
  • 网络Knowledge Network;Web of Knowledge;Knowledge Net;The Know Network;Domop.cn;Domop.org
  1. ISI会议录是美国科学信息研究所(InstitutesforScientificInformation,简称ISI)知识网最新推出的网络数据库。

    ISI proceeding is the latest network database of ISI web of knowledge .

  2. 协同物流商务是一种新的软件和服务策略,它将上述信息单元集成在一起,并且利用Internet技术将物流企业的市场、服务、客户等统一在了一个全球知识网中。

    Collaborative Logistics Commerce is a new strategy of software and service . It integrates all kinds of independence systems , and using Internet , it can unify the market , customer , and service into a global knowledge net .

  3. 基于Agent网的知识网的自重构研究

    Self-reconfiguration of Knowledge Webs Based on Agent Webs

  4. 基于Agent网的知识网自重构的需求评价模型

    Requirement evaluation model in the self - reconfiguration of the knowledge mesh based on the agent mesh

  5. 基于B/S和ASP的连铸-连轧生产知识网系统设计研究

    Research on knowledge networks system design of continuous casting-continuous rolling production based on B / S and ASP

  6. 提出了一种新的基于知识网和Agent网的知识化制造系统的自重构方法。

    A new approach of self-reconfiguration for knowledgeable manufacturing system , which is based on knowledge web ( KW ) and Agent web ( AW ), is proposed .

  7. 首先分析了KMS自重构中的数据操作过程,设计了知识网ER图。

    The data operating process of the knowledgeable manufacturing system ( KMS ) self - reconfiguration is analyzed and the E-R graph of knowledge meshes is designed .

  8. 该知识网数据库已作为KMS自重构工具的一个重要组成部分并已成功运行。

    So far , the knowledge mesh database has become an important component of the KMS self-reconfiguring tool and been run successfully .

  9. 基于混合算法的知识网运算表达式优化

    Optimization of Knowledge Mesh Operation Expression Based on Hybrid Algorithm

  10. 知识网的创建更好的解决了这个问题。

    The creation of knowledge network supplies a better solution to this problem .

  11. 基于因特网的知识网框架的构建

    The Design of the Framework of Internet-Based Knowledge Networking

  12. 基于对象知识网的企业信息系统形式化表达研究

    Study on formal representation of enterprise information system based on object-based knowledge mesh

  13. 基于知识网链的供应链决策系统

    Decision System of Supply Chain Based on Knowledge-net Chain

  14. 在电脑知识网体育馆锻炼一段时间后,我感觉到更健康了。

    After several sessions at the gym , I feel a lot fitter .

  15. 基于用户功能需求的知识网的自动生成研究

    Research of Automatic Construction of the Knowledge Mesh Based on the User 's Functional Requirement

  16. 知识网系统有助于实现钢铁企业一体化管理。

    Knowledge networks system is in favor of accomplishing integrated management of iron and steel enterprise .

  17. 钢铁连铸&连轧生产知识网系统及模型研究

    Study on the System and Model of Knowledge Webs to Continuous Casting-Continuous Rolling in Iron and Steel Enterprises

  18. 可以想象,那些成功的学习者他们靠直觉为自己创造了知识网。为什么要创造知识网?

    When you think about it , the idea that successful learners create a web has intuitive appeal .

  19. 详细讨论了知识网自重构使能工具的实现以及自重构后软件系统的自动生成等难点技术;

    The difficult technologies such as the realization of enabling tools and the automatic construction of the reconfigured system were discussed in detail .

  20. 在此基础上,通过设计先进制造模式与知识网之间映射关系表实现两者之间一对一的映射。

    On the basis of these , a base table of mapping relationships between advanced manufacturing modes and knowledge meshes is designed to realize one-to-one mapping relationships between them .

  21. 然后,基于改进的混合遗传算法,对知识网多重集表达式进行优化,给出了知识网自动生成的步骤;

    Then the KM multiple set operation expression is optimized based on the improved hybrid genetic algorithm , and the procedure of the KM 's automatic construction is also presented .

  22. 首先,定义了知识网对用户需求的满意度关系及其运算,建立了知识网多重集运算表达式优化的模型;

    The satisfaction degre relationships and operations between the K-M and the users ' requirement are defined , and the optimal model of KM multiple set operation expression is constructed .

  23. 图式理论是指存在于人的大脑的长期记忆中的,由相关的事实与概念等组成的知识网,这些对理解新信息提供了一个框架。

    Schema Theory is a theory stating that information is stored in long-term memory in schemata ( networks of connected facts and concepts ), which provide a structure for making sense of new information .

  24. 基于知识Petri网的机器人装配规划

    A robot assembling planning by knowledge based on Petri net

  25. 针对敏捷制造单元的特点,提出了一种面向对象的知识Petri网的建模方法。

    An object - oriented knowledge Petri net is proposed for modeling agile manufacturing cell .

  26. 板材折弯FMC运行过程的知识Petri网建模

    Knowledge Petri Net Modelling of the Sheet Metal Bending FMC Working Process

  27. 介绍了知识Petri网(KPN),在柔性装配系统中基于KPN机器人装配规划的任务,以及用KPN为机器人装配规划的任务,以及用KPN为机器人装配规划建模和KPN的运行。

    Presents knowledge-based Petri nets ( KPN ), object of the automatic robotic assembly planning by the KPN in a flexible assembly system ( FAS ), and modelling with the KPN and running of the KPN .

  28. 在此基础上,重点研究基于维修知识描述网(MKDN)的维修知识描述方法,设计沉浸式虚拟维修训练系统仿真控制流程。

    Furthermore , the description method of maintenance knowledge based on maintenance knowledge description net ( MKDN ) and the simulation control flow of immersed virtual maintenance training system were presented .

  29. 即通过提取出课件的特征信息,并用概念来表示课件素材的特征信息,由此建立了教学资料和领域知识概念网的联系。

    The steps follows : extracting features of the courseware , presenting these features by concepts , saving all the feature information into database , and building connections with correspond concept nodes .

  30. 本文利用该领域知识概念网模型,通过分析特征术语之间的关系并进行概念匹配,实现文本资源知识特征的自动获取、描述和归类。

    The paper discusses in detail the gain of the knowledge character of the text resource automatically by the analysis of the relations of the concepts and concept based matching by the module .