
  • 网络RET;resolution enhancement technology
  1. 纳米级集成电路分辨率增强技术研究

    Research on Resolution Enhancement Technology of Nanometer-scale IC

  2. 光学邻近校正技术作为传统的分辨率增强技术中的核心技术之一,得到了广泛的应用。

    As a key technology of traditional Resolution Enhancement Technology , Optical Proximity Correction ( OPC ) is broadly used in current IC manufacturing .

  3. 基于模型的光学邻近校正技术(Model-basedOpticalProximityCorrection,MBOPC)是应用最为广泛的分辨率增强技术之一。

    Model-based Optical Proximity Correction ( MBOPC ) is one of the widely used RETs .

  4. 象其它的集成电路设计技术一样,光刻分辨率增强技术也需要基于计算机技术的EDA工具的支持。

    Like other technologies used in IC design , RET needs the support of computer technology .

  5. 作为分辨率增强技术(RET)之一,离轴照明技术(OAI)通过调整照明方式,不但能提高分辨率还能很好地改善焦深。

    As a resolution enhancement technique ( RET ), off-axis illumination ( OAI ) can enhance resolution and improve depth of focus ( DOF ) through adjusting illumination .

  6. 遥感目标图像空间分辨率增强技术研究

    The Research on Superresolution of Remote Sensing Object Images

  7. 研究表明,离轴照明是一种很有效的光刻分辨率增强技术。

    Simulated results show that off-axis illumination is a very effective resolution enhancement technique .

  8. 分辨率增强技术在亚波长光刻条件下的集成电路设计制造中已普遍采用,并能够部分解决集成电路的可制造性问题。

    Resolution Enhancement Technologies are new used in Sub-Wavelength Lithography circumstance to partially solve the incurring manufacturability problem .

  9. 本文即针对这一技术开展研究,主要围绕纳米级集成电路条件下分辨率增强技术的理论和算法以及具体实现等问题展开。

    The theories and algorithms of Resolution Enhancement Technologies for nanometer-scale IC are the major research objects of this thesis .

  10. 在光谱成像的光谱分辨率增强技术中,对振幅衰减干涉信号的线性预测是其中的关键之一。

    Aimed at the problem of resolution enhancement of millimeter-wave radiometric image , a new resolution enhancement method is proposed .

  11. 光学邻近效应在当前集成电路制造过程中变得越来越严重,工艺界采用多种分辨率增强技术来应对这一问题。

    As Optical Proximity Effects becomes more and more serious in the process of IC manufacturing , semiconductor manufacturing community adopts many kinds of Resolution Enhancement Technologies to deal with it .

  12. 光学邻近校正技术作为应用最为广泛,最为有效的分辨率增强技术之一,通过对光刻掩模板上图形的修改达到提高光刻保真度的目的。

    As the most widely used and most efficient RETs , optical proximity correction ( OPC ) improves the fidelity of lithography by modifying the layout patterns on the lithography masks .

  13. 在此基础上,实现了基于电子信号处理的读出系统,并采用了分辨率增强技术,使FMDLG的分辨率提高到0.001(〃)以上。

    With the experimental system , an readout system based on electronic signal processing is realized . Furthermore , the resolution is improved to better than 0.001 (″) with resolution enhancement technique .

  14. 通过移相掩膜、光学临近校正和其他分辨率增强技术,光学光刻实现了小于入射光波长特征线宽的制造。

    Through the use of phase-shift masks ( PSM ), optical proximity correction ( OPC ), and other resolution enhancement techniques ( RETs ), optical lithography have been able to fabricate features smaller than the wavelength of light used to create them .

  15. 运用FT-IR方法的分辨率增强及曲线拟合技术对水化膜中蚯蚓钙调素CaM的二级结构以及加入不同比例Ca2+、Tb3+后CaM二级结构的变化进行了研究。

    The Secondary structure of earthworm Calmodulin ( CaM ) in thin film was measured by using FT IR spectroscopic method and curve fitting technique , and the effects of Ca 2 + and Tb 3 + were investigated in detail .

  16. 在能获得清晰的静态干涉条纹的条件下提高光谱分辨率,研究了电光调制型静态傅里叶变换光谱仪的基本原理及光谱分辨率增强技术。

    In order to obtain clear interference fringes and high spectral resolution , the paper researched the basic principles of the technology of electro-optic modulation and the method of improving the spectral resolution of static Fourier spectrometer .

  17. 在分辨率有较高要求的应用中,就需要发展信号后处理技术来实现分辨率增强,这种技术就是超分辨率技术。

    In applications demanding high resolution images or videos , developing post signal processing technique , that is , super-resolution will be highly appreciated .