
  • 网络natural object
  1. 主体对自然客体的难以超越性。

    The difficulties for subject to surpass natural object .

  2. 从性质上,则可分为自然客体、社会客体和精神客体。

    From its nature , it can be divided into natural object , social object and spiritual object .

  3. 我们在感觉着多面的自然客体和谐完整的映像。

    We mean the integrity of impression made by manifold natural objects .

  4. 不同客体的可靠性不同,文章主要分析了自然客体、社会客体、个人客体的可靠性。

    The papers mainly analyze the reliability of nature object social object and individual object .

  5. 土壤是连续分布在地球陆地表面的自然客体,其发生发展与景观密不可分。

    Soil is a natural object distributed in succession on the earth surface , and its genesis and development has a close connection with landscape .

  6. 从河意象由自然客体到文学意象的发展,来了解其所具有的母题意义和文学原型价值,并对新时期小说中的河意象的样态进行总结。

    And it states the motif significance and literature prototype value of the river image from the development of the natural object to the literature images .

  7. 它深刻地反映了艺术创作与欣赏的一些原理,反映了艺术家主体与自然客体、与创造对象、与受众的某些辩证关系。

    It deeply reflects some principles for artistic creation , appreciation and the dialectic relationship among the artists , the nature , the creation objects and the appreciators .

  8. 而环境法调整环境社会关系,它必须具有意志性、在直接与自然客体有关的活动中形成、在环境法律规范效力范围内。

    The environment law regulates the environments social relations , and the relations should have the feature of will , occur in the action directly relationed with natural object and be in the range of potency of the environment law .

  9. 这里所说的荒野,并非只是一片空间,一个自然的客体,它和中国文化史上的自然概念一样,是一种精神的象征,是一个美学的范畴。

    The wilderness is not just a space , and a natural object , it is a symbol of spirit and a areas of aesthetics like the " nature " concept in Chinese cultural history .

  10. 论自然资源所有权客体可再生能源配额制研究

    On the object of natural resources ownership Research on the Renewable Portfolio Standard

  11. 论自然资源所有权客体

    On the object of natural resources ownership

  12. 个人信息在网络环境下有它自己独特的法律特征,个人信息的主体仅限于自然人,客体表现为数字化的人格权和财产权,并且具有可识别性、具有时效性。

    Considering on its characteristics , the subject of the personal information is restricted to a natural person , and the objects are about the digital right of personality and property rights with the sense of identity and timeliness .

  13. 自然资源使用权以自然资源为客体。

    Natural resources should be the object of right to use natural resources .

  14. 生态利益中心主义从一种泛伦理而非发展的角度来看待人与自然之间的关系,抹杀了人与自然主客体分野的现实差异。

    The theory that Ecological interest is the center of human behavior deals with the relationship between man and nature in a pan ethical and non development aspect .

  15. 自然(整体的自然或具体的自然物)是自然价值的客体,自然所具有的各种属性是自然价值的物质基础或物质载体;

    Nature ( overall nature or specific natural things ) is the object of natural value , the various properties it has are the material basis or carrier of natural value ;