
  • 网络exercise bike
  1. 如果你愿意,可以试一试的健身自行车。

    Have a go on my exercise bike if you want .

  2. 在健身自行车上快速冲刺也能燃烧掉同样多的热量。

    You can burn the same number of calories with a few quick sprints on an exercise bike .

  3. 再生能源健身自行车研制及动态分析

    Invention and analysis of dynamic characteristic for regenerating and exercising bicycle

  4. 基于虚拟现实技术的交互式健身自行车的研究

    Study of Interactive Gymnastic Bicycle System Based on Virtual Reality

  5. 他最近一直在健身自行车上锻炼。

    He 's been working in the pool and riding the stationary bike .

  6. 跑步机和健身自行车大概能塑造肌肉,但它们究竟能不能让你重新获得那些极其珍贵难得的东西呢?比如说,你脚步的轻盈?

    Treadmills and exercise bikes may build up muscles but could they ever restore what is far more precious and elusive , the spring in the step ?

  7. 廖建林表示,工程师们还在天宫二号上安装了一些运动器材,例如跑步机、室内健身自行车以及穴位按摩器,从而帮助宇航员们保持健康。

    Furthermore , designers placed exercise equipment in the space lab such as a treadmill , exercise bike and acupuncture point massager to help astronauts keep healthy , according to Liao .

  8. 固定式健身自行车病势不重轻微的责罚;和善的批评英国广播公司的政治新闻记者驻外、战地、体育等记者马蹄在泥地里留下了深深的蹄印。

    a stationary exercise bike mild a mild form of the disease a mild punishment / criticism correspondent the BBC 's political correspondent a foreign / war / sports , etc. correspondent indentation The horse 's hooves left deep indentations in the mud .

  9. 上班方式上更多的是选择机动车或电动车等,较少选择有健身功能的自行车或步行。

    A great number of young civil servants go to work by motor vehicle or electric bike , few of them choose the way that has fitness function to go to work , such as by bike or on foot .