水位的上升与湖底淤高,势必会引起淮河中游发展溯源加积和洪水位的上升。

    And since then , the water level in the lake and the height of the lake bottom have risen constantly , which have led to the development of the headward accumulation and the meander bend in the lower reaches of the middle course of the Huaihe River .

  29. 三角洲感潮河段洪潮水位频率分析方法的初步研究

    A prelimiary study of frequency analysis method for water level of tidal rivers in the Pearl River Delta

  30. 我国许多河流通航不仅受到洪、枯季水位变化的影响,还受到其它因素的影响,尤其是河道上修建水电站。

    Many navigable channels in our country are affected not only the mutation of water level of flood and dry weather , but also other factors . For example , the hydroelectric power station in upstream .