- flexibility

The molecular flexibility matrix F is generally defined .
Local Joint Flexibility And Its Parametric Formulas for Symmetric Tubular K Joints of Offshore Platforms
A Method for Structural Damage Detection Based on Back Propagation Neural Network and Flexibility Changes
Determination of J_R Resistance Curve of Metallic Materials by Single-Sample Three-Point Unload Compliance Method
Application of Compliance Expressions for Measuring Fatigue Crack Length By COD Techniques
Compliance calibration of Chevron notched cleave specimen and determination of k_ ( ic ) values in ceramic materials
A state equation for forced vibration system is established by introducing experimental compliance matrix , and then M , K , C are determined .
Determination of the COD Resistance Curve for Wilded Joints by Unloading Compliance Method with a Single Specimen
The dynamic geometrical factor f ( a / W ) for heavy rail steel was measured with the method of dimensionless flexibility .
Then a new methodology based on the lumped crack model and the p-version of finite element method ( p-FEM ) is developed to analyze the vibration characteristics and dynamic response of cracked structures .
Ritz-Reduction for Non-defective Vibrating Systems and A New Algorithm to Dynamic Flexibility Matrix
On the basis of above investigation , fatigue crack length of bigger three-point specimen for CTOD test with compliance method were preformed .
Compliance Calibration and Application of SIF of Three Point Bending Specimens with Chevron - Notched
This will be propitious to the design and analysis of flexure hinges .
A single specimen COD resistance curve test technique based on unloading compliance method using IBM-PC Computer for data acquisition and processing is studied in this paper .
The time of crack initiation is determined by the compliance changing method , and corresponding dynamic crack initiation toughness J_ (ⅰ D ) is obtained .
Experimental results show that the method is more sensitive and accurate than the incremental hole-drilling method and X-ray diffraction method , and suited for measuring interior residual stresses in engineering rolled plates .
Values were derived from the duplicate 12 X 3-in . specimen compliances .
The practical application and the analysis result of FE software ANSYS show that the compliance equations for double-axis elliptical flexure hinges are correct and can be used in practical design .
According to the characters of SHIMADZU electro hydraulic servo controlled fatigue testing machine and CT specimen , put forward a method based on compliance of stroke displacement which reflects the displacement of loading point at first time .
It is proved by compliance calibration test that the optimum regression equation for compliance values can be obtained according to the above theoretical solution , The K_ ( Ic ) expression is then derived .
When the flexible rigidity is small , with the decrease of the flexible rigidity , the absolute value of real and imaginary part of the dynamic complicance efficient increases .
Rather than using the change in modal flexibility , the change in curvature of modal flexibility is adopted and called the modal flexibility curvature ( MFC ) .
Based on the Taylor model , compliance tensor increment induced by single penny-shaped microcrack is derived under complex loadings , both the closure and frictional sliding effects of microcrack are considered .
Following two theorems are proved in this paper : ( 1 ) The linear independence of assumed stress modes is the necessary and sufficient condition for the nonsingular flexibility matrix H. ( 2 ) The equivalent assumed stress modes construct the same hybrid element stiffness matrix .
It is proved that the molecular flexibility f_ ( ij ), which represents the displacement along R_i when the molecule balances under the unit external force along R_j , is the natural constant of the corresponding internal coordinates R_i and R_j .
By means of Mori-Tanaka method and generalized self-consistent method , we study the relation between the interfacial compliance and the crack density .
Secondly , the broad sense flexible degree of the PID controller changing with its parameters and the frequency characteristic of the PID control system under the no inertia item are studied . And the relation between rigidity and damping of magnetic bearing system and its control parameters is gotten .
As the reverse matrix of the flexibility matrix it is not in ill condition . INVERSES OF THE IRREDUCIBLE BLOCK HESSENBERG MATRICES
Based on the Hill 's condition and field fluctuation approach , a set of universal differential equations are derived for the shift property of the effective compliances of planar composites in plane stress state . The derived equations are independent of the distribution and the shape of the microstructures .