
róu rèn xìnɡ
  • flexibility;pliable and tough;easily bent yet hard to break
  1. 在体操教学中多采用静力性伸展练习以发展学生的柔韧性,本文试图通过对发展静力性柔韧性练习停顿时间10s和30s的实验进行分析研究。

    It is always used in gymnastics teaching . This paper makes the analysis and study through the experiment of the training of statical pliable and tough on the base of 10s and 30s pause time .

  2. 准备活动中的柔韧性热身运动练习方法

    The Training Methods Pliable and Tough Warming - up Exercise in the Preparatory Activities

  3. 这些锻炼项目有助于你保持身体的柔韧性。

    These exercises will help to keep you supple .

  4. 随着宝宝的成长,其骨骼的柔韧性会降低。

    As your baby grows bigger , his bones become less pliable

  5. 尝试做这些简单的锻炼来保持双脚的柔韧性。

    Try these simple exercises to keep your feet supple .

  6. 你需要一个柔韧性好、能与你的颈椎弯曲弧度相吻合的枕头。

    You need a malleable pillow that will mould to the curves of your neck

  7. 锻炼身体以增加活力,保持柔韧性,甩掉冬日的慵懒。

    Get your body moving to boost energy , stay supple and shake off winter lethargy

  8. 为了保持皮革的柔韧性,可能两三周就要上一次油。

    The leather may need to be oiled every two to three weeks in order to retain its suppleness .

  9. 材料由于化学处理或物理变化丧失了柔韧性。

    A material 's loss of malleability due to chemical treatment or physical change .

  10. DNA分子的环化是研究其本身柔韧性的主要方法。

    The major process to study DNA instinctive flexibility is DNA cyclization assay .

  11. 将MVC设计模式运用到设计之中,确保了系统的柔韧性和可扩展性;

    Apply MVC design pattern to system design in order to keep system flexible ;

  12. 此外,在掉落或磕碰的情况下,手机的柔韧性可让GFlex更耐用。

    Plus that pliability makes the G Flex a little more durable when it 's dropped or knocked .

  13. 通过一系列实验研究,探讨了单体、预聚物以及相互比例对UV光油固化膜层柔韧性的影响。

    The effect of monomers and prepolymers on flexibility of UV curable varnish film is studied through a series of experimentals .

  14. 采用聚醚、TDI、丙烯酸羟基酯等合成出具有优良柔韧性的聚氨酯UV树脂,并经工业化扩大,生产出性能优异的UV树脂。

    The polyurethane UV resin with excellent flexibility is prepared by polyether , TDI , hydroxyl acrylate and et al . It is already industrialized .

  15. 本方法中使用的聚合物基材与生物分子表面所用的传统的SiO2或金基体相比,拥有更好的柔韧性和生物相容性,是更理想的材料。

    Compared with the traditional matrix such as SiO2 or golden film , the polymer film provided with much better flexibility and biocompatibility .

  16. 纳米TiO2的加入除了提高涂膜的保光性和涂层的耐磨性外,还能一定程度提高柔韧性,但对抗冲击性能没有提高。

    The nano-TiO_2 can improve the flexible of coating to some extend besides the gloss retention and wear resistance but no effect for the shock resistance .

  17. 结论:用于TAD的SG系统应具有一定的强度、良好的柔韧性及弹性;

    Conclusion : Desired characteristics of the SG should have appropriate strength , good flexibility and elasticity .

  18. 结果表明硼酚醛/桐油/纳米SiO2杂化材料具有优异的对热稳定性,能获得较高的碳的残留率,且具有良好的柔韧性。

    The results show that boron phenolic resin / tung oil / nano SiO_2 hybrid material has superior thermostability and pliability , could increase char yield .

  19. 方法对101名化工作业工人进行肌肉骨骼功能(背肌耐力、手握力、躯干柔韧性、腹肌力和肌肉骨骼功能指数)测定和工作能力指数(WAI)测定。

    Methods The musculoskeletal function and work ability index ( WAI ) were tested in 101 workers from CI .

  20. PNF伸展和静态伸展对女大学生身体柔韧性的影响

    The Effects of Static Stretching and PNF Stretching on Flexibility in College Females

  21. 高分子量的聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)具有优越的热稳定性、耐候性、化学惰性及柔韧性,因而被作为涂料广泛地应用于高层建筑、铝幕、机器零件等要求高耐久性的场所。

    High molecular weight poly ( vinylidene fluoride )( PVDF ) has exceptionally good thermal stability , ultraviolet radiation resistance , chemical inertness , and flexibility .

  22. 具有较好的柔韧性、耐冲击性、透明性、粘结性等,但机械强度不高、热稳定性差、不耐磨,限制了EVA的进一步应用。

    It has good flexibility , impact resistance , transparency , adhesion , etc. , but its low mechanical strength , poor thermal stability and resistance , limit its application .

  23. 结果表明,掺入适量的有机物DDS,所制敏感膜均匀无龟裂,有较好的机械性和柔韧性。

    The results indicate that , with the proper amount of DDS doped , the membranes are uniform and crack-free , and have favorable mechanical ability and good flexibility .

  24. 低顺式橡胶乙烯基含量高,合成的HIPS橡胶相体积分数较大,所含的胶粒较大,产品柔韧性、耐热性能较好;

    This paper studied the effect of rubber particle on the properties of HIPS . The content of ethenyl in low-cis rubber is relatively higher than high-cis rubber .

  25. PAn/EP的粘着力随PAn含量的增加而明显降低,PAn/Alkyd的粘着力、二种复合膜的柔韧性都与PAn的含量关系不大。

    The adhesion of PAn / EP is obviously decreesed with the PAn content . The adhesion of PAn / Alkyd and the flexibility of both composite films are not obvious offect .

  26. PEGO的加入在一定程度上改善了丝素膜的柔韧性,提高了弹性。

    With The PEGO addition , the silk membranes ' flexility improved .

  27. 该类HBP能溶于丙酮、乙醇和DMF,不溶于苯、甲苯和二甲苯,用其制备的涂膜具有优异柔韧性和热稳定性。

    HBPs were soluble in acetone , ethanol and DMF , while insoluble in benzene , toluene and xylene . These HBP films possess excellent flexibility and thermal stability .

  28. 塑料光导纤维(POF)具有模量低、直径大、柔韧性好等优点,已经在当今信息社会获得广泛应用。

    Plastic Optical Fibers ( POF ) have the advantages of low modulus , large diameter and flexibility etc. They have been widely used in our today 's information society .

  29. 对金属茂聚烯烃(MPO)的许多优良特性,如透明性、柔韧性、低温韧性和热塑性弹性体行为等进行了综述。

    A new family of metallocene-based polyolefine ( MPO ) is evaluated . Many properties of MPO , including clarity , flexibility , low temperature ductility and thermoplastic elastomer behavior are emphasized .

  30. 研究了乙烯基醚改性环氧树脂的阳离子UV固化,测试结果表明,阳离子UV固化涂料具有固化快、光泽高、耐磨性好、附着力强、柔韧性优以及粘度低等性能。

    This article has developed an anionic UV curing technology of vinyl ether modified epoxy resin . Test results have shown that it has the advantages of fast curing , high gloss , good abrasion resistance , excellent adhesion and toughness , and low viscosity .