
róu shù
  • jujitsu
柔术 [róu shù]
  • [jujitsu] 日本的一种不用武器进行自卫的技巧(拳术或摔跤术),在很大程度上是利用对手的力量和重量的原理使对方失败或受伤

柔术[róu shù]
  1. 功夫起源于中国,是空手道和柔术的祖先。

    It is the ancestor of karate and jujitsu .

  2. 就像人猿泰山的柔术!

    It 's like spinning Tarzan jujitsu !

  3. lukas是个柔术演员,象他哥哥和我一样。

    Lukas was a contortionist , like his brother , like me .

  4. 我们提供泰拳和巴西柔术的综合项目。

    We offer an integrated Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiujitsu program .

  5. 他一个星期还练习五天的巴西柔术。

    He trains in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu five days a week .

  6. 我在哈佛警校学过巴西柔术

    I studied Brazilian jiujitsu at Harvard for Police Oh , yeah ?

  7. 日本的柔道是从柔术发展过来的。

    The Japanese judo is developed from the jiujitsu .

  8. 有些看法是说25岁以上的人不适合开始练柔术。

    Some say that any over the age of25 years shouldn 't start contorting .

  9. 时间能像一个柔术演员一样操纵和伸缩自身。

    It 's funny how time can manipulate and stretch itself like a contortionist .

  10. 你会有一种狂热的冲动,这也是我为什么这么痴迷练习柔术的原因之一。

    That gives an extreme rush and is one reason why I got addicted .

  11. 基本的巴西柔术吧

    a couple of basic Brazilian jiu-jitsu moves .

  12. 所幸,我有丰富的摔交、柔术和柔道背景能保护我。

    Fortunately , I had an extensive Wrestling , Jiu-Jitsu and Judo background to guide me .

  13. 柔道是从日本古代的空手格斗术&柔术中演变而来。

    Judo had its origin in the ancient Japanese art of jujitsu , a system of hand-to-hand combat .

  14. 下面我们请出中国杂技团的演员为我们送上令人震撼的柔术表演。

    Anyway , Let 's invite the performances of Chinese Acrobatics Troupe again to show us the fabulous Contortion .

  15. 她刚5岁,是蒙古国家马戏柔术工作室中最年轻的学生。

    At five years old , she is the youngest student at the Mongolian State Circus ' studio of contortion .

  16. 五次吉尼斯世界记录的创造者丹尼尔·布朗宁·史密斯是世人当中最灵活的,以及杰出的柔术表演者。

    Five time Guiness Record holder , The Rubberboy is the most flexible man alive and the most famous contortionist .

  17. 如何在不遇到冲突的前提下跟对方的力进行接触?要通过这一个阶段,必需要了解这个武术的运作机制,即柔术的部份。

    To pass beyond this level one must understand the mechanics of the art , the jiu-jutsu component , so to speak .

  18. 不过他每周有几个晚上教授柔术(日本的一种摔跤武术),此外还练泰国拳击。

    Several evenings a week , Can also teaches jiujitsu , a Japanese martial art involving wrestling , and also does Thai boxing .

  19. 肯每天大部分时间都坐在电脑前。不过他每周有几个晚上教授柔术(日本的一种摔跤武术),此外还练泰国拳击。

    Several evenings a week , Can also teaches jiu jitsu , a Japanese martial art involving wrestling , and also does Thai boxing .

  20. 柔道部分起源于一种古代日本武士空手搏斗的技术:柔术。

    Of course , it is derived in part from jujitsu , the hand-to-hand combat technique of ancient samurai warriors , and everything is relative .

  21. 这张照片令人心酸:照片里的老人60岁,曾是《花花公子》模特,如今她沦落街头,靠表演柔术乞讨。

    This heartbreaking picture shows a 60-year-old former Playboy model who has resorted to showing off her bendy body in a desperate attempt to raise cash .

  22. 考察从柔术到柔道的发展过程,可以充分证明柔道受到了中国传统思想和文化的影响。

    Looking into the development course of jiujitsu to judo , it can be fully demonstrated that judo was influenced by the Chinese traditional ideology and culture .

  23. 曾经麦肯纳靠着自己灵活的四肢成为明星,不幸的是当优雅不在,这位柔术家只能在街头的角落里卖艺乞讨。

    In an unfortunate fall from grace , the contortionist begs for change on the corner of Wealthy St. using the flexible limbs that once made her a star .