
  • 网络distribution free
  1. 肺癌的发病右肺与左肺比例为1.21:1.00,上叶与下叶比例为1.61:1.00,病理类型与左右肺或上下叶分布无关(P0.05)。

    Right lung and left lung of lung cancer incidence ratio was 1.21:1.00 , The upper lobe and lower lobe ratio of 1.61: 1.00 .

  2. 结论:脉冲磁场能抑制缺血再灌注神经细胞的凋亡和c-fos的表达,减轻细胞损伤,但其途径可能与Ca2+分布无关。

    CONCLUSION : Pulse magnetic field can inhibit the cell apoptosis after cerebral ischemia reperfusion and c-fos expression , and alleviate cell damage , which may be not related with the distribution of Ca2 + .

  3. 利用Hill条件和扰动场理论,建立了平面应力状态下复合材料有效柔度的平移性质的普适微分方程,所得方程与复合材料微结构形状和分布无关。

    Based on the Hill 's condition and field fluctuation approach , a set of universal differential equations are derived for the shift property of the effective compliances of planar composites in plane stress state . The derived equations are independent of the distribution and the shape of the microstructures .

  4. 根据Kelley和Billmeyer描述流动相中峰加宽效应的理论,塔板高度和溶液的分子量有关而和分子量分布无关。

    Kelley and Billmeyer indicated that the theoretical plate height describing zone broadening effect in mobile phase depends on the ' molecular weight of solute only .

  5. 结论本研究结果显示,根据com1基因序列进行的贝氏柯克斯体株基因分组与分离株所含质粒型有很大的相关性,而与以前报道的疾病形式和分离株的地理分布无关。

    Conclusion The study suggests that the classification of the group based on the com 1 gene sequence is highly associated with the plasmid type of the isolates , however , has little relation with the disease forms and geographical origins of isolates .

  6. 一种与分布无关的线性分类算法

    A Linear Classifying Algorithm Without the Connection with Distribution

  7. 钙化斑块局部管腔狭窄程度与斑块的分布无关。

    There was no correlation between coronary stenosis with calcified plaque and the distribution of calcified plaque .

  8. 外电场与腔内电荷分布无关,但与腔内带电体电量有关。

    It does not relate to the charge distribution inside the cavity , but the charge quantity .

  9. 该方法可大量压缩原始数据,与数据分布无关,不依赖先验知识,解决了在海量无标识的原始数据中检测出异常行为和未知攻击的问题。

    And the method can deal with mass unlabeled data to distinguish between normal and anomaly and to detect unknown attacks .

  10. 文章利用方差分析方法,提出了一种与分布无关的线性分类算法。

    This article uses the ideology of variance analysis and provides a linear classifying algorithm which is with-out the connection with distribution .

  11. 性别、年龄、职业、文化水平及是否伴胆囊结石与中医证型分布无关。

    Sex , age , occupation , educational level and whether or with gallbladder stone has no relation with the distribution of TCM syndromes .

  12. 集中参数系统是指这样一些系统,其物理特性都集中在一个或者多个集中体上,因此与空间分布无关。

    Lumped parameter systems are those for which physical characteristics are assumed to be concentrated in one or more'lumps'and thus independent of any spatial distribution .

  13. 同时,多播数据在源节点发送、途经节点转发所需计算的时间复杂度均为O(1),与多播目标节点集的大小和分布无关。

    The time complexity of all nodes is O ( 1 ), which means that there is no relation between time and destination nodes set .

  14. 对最小二乘估计,残差向量与参数估计量和观测量的平差向量统计独立,相应的协方差矩阵为零,这一性质与误差分布无关。

    For L_q-norm estimate with errors being normally distributed , the covariance matrices between the residual vector and the estimated vector of the unknown parameters , as well as the adjusted observational vector are not zero .

  15. 在快速拓扑切换条件下,理论分析表明,一般功率驱动移动智能体网络的同步实现由载波发射功率密度决定,而与网络规模、载波发射功率分布无关。

    Under the constraint of fast-switching , we theoretically and numerically show that synchronization of the agent network is determined by the power density which is independent of both the power distribution and the size of network . 2 .

