- 网络Service personnel;NSmen

We should jack up discipline among the servicemen .
Jack up discipline among the servicemen He is attached to a destroyer .
But service members can be discharged if they are found to be homosexual .
Many service members leave the military soon after experiencing sexual trauma - but not voluntarily .
The president praised those who 'd served in the military for their character and selflessness .
The Tomb of the Unknowns honors three anonymous service members-from World Wars I and II and the Korean War .
That is our sacred trust with all who serve and it doesnt end when their tour of duty does .
At this time , ISAF can confirm one ISAF service member was killed . This incident is under investigation , the statement reads .
In July , the Defense Department e-mailed a " Don 't Ask , Don 't Tell " opinion survey to four hundred thousand service members .
Four of the service members who stood in the audience when I announced the surge of our forces in Afghanistan gave their lives in that effort .
While most business schools do not track applications from service personnel , some offer special tuition breaks to military personnel , while others have set up fellowships for veterans .
Uniform service members will report for duty as usual , but the Pentagon says the shutdown will erode readiness , which they say is already a problem due to previous budget cuts .
These efforts weigh on me every time I , as Commander-in-Chief , have to sign a letter to a family that has lost a loved one , or look into the eyes of a service member whos been gravely wounded .
That 's nearly one and a half times more than the percentage of overall service members who received less-than-fully-honorable discharges from 2002 to 2013 , according to data compiled in a March 2016 report by Swords to Plowshares , a veterans advocacy group .
NATO says 5 US service members were killed Thursday in Southern Afghanistan.The International Security Assistance Force says there 3 of the service members were killed by a roadside bomb , one died of gunshot wounds . well , the fifth was killed while on patrol .
It 's what he 's done in the United States Senate , fighting to ensure that the men and women who serve this country are welcomed home not just with medals and parades , but with good jobs and benefits and health care , including mental health care .
They might require boosting if for no other reason than to keep people who are serving and who are at highest risk out of harm 's way from even minor colds that could keep them out of work .
The scores of somatization , depression , and paranoid ideation in the group ≥ 5 years of length of service were higher than the group of 1 ~ 4 years ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .