
  • 网络network location;network position;NetworkLocation;NetworkLocation.apk
  1. 这些供应源可以是移动的(比如GPS),也可以是基于服务器的(网络位置供应源)。

    These providers may be onboard ( GPS for example ) or server-based ( a network location provider ) .

  2. 无法将网络位置添加到索引。

    I can 't add a network location to the index .

  3. 启动“添加网络位置”向导,它可以帮助您注册个人web存储空间或创建到web站点和网络位置的快捷方式。

    Starts the add network place wizard , which helps you sign up for personal web storage space or create shortcuts to web sites and network locations .

  4. PCS网络位置管理方案性能分析

    Performance analysis of location management scheme for PCS networks

  5. 文档库在Windows资源管理器中作为网络位置显示,可让您方便地访问诸如锁定、版本控制和编辑等文档管理功能。

    Document libraries appear as network places in the Windows Explorer , giving you easy access to document management functions such as locking , versioning , and editing .

  6. 最终使得企业可以通过Internet传送有语义的信息,实现对地理与网络位置分布广泛的经济点的资金和结算业务的管理。

    So Though Internet , group company can realizes the distributed management of the balance business and the funds of the economy units which are extensively located in the network position or the geography .

  7. WCDMA移动数据库(HLR、VLR和SGSN)保存着用户的所有签约信息、位置信息,其网络位置十分重要。

    The mobility databases ( HLR , VLR and SGSN ) of WCDMA stores the subscription and location information of subscriber . It plays a very important role in the WCDMA mobility network .

  8. DLMS具有如下特性:(1)通用性,支持各种类型和格式不同,元数据格式不同,网络位置不同,提供服务不同的数字资源;

    DLMS has following features : ( 1 ) universality , that is , supporting all kinds of digital resources which are different in resource type and format , format of metadata , network position , and services provided ;

  9. 网络位置、吸收能力与集群企业创新

    Network Position , Absorptive Capacity , and Innovativeness of Cluster Firms

  10. 输入要模拟策略设置的新网络位置。

    Enter new network locations for which to simulate policy settings .

  11. 为这个网络位置输入的名称无效。

    The name you entered for this network place is not valid .

  12. 自动将音频文件上传到网络位置以便处理。

    Automatically upload the audio file to a network location for processing .

  13. 六自由度虚轴机床神经网络位置伺服控制

    Position Servo Control Based on Neural Network for 6-DOF Virtual-axis Machine Tool

  14. 集群核心企业迁移的网络位置选择与迁移绩效:一个理论模型

    Choice of network location and performance for focus firm migration : a theoretical model

  15. 如果可以的话,创建一个可移动磁盘或网络位置备份。

    If you can , create the backup on a removable disk or networked location .

  16. 出现了异常错误,指定的网络位置未能添加。

    An unexpected error has occurred and the specified network place could not be added .

  17. 不能访问网络位置。

    The network location cannot be reached .

  18. 自动化测试可以位于测试实验的测试机器上,或者共享的网络位置上。

    Automated tests can reside on test machines in your test lab or at shared network locations .

  19. 本文利用无线传感器网络位置感知技术,提出一种在室内环境下的位置预测算法。

    With location-aware technology in wireless sensor networks , we present a location prediction algorithm in indoor environments .

  20. 另一个例子是根据时间表在位于不同地理位置或网络位置的提供者之间切换。

    Another example is switching between providers located in differing geographical or network locations , depending on a time schedule .

  21. 所设计的神经网络位置伺服控制器结构简单,权值调整方便,计算量小、响应速度快。

    The controller has the advantages of simple structure , convenient weights adjusting , small calculation and fast response , etc.

  22. 已有的动态空间信息搜索方案都是针对网络位置已知的在线动态空间信息提供者的。

    Currently , the dynamic spatial information retrieval works on the premise that the online dynamic spatial information providers are known .

  23. 输入服务器、工作组或网络位置,然后输入访问所使用的用户名和密码。

    Type a server , workgroup , or network location , and then type the user name and password used to access it .

  24. 启动添加网络位置向导,它可以帮助您添加到您可以存储文件的网络位置的快捷方式。

    Starts the Add Network Place Wizard , which helps you add a shortcut to a network location where you can store files .

  25. 要连接到指定的网络位置,需重启应用程序。请重新启动应用程序并重试。

    The application needs to restart in order to connect to the specified Network Place . Please restart the application and try again .

  26. 系统管理员已禁止使用这类型的网络位置,如果要使用此位置,请要求系统管理员启用它。

    Your system administrator has prohibited using this type of Network Place . To use it , ask your administrator to enable it .

  27. 当前出版物是从网络位置上打开的,您必须先关闭文件,然后才能使计算机处于待命状态。

    The current publication was opened from a network location . You must close the file before you can put your computer on standby .

  28. 仿真及实验结果证明:对于永磁同步直线电机,采用基于神经网络位置自适应位置/力控制比采用传统的三环控制,在系统的跟踪精度、响应速度等性能上均有明显的改善。

    The simulation and experimental results showed that the control strategy shows better performances in the tracking precision and response ability than traditional one .

  29. 实证研究的结果表明,知识资源获取在新创企业的网络位置与企业竞争优势之间起着中介作用。

    The empirical researches show that the knowledge acquisition performs the intermediation functions between the network position and the competitive advantage for the new venture .

  30. 要向网络位置授予信任,您必须具有管理员特权并在计算机级别更改安全策略。

    To grant trust to a network location , you must have administrator privileges and you must change the security policy at the machine level .