  16. 在供应链采取回购契约时,通过建立模型,分析得出要使得供应链达到协调,批发价格和回购价格需满足一线性关系式,且两个价格的确定与需求的分布无关;

    Thirdly , when supply chain adopts buy-back contract , I explores a model and educes : in order to make supply chain cooperative , wholesale price and buy-back price must meet a linear equation , and which are irrespective to demand distributing . Cooperative competition ;

  17. 实验表明了算法CAMFT能够快速处理带有离群点的复杂形状聚类的空间数据,结果与对象空间分布顺序无关,并且效率优于已有的同类聚类算法BIRCH与CURE。

    Experimental results show the algorithm can identify clusters of complicated shapes efficiently in large spatial database that have many outliers , and outperform BIRCH algorithm and CURE algorithm in efficiency .

  18. 结论:神经浸润在癌旁伴发萎缩性胰腺炎者或有TIL者分别较在癌旁无萎缩性胰腺炎改变者或无TIL浸润者更容易发生,但与TIL的分布状态无关;

    Conclusion : Atrophic pancreatitis in adjacent tissues of pancreatic carcinoma and presence of TIL may contribute to the neural invasion of pancreatic carcinoma , regardless of TIL distribution .

  19. 通过数学模型的建立对Marx的放电回路进行分析,得到了其输出电压主要与主电容、回路电感和负载有关,与回路的分布电容无关。

    Through creating Mathematical model of a Marx of the discharge circuit , we get that the output voltage of Marx is mainly related to the main capacitor , inductor and load on the circuit , and the distributed capacitance has nothing to do with the circuit .

  20. 位置刚度系数与磁极分布角度无关,而电流刚度系数与磁极分布角度相关。

    The distributing angle of magnetic pole has influence on current stiffness coefficient , but no influence on position stiffness coefficient .

  21. 结果表明:鸢尾属植物种子表面微形态特征具有种的稳定性,与分布区无关;

    The results showed that seed coat micro-morphology had the stable characteristics , which was not relative to the distribution zone .

  22. 考虑样本不平衡性和基因选择方法的稳定性,给出一个全新的与数据分布模型无关的基因选择方法。

    Considering the unbalance of samples and the stability of the approach for identifying informative genes , a novel and model-free gene selection method is proposed in this paper .

  23. 从推导与分布类型无关的可靠度下限引出概率设计方程,通过概率设计方程可实现用传统设计方法解决可靠性设计问题。

    The probability design equation is drawn out by deducing the dependability lowe limit which is irrespective with distributing types . Through the probability design equation , the dependability design problem can be solved with the traditional design method .

  24. CHC中医证型的分布与性别无关,与年龄差别有关。

    Thesyndrome distribution regardless of gender but age differences .

  25. 氧化矿与原生矿呈上下交叉、水平交叉出现;氧化带的分布与现代地形无关,仅与古地形有关。

    Oxidized ore and primary ore occurred in level and vertical directions .

  26. 模拟实验结果表明,差数显著性t检验与总体效果大小和样本容量有明显关系,但与随机抽样分布样本数目基本无关;

    The simulated experimental results showed that significance t testing is highly related to population distribution effect size and sample capacities , yet rarely related to the numbers of randomly selected samples ;

  27. 其液晶性与分子量分布及分子形状无关,只与臂的长度有关。

    Only when the Mn beyond a certain value , it presents the liquid crystalline , which is related to the length of the arm not the distribute of molecular weight or the shape of the molecular .

  28. 分析了构成孤子对非相干孤子分量光束的彼此无关的各相干组份光束的传播演化特性,结果表明光束的非相干性仅影响到各相干组份的强度分布,而与孤子对的强度分布无关。

    The results show that the existence of coupled soliton pairs have nothing to do with the incoherence property of beams .

  29. 在浮游动物中,生物量最高的种类为尖尾海萤,平均值为24.30mg/m3,但空间分布差异极大,并且与中心渔场分布无关。

    In all the zooplankton , the highest biomass was Cypridina acuminate and its average value reached 24.30mg / m ~ 3 , but there was great difference in the spatial distribution of biomass , and it bore no relation to the formation of fishing grounds .

  30. 研究结果表明:在柴油机中,由于高压喷射的作用,喷射后乳化燃油中水粒子直径约为0.5μm,分布均匀,与喷射前乳化燃油中水粒子大小及分布无关。

    The results show that the diameters of water drops in emulsions after injection are small , uniform ( approximately 0.5 μ m ) and irrelative to the size of water drops before injection . The NO x emission ?