
róu shùn xìnɡ
  • flexibility
  1. IRNA的碱基配对数都较其它RNA更富有灵活性,因此表现较强的柔顺性。

    The number of base pairs of IRNA was more changeable than other RNAs . Therefore , IRNA showed strong flexibility .

  2. 在疏水性PLGA分子中引入亲水性PEG链段可以改善聚合物的亲水性和柔顺性,增强粒子稳定性与抗酶活性,改良与细胞成分的相互作用。

    It was that PEG was insert in PLGA could improve the hydrophilia and flexibility of polymer , enhance the stability and anti-enzyme activity , improve the interaction with cells .

  3. 在高频段,只要地层足够薄,介质的柔顺性足够好,界面处产生的慢波对高P波散射也会有很大影响。

    In high-frequency band , the effects of slow wave produced on the interfaces on the P-wave dispersion will be bigger if the layers are enough thick and compliance of medium is enough good .

  4. 利用气动人工肌肉的柔顺性,克服了传统CPM机只提供刚性训练的弊端。

    Using the compliance of the PMA has overcome the traditional CPM shortcoming of only providing rigid training .

  5. 针对舰载特种起重机系统的吊重防摆控制问题,利用柔顺性的概念,提出了一种新的多变量神经网络PID控制算法,设计了舰载特种起重机神经网络PID力和位置混合控制器。

    As to the horizon motion system of Bridge Crane is a nonlinear , variation parameter and strong coupling system , the nonlinear PID controller is used for positioning and anti-swing .

  6. 基于知识的柔顺性控制系统CRES的设计

    The Design of Compliance System CRES Based on Knowledge

  7. 它与C-C键单元为主链的聚合物在结构和性能上明显不同,是典型的半无机半有机聚合物,既具有无机物的耐热性,又具有有机高分子的柔顺性。

    Because silicone rubber is a typical semi-inorganic and semi-organic polymer , it possesses both heat resistance of inorganic matter and flexibility of organic polymer .

  8. 从随机地产生的不同初始设计出发,以最优准则为基础的叠代算法收敛到不同的局部最优设计,进一步发现,柔顺性(Compliance)泛函不是一个凸泛函.必然存在多个局部极值。

    Starting from randomly ge - nerated initial designs , an algorithm based on optimality criterion leads to different , locally optimal designs . It is further discovered that the compliance functional is not a convex functional , and the existence of locally optimal de - signs is inevitable .

  9. 有机硅树脂中主链主要由Si-O键构成,Si-O键柔顺性好,且其键能比C-C键和C-O键的键能大,因此有机硅树脂具有良好的耐热性能和耐候性能。

    The main chains of organic silicone resin are composed of Si-O bond with good flexibility and larger bond energy than C-C bond and C-O bond , therefore organic silicone have excellent heat resistance and weather resistance .

  10. 设计并实现了遗传进化机器学习系统GEML-1,该系统具有良好的鲁棒性和柔顺性。

    It relies on evolutionary algorithm to search for , find and select the proper rules , realizes several implicit objectives by inducting heuristic knowledge to create default rule structure , and designs a genetic evolutionary machine learning system ( GEML 1 ) with satisfied robustness and flexibility .

  11. 实验结果表明机器人外力拖动控制具有较好的柔顺性。

    Experimental result shows the robotic drag control has good compliance .

  12. 磁悬浮伺服的机器人装配夹具柔顺性分析

    The Compliance Analysis of Magnetic Levitation Servo Fixture for Robotic Assembly

  13. 基于被动柔顺性的机器人位置/力控制

    Position / Force Control of Robot Based on Passive Compliance

  14. 链的柔顺性对高分子交联网溶胀及相分离影响

    Effect of Chain Flexibility on the Swelling and Collapse of Polymer Networks

  15. 血管支架柔顺性有限元分析及介入配件的临床试验研究

    Finite Element Analysis of Vascular Stents and Clinical Trials of PTCA Accessories

  16. 柔顺性是冠脉支架重要的力学性能之一。

    Longitudinal flexibility is one of important mechanical properties of a coronary stent .

  17. 高分子链柔顺性及链活动能力对辐射交联反应的影响

    The effect of chain flexibility and chain mobility on radiation crosslinking reactions of polymers

  18. 大分子物质构型和柔顺性及其在肾小球的通透性糖皮质激素对肾小球滤过膜通透性的影响

    Influence of macromolecular configuration on glomerular permeability

  19. 开环结构支架的柔顺性优于闭环结构支架的柔顺性。

    Flexibility of the open-loop structure stent is better than that of the closed-loop stent .

  20. 基本的结构采用连杆的外骨骼形式,驱动器选用柔顺性好的气动肌肉。

    The exoskeleton structure is adopted and the flexible PMs are selected as its actuator .

  21. 主链柔顺性对侧链液晶聚合物液晶性能的影响

    Effect of flexibility of the main chain on properties of side chain liquid crystal polymers

  22. 由气动肌肉驱动的人工关节具有重量轻、柔顺性好等特点。

    The artificial joint actuated by pneumatic muscle has many advantages such as lightweight and compliant .

  23. 介绍了可用于高得率浆纤维柔顺性的一种测量方法。

    A measuring method for fiber flexibility of both chemical pulp and high-yield pulp was introduced .

  24. 并分析了聚丙烯主链柔顺性和立构规整度对高分子玻璃化转变的影响。

    The effects of chain flexibility and tacticity on the glass transition of PP have also been investigated .

  25. 应用规划生成系统的柔顺性控制

    Compliance with plan generation

  26. 实现柔顺性控制的方法主要有两种:力/位混合控制和阻抗控制。

    There are two methods to actualize the compliance control : Hybrid Force / Position Control and Impedance Control .

  27. 位置/力控制策略分析表明,基于被动柔顺性的机器人可以通过主动关节控制实现被动柔顺末端的弱控制。

    Analyses demonstrate that plane multi-joint robot with passive compliance end-effector can be controlled by the active joints indirectly .

  28. 它能实现平面运动,具有柔顺性,全臂在垂直方向的刚度大,在水平方向的柔性大,广泛用于装配作业中。

    It , featuring compliance , good vertical rigidity , and horizontal flexibility , is widely used in assembly .

  29. 本论文课题就是来源于863高技术项目《仿人机器人柔顺性控制技术研究》的子课题。

    This paper comes from a sub-task of 863 programs - the research of compliance control techniques on apery robot .

  30. 结果表明分子构型和柔顺性在肾小球的通透上具有作用。

    The Effects of Steroids on Glomerular Permeability These results indicate that molecular shape and pliability are determinants of glomerular permeability .