
  • 网络Financial platform;Finance Platform
  1. 国内互联网金融平台融360的子公司简普科技最近递交了IPO申请,计划募资2.72亿美元。

    Jianpu Technology Inc , a subsidiary of China 's online finance platform Rong360 , applied recently in the hope of raising $ 272 million .

  2. 简述了校园一卡通工程在为学校提供的基础数据平台、金融平台,实现规范管理,形成的全校范围的数字空间,在数字化校园建设中起到的重要作用。

    The paper described the importance of the one-payment IC card system engineering in the construction of the digital campus in the aspect of providing the college the basic statistics and finance platform , achieving the standard management and providing the digital space throughout the college .

  3. 根据私人市场金融平台PitchBook的数据显示,在美国,一些顶级MBA课堂一直在增设有关加密货币的课程以满足需求,尤其是来自风险投资领域的招聘人员的需求。

    In the US , some top MBA programs have been beefing up cryptocurrency courses to keep up with demand , especially from recruiters in venture capital , according to data from PitchBook , a private market financial platform .

  4. 总之,构筑面向东南亚以昆明为中心的金融平台需要衍生金融市场的推动。

    In brief , the financial platform needs derivative financial market .

  5. 云南作为我国面向东盟的前沿,应抓住机遇积极构筑面向东南亚以昆明为中心的金融平台,推动中国&东盟自由贸易区建设,促进云南经济发展。

    Yunnan should hold the opportunity and positively construct the financial platform that faces Southeast Asia and takes Kunming as the central .

  6. 最后,就国家立法保证、政策支持、农村金融平台完善等外部环境提出对策建议。

    Finally , national legislation on the guarantee , policy support , rural financial platform to improve the external environment , such as countermeasures and proposals .

  7. 一个成功的金融平台能同时吸引其他地区拥有剩馀资金的人与需要筹集资金的人,因而会产生大量金融交易。

    A successful platform , which provides a meeting place for people from other jurisdictions with surplus money and those in need of funds , involves large volumes of financial transactions .

  8. 中方愿通过丝路基金、中国-欧亚经济合作基金等金融平台,重点在重大基础设施项目、资源开发、产业和金融合作等领域开展投资合作。

    China is willing to strengthen investment cooperation with other SCO members via the platform of the China-Eurasia Economic Cooperation Fund and the Silk Road Fund , focusing on large infrastructure projects , resources exploitation , industry and finance .

  9. 由于在线金融平台为学生提供门槛极低的贷款,如今越来越多的大学生选择此类贷款来旅游、购物或创业。

    More and more college students are turning to those loans , which are used to travel , go shopping , or start businesses , as online financial services have made it very easy for students to get the loans .

  10. 所谓房产信托,即通过信托金融平台,向社会发行信托计划融资,并以贷款、股权投资等方式运用于房地产项目,为委托人获取房地产开发收益。

    The so-called real estate trusts , is that Trust Investment Corporation who make use of special financial flat to gather money from society and then invest capital to real estate project on the way of loan or stock in order to obtain profit from the project for clients .

  11. 基于XML的金融服务平台在新银行体系结构中应用的研究

    The Study on the Financial Service Platform Based XML Used in the New Bank System Structure

  12. 本文设计的金融服务平台采用XML技术作为数据交换的载体,实现金融服务平台的扩展性。

    This financial service platform is adopted XML as the data exchanging carrier to realize its highly expanding function .

  13. 基于Intranet的高性能金融仿真平台建立和使用

    Building and Using High-Performance Financial Simulation Platform on Intranet in Java

  14. 因此,本文将DEA方法引入到化工行业物流金融交易平台的信用评价中,以控制平台的融资业务风险。

    DEA method is introduced to the chemical industry logistics financing trading platform for SME credit evaluation .

  15. 建设广东特色的外贸1+3金融支持平台

    On Guangdong 's 1 + 3 Financial Support System for Foreign Trade

  16. 中国农业银行金融服务平台系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Agriculture Bank Finacial Services Platform System

  17. 并且在此基础之上,设计了金融服务平台。

    And on this foundation , have designed the platform of financial service .

  18. 基于个人综合账户的金融服务平台及其产品化研究

    Studies on Private Financial Service Platform and Industrialization Based on Private Synthesis Account

  19. 金融信息平台主要由管理员和客户两种登入角色。

    Financial information platform provides two login roles , administrator role and customer role .

  20. 平安银行为中国平安集团旗下重要成员,是中国平安集团综合金融服务平台的重要组成部分。

    Ping An Bank is an important part of Ping An Group and its integrated financial services platform .

  21. 所以,本文将是面向金融数据平台的平台即服务的金融数据分发和数据存储的研究和设计。

    Therefore , this paper mainly focus on the research and design of financial data distribution and storage on PaaS .

  22. 数据是金融信息平台的核心资源,任何金融信息服务都必须以完整、权威的数据为基础。

    Data is the core resource of financial information platform . Any financial information service must base on complete and authorized data .

  23. 最后对文章收尾,展望未来电子商务、金融融资平台与供应链融资的无缝对接和发展前景。

    Finally , the article ending , seamless look to the future and prospects ofe-commerce , finance and supply chain financing platform for financing .

  24. 在数字化校园中,作为整个学校的金融信息平台,校园卡正在得到越来越广泛的应用。

    The campus card will be appeared in numeral campus as the financial information platform , and is becoming more and more popular in application .

  25. 该金融支撑平台包括两个子平台和一个体系,即政府金融子平台、市场金融子平台和金融服务体系。

    This financing platform is constructed with two sub-platforms and a system , that is , government financial sub-platform , market financial sub-platform and financial service system .

  26. 想想吧,金融就业平台eFinancialCareers.com上周刚刚发布报告称,华尔街企业现在发布的销售和营销职位比去年同期增加了54%。

    Consider : Financial job board eFinancialCareers.com reported last week that Wall Street firms have posted 54 % more sales-and-marketing openings than last year at this time .

  27. 根据中国青年报报道,我国六成以上的大学生通过互联网金融服务平台贷款,大部分的贷款用于购物。

    Over 60 percent of Chinese university students borrow money from online financial services , and most of it is spent on shopping , China Youth Daily reported .

  28. 在提出建立中部金融支撑平台的想法后,从需求与供给两个方面分析了这一方案的前提基础务件及其可行性。

    After putting forward the idea of setting up the central part finance support system , the text analyzes the prerequisite and the feasibility of this scheme from the aspects of demand and supply .

  29. 金融交换平台将银行的各种应用服务系统有效地连接在交换中心,有效地实现系统之间的信息交互和传递,满足各种应用服务的要求。

    Financial exchange platform will effectively connect various banking application service systems with the exchange center , effectively implementing information interaction and transfer between different systems and meet all kinds of requirements of application services .

  30. 此金融服务平台可以作为其子系统或者合作伙伴的接入层,构成新体系结构的一个组成部分,也可以作为改造旧有银行系统、满足新增业务需求时的解决方案。

    Forming a part of new banking system structure