
  • 网络Positioning plane;plane of orientation;RIGHT
  1. LeFortⅠ型截骨术定位平面的应用解剖学研究

    The Applied Anatomy Research of LeFort I Osteotomy Reference Plane

  2. CT薄层扫描定位AC-PC平面研究前后联合间线薄层CT定位方法初探

    Clinical Study of the CT Scanning with Thin Slice for Localization of the Anterior-Posterior Commissure Plane The preliminary report localizing AC-PC line with thin slice CT

  3. 从GPS定位结果至平面坐标有两种转换模型。

    Have two kinds of transformations models from the GPS localization result to the place coordinates .

  4. 介绍了从GPS定位结果至平面坐标的两种转换模型。平面转换模型原理简单,数值稳定可靠,但只适用于小范围的GPS测量;

    The theory of the plane transform model is understandable and the result is reliable , but it is not suitable for large scale GPS network .

  5. 文章介绍了从GPS定位结果至平面坐标的两种转换模型,即平面转换模型和空间转换模型。

    The paper introduces two algorithms for transferring the GPS result to local grid frame , namely the plane transform model and the space transform model .

  6. 三维PIV中透视成像的视点定位与透视平面的确定

    The determination of projection center and perspective plane of perspective image in 3-D PIV

  7. 基于镜头畸变的透视投影方法利用具有精确定位点阵的平面模板及其在不同方位所成图像,标定出摄像机的内外参量,其中包含图像中心。

    In lens distortion based perspective projection method , a complete imaging model could be constructed and image center is one of the parameters in the model .

  8. 在系统中,机器人可以在视觉系统的引导下自动定位到任意平面焊缝的起始位置。

    In this system , welding robot can be guided to the initial welding position of any planar weld automatically by the aid of a charge coupled device camera .

  9. 通过探讨平面控制网的定位依据、平面控制网的测量、高程控制网的测量及定位测量方法,从而得出减少测量误差措施。

    By inquiring into basis on location of plane control net survey , the survey of plane control net , the survey of altitude control net and survey methods of location , the measures of reducing survey deviation have been drawn out .

  10. 本文讨论了弹丸穿过声定位靶靶平面不同位置对测量误差的影响,推导出无误差测量条件和声定位靶的有效(即无理论定位误差)靶面。

    This paper discusses the influences of measurement accuracy caused by the position at which the bullet passes through the API plane , derives the conditions of no error measurement and the available ( i.e. no theoretical error ) area of the API .

  11. 用GPS快速静态定位进行短基线平面控制测量的试验

    Experiment on Horizontally Controlled Short Baseline Surveying Carried by Quick Static Positioning with GPS

  12. 二维定位模式,只有平面的座标.必需至少取得三个卫星的资料。

    A two-dimensional position fix that includes only horizontal coordinates . It requires a minimum of three visible satellites .

  13. 本文给出了能复演给定位置点的平面机构的优化设计方法。

    An optimization on designing the planar four-bar linkage which is liable to reappear the location of a definite point is recommended .

  14. 网页制作的布局一直是很多人非常关心的一个问题,早期的设计者大多使用表格定位的方法对页面元素进行定位,尽管如此,表格定位也只能解决平面布局中的定位问题。

    The homepage layout was a question which many people cared about extremely , the early designer mostly used the form localization method to carry on the localization to the page element , for all this , the form localization also only could solve the planar configuration localization problem .

  15. 船舶动力定位(DP)采用一种控制系统驱动装在船上的侧推器和尾部推进器或者几个全回转的推进器,使船定位在海平面的要求位置上。

    Dynamic positioning of vessels is a technique which uses ship-mounted propellers and lateral thrusters commanded by a control system to maintain it as closely as required at some desired position in the horizontal plane .