
fēn pèi lǜ
  • distribution rate
  1. 野生欧李萌动期各器官中矿质元素的分配率变化

    Distribution Rate Changes of Mineral Elements in Wild Cerasus humilis Organs during Sprouting Period

  2. 结荚以后,N、P在生殖器官中的分配率迅速提高,茎、叶中则逐渐减少。

    After the pod setting stage , the distribution rate of N and P in reproductive organs increased rapidly , but decreased gradually in stems and leaves .

  3. 孕茭前~(14)C同化物在短缩茎分配率较大,而叶片、叶鞘较小,说明短缩茎是养分贮藏的中间库;

    The allocate rate of 14C assimilation is highest in culm before pregnant , lower in leaf-blade and leaf-sheath , which showed that culm was the middle sink in nutrient store progress .

  4. 花序生物量相关性模型均未达显著水平(P>0.05),花序生物量分配率呈幂值为-1.037的幂函数降低规律。

    The correlation models of the inflorescence biomass were all non-significant ( P > 0.05 ), and the allocation ratio of the inflorescence biomass decreased in a power pattern , with a power value of-1.037 .

  5. 虽然高目标的利用率对于实现最佳应用程序吞吐量很有帮助,但是GC必须能够跟上应用程序的分配率。

    Although high target utilization is desirable for optimal application throughput , the GC must be able to keep up with the application allocation rate .

  6. 我们早就转换算法了,相比于其他竞争者来说,GC所能处理的堆容量(以及分配率)要超出一个数量级。

    We switched algorithms years ago and our GC easily handles heaps ( and allocation rates ) an order of magnitude larger than any competition .

  7. 不同时期植株各器官的15N利用率与分配率呈现相同的趋势。

    In general , the15N utilization and distribution in different organs show the same trends at different stages .

  8. 增加植株密度能增加LAI,但对果实累计干物质分配率没有显著影响。

    LAI increased with increased plant density , however , plant density has no significant influence on the cumulative fraction of dry matter allocated to the fruits .

  9. 膨大期处理,果实中的15N分配率达到26%,而分配到叶片中的15N量降为38%。

    The distribution rate of15N in the fruits is26 % while it is38 % in leaves at the swollen stage .

  10. 如果目标利用率和分配率都很高,则应用程序可能耗尽内存,强迫GC连续地运行并且在多数情况下使利用率降低到0%。

    If both the target utilization and allocation rate are high , the application can run out of memory , forcing the GC to run continuously and dropping the utilization to0 % in most cases .

  11. 根系吸收氮在叶片和枝的分配率分别为7%~10%和7%~12%,叶片和枝生长需要的氮素主要由其内源N库提供。

    The allocation percentages of N absorbed by roots in leaves and branches were 7 % - 10 % and 7 % - 12 % respectively , and the nitrogen demand for leave and branches growth was mainly met by internal N stocks .

  12. 施用缓释肥料A2提高氮肥利用率,增加肥料氮在根系和叶片中的分配率;并且有利于后期产量形成,增产1633%。

    Application of organic-inorganic slow release fertilizer A_2 was also increased the nitrogen recovery rate , raised the proportion of nitrogen in roots and leaf and increased yield by 16.33 % .

  13. 干物质向叶的分配率、RGR、NAR也有相当程度的恢复。

    The distribution ratio , RGR and NAR of the dry matter towards the leaf also have reinstatement in quite degree .

  14. 应用~(14)C示踪技术测定三个籽粒饱满度不同的小麦品种,结果表明:籽粒饱满度与品种的净光合率、光合持续期和同化物在籽粒中的分配率有关;

    Three wheat varieties characterized by grains with different plumpness were studied by ~ ( 14 ) C-tracer technique . The results indicated that the plumpness of grains is related to net photosynthetic rate , duration of photosynthesis and distribution amount of the ~ ( 14 ) C-labelled assimilatory substances .

  15. 成熟时叶片的14C几乎都外运了,茎鞘和穗轴中还有大约65%的14C,籽粒中的14C分配率占30%~35%。

    At maturity , 14C-reserves in the leaves were exported almost entirely , but in the stems , sheaths and rachises , about 65 % 14C-reserves remained , and about 30 % - 35 % was imported into the kernels .

  16. 简述成本计算的分配率方法

    Brief Description of Distribution Rate Method in the Cost Calculation

  17. 成本分配率是指单位成本动因应负担的成本。

    The cost rate is the cost per cost driver .

  18. 受剪承载力分配率对减震效果影响分析

    Analysis of the shear strength ratio of damper system impacting earthquake mitigation effect

  19. 叔胺药物的分配率研究

    Studies on percent distribution of tertiary amine drugs

  20. 叔胺药物在酸水溶液中的分配率研究

    Studies on percentage distribution of drugs of tertiary amine in aqueous solutions of acids

  21. 间接费用分配率可以用百分比或小时费率来表示。

    The overhead rate can be expressed as a percent-age or an hourly rate .

  22. 你的头发就会有更抵的分配率,你就需要使用越多的污点模式。

    The lower resolution your hair is , the more you will need to smudge .

  23. 文章通过对劳动分配率的分解,来阐述劳动分配率对正确提高劳动效率的重要性。

    This paper expounds the importance of labor distribution to raise labor efficiency by resolving labor distribution .

  24. 施钾对茎、叶、块茎钾素分配率影响显著。

    Application of K affected K distribution rate of stems , leaves , tubers significantly . 3 .

  25. 第五,将资源追溯到作业。根据资源动因数和动因分配率计算追溯。

    Fifth , according to the resources allocation rate and drivers number traced resource back to activity .

  26. 其干物质积累强度的变化为慢快慢式,其分配率变化特点是:生育初期干物质主要分配于营养体;和中国一起成长

    The distribution was mainly in vegetative mass at the first period of growing stage . Growing with China

  27. 计算表明适当的渣相成分使硫在渣一钢液间的平衡分配率可达到1000。

    Calculation results show that optimal compositions of slags can lead sulphur equilibrium distribution ratio up to 1000 .

  28. 首先以最大乘积算子作为模糊集的演算算子,证明了最大乘积算子满足分配率。

    Max and product operators were firstly used as computation operators of fuzzy sets whose distributive law was proved .

  29. 在本步骤,以成本动因分配率乘以每种产品消耗的成本动因的数量,即可得出结果。

    Multiplying the cost driver rate times the volume of cost driver units consumed by each product does this step .

  30. 重力选煤的预测与优化都是利用分配率的计算来实现的。分配曲线经验模型应用于预测和优化的关键是解决模型参数与分选密度间的变换关系。

    This pager reviews the application of the partition curve model in predicting the performance of gravity separation of coal .