
  • 网络network edge;Edge Of Network
  1. 研究表明,该机制有助于普及网络边缘服务,增强应用的服务能力,是一种效率更高的分布式动态发布和发现Web服务的新机制。

    The research shows that this mechanism helps to permeate network edge service and enhance service ability , it is a more efficient , distributed and dynamic mechanism .

  2. 其基本思想是在网络边缘将业务流按QoS要求进行简单分类,不同的类在内部路由器的每次转发中实现不同的转发特性。

    The basic idea is to classify the traffic according to QoS requirements on the network edge , and different class realizes different forwarding characteristic on the core router .

  3. 由于WDM系统的出现和发展,SDH技术开始向网络边缘转移,作为融合的多业务节点;

    Due to the appearance and development of WDM system , SDH technology started to transfer to network edge to act as the multi - service node .

  4. 目前,比较一致的看法是在网络边缘采用IntServ,在网络主干采用DiffServ。

    At present , one of the most popular ideas is to adopt IntServ on the edge of network and DiffServ on the backbone .

  5. 在网络边缘路由器和其邻居路由器都支持OSPF平稳重启情况下,即使控制平面失效,数据平面也能够继续处理和转发报文。

    With OSPF Graceful Restart enabled on an edge device and its peer , the data plane can continue to process and forwarding packets even if the control plane fails .

  6. 本文提出了一种直接拥塞反馈机制(DCCS),配合网络边缘的动态流量调节(DTC)算法,能够为该体系提供很好的公平性。

    This paper proposes to use a Direct Congestion Control Scheme ( DCCS ) and Dynamic Traffic Conditioning ( DTC ) to achieve the fairness .

  7. 因特网将向下一代因特网(NGI)演化,IPv6为其主要特征。可管理的IP网基于IP技术,但是没有接受因特网的全部理念,它将智能由网络边缘移到网络内业务节点处。

    Internet will evolve to NGI , based on IPv6 . The manageable IP network move the intelligence from edge to somewhere , such as service node , it will evolve to NGN , by integrated different kind services module .

  8. UTM紧密集成了多种安全功能,能够在网络边缘有效防御攻击,不仅可以保护整个内部网络,还能将安全机制延伸到远程办公机构。

    UTM ( Unified Threat Management ) which integrates many security functions , is capable of withstanding the attacks from network boundary effectively . It can not only protect the entire internal network , but also extend the security mechanism to the remote offices .

  9. 光分组交换网络边缘节点高速数据接口设计和实现

    High Speed Data Interface in Optical Packet Switching Edge Node

  10. 平稳小波的侧抑制网络边缘提取方法

    Edge Detection based on Stationary Wavelet and Lateral Inhibition Network

  11. 你肯定需要在网络边缘整形流量。

    You definitely want to shape at the edge .

  12. 下一代网络边缘接入网关的研究

    Study on Access Gateway in Next Generation Network

  13. 神经网络边缘拟合

    Marginal fitting based on neural network Neural Net

  14. 光突发交换网络边缘结点关键技术研究

    Study on the Key Techniques for the Edge Nodes in the Optical Burst Switching Network

  15. 本文以光突发交换网络边缘节点中的汇聚算法为研究对象,以软件仿真作为研究方法。

    Simulation of the assembly algorithm in the optical burst switch networks and analysis of its performance ;

  16. 将中心服务器上的资源推送到网络边缘,缩短了用户和资源的距离。

    It shorten the distance between users and resources by sending center server resources to edge of network .

  17. 同时配合网络边缘设备对攻击源实施阻断。

    Also , DDEs can interdict the attack sources working in network edge service in the same time .

  18. 防火墙可以阻止未经授权的用户存取敏感数据,在网络边缘对网络内部资源提供保护。

    Firewall could prevent unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data . It protects network inner resource on network edge .

  19. 在网络边缘对流媒体的热点片段进行缓存,是流媒体分发研究领域的一个热点。

    Caching video objects at the edge of the backbone network has become a hot spot in the video delivery research .

  20. 目前大部分访问控制机制实施于网络边缘,无法解决网络内部的安全问题。

    Presently most access control mechanisms are implemented on the edge of networks , which can not solve inner security problems .

  21. 研究了光突发交换网络边缘路由器的组装算法与业务的自相似性之间的关系。

    In this paper , we study the relationship of self-similarities of traffics and assembly algorithms of edge router in OBS networks .

  22. 在网络边缘,由于用户很少能够通过冗余链接接入网络,接入路由设备达到99.999%的可用性尤为重要。

    This requirement for " five-nine " availability is more pressing at the network edge , where redundant user access links are scare .

  23. 标记器位于网络边缘,根据应用和网络之间的服务约定为分组打上对应于不同丢弃优先级的标记。

    The traffic marker used in a DiffServ edge router marks the arrival packets into different dropping priorities according to the service profiles .

  24. 将消息传递迁移到网络边缘还意味着到队列管理器的连接现在通常发源自锁定的数据中心的外部。

    This migration of messaging out to the network edge also means that connections to the queue manager now commonly originate from outside of the locked data center .

  25. 针对神经网络边缘检测输入量大的现实,采用了特征向量进行图像特征提取以缩小直接象素点灰度输入时的输入规模,并进行了特征向量的选取和改进的研究。

    In allusion to the reality that there is too large inputing number for the network learning , we use the image feature vector to extraction information of the image to reduce the input scale .

  26. 其核心思想是使应用从中央服务器向网络边缘的终端设备扩散,充分利用互联网中蕴含的潜在资源,减轻主干网络的负荷。

    It holds the main idea that takes the application to diffuse from centrality to edge of network . The main purposes are making use of the latent resource in network ; lighten the load in backbone network .

  27. 根据拥塞控制算法的实现位置,主要分为源端算法和链路算法两种:源端算法在主机和网络边缘设备中执行,作用是根据反馈信息调整发送速率;

    According to the position of the algorithm achieve , they are falled into two algorithms : Source algorithm and Link algorithm , Source algorithm is performed at the mainframe and the end machines , it regulates the sending rate according the feedback information ;

  28. 利用网络边缘中的网格数量和边缘长度作为特征,估计密集和高密集群体密度。实验结果显示,相比于现有算法,本算法估计准确率提高约五个百分点,同时算法处理速度更快。

    The number of grid and length of the edge network are utilized as features to estimate crowded objects densities . Experimental results show , compared to existing methods , this approach has higher accuracy rate on dense and very dense objects densities estimation .

  29. 但事实上,仅靠网络边缘的外围安全设备已经无法保证网络的安全性,大部分安全事件是由企业网内部的有害终端引起的。

    But , in fact , only depending on the security device at the edge of network could not ensure the complete security of the enterprise network , as most of security incidents were caused by the malicious internal terminals of the corporate network .

  30. BP神经网络图象边缘检测器及其内部信息

    BP neural network image edge detector and its internal information