
Error research in measuring small dimensions by Fraunhofer diffraction
Based on the Fraunhofer diffraction theory and a microlens , a high-performance complex optical system for a digital sun sensor is designed .
Brief introduced the development and application of optical holography and computer generated hologram , the basic theory of CGH , spatial filtering , Fresnel diffraction and Fraunhofer Wo Fei diffraction , computer generated hologram coding .
Based on frauhofer diffraction integral formula , the calculation and testing method of I_0 ( annulation ) / I_0 ( aperture ) for different obstruction ratio of double reflection optical system are described in this paper .
This paper attempts to give a conception about the automatic detection of thin line diameters by using the KrF laser as a light source and the charge couple image transfer device as a light screen . The principle is the diffraction of Fraunhofer .