
  1. 隶属于龙脑香科(Dipterocarpaceae)坡垒属Hopea,是我国热带季节性雨林的代表性树种之一。

    Blongs to Hopea and Dipterocarpaceae , is a typical plant species of tropical rain seasonal forest in China .

  2. 龙脑香科树种引种育苗技术研究

    Study on the Introduction and Seedling Cultivation Technique of Dipterocarps

  3. 唇形科若干香科植物组织培养

    Tissue Culture of Some Perfume Plants of Labiatae

  4. 滇南8种珍贵香科植物的开发利用

    The exploitation and utilization of eight species of precious perfume plants in southern Yunnan , China

  5. 龙脑香科植物菌根研究进展

    Research Advances on Dipterocarpaceae Mycorrhizas

  6. 坚硬的取自龙脑香科和贝壳杉属树种的树脂,尤其是青龙木。

    Any of various hard resins from trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae and of the genus Agathis ; especially the amboyna pine .

  7. 龙脑香科植物为海南的地带性植被类型&热带常绿季雨林优势类群。

    In addition , plants of Dipterocarpaceae are dominant in tropic evergreen monsoon forest and belong to a zonal vegetation type of Hainan .

  8. 与印度同时代植物群相比,元谋植物群不具有典型的热带雨林分子如龙脑香科植物,而在印度晚第三纪则常见热带雨林分子。

    Compared with contemporaneous flora of India , the Yuanmou flora does not have the typical tropical rain forest elements like Dipterocarpaceae , which is very common in the Tertiary floras in India .

  9. 本文在采集标本基础上,结合分析大量有关资料,讨论了鄂西南香蒲科等四科植物区系特征。

    This paper deals with the floristic characteristics of Typhaceae etc. four families in southwestern Hubei , based on the specimens collected during the exploration to this area in 1985 and a lot of data surveyed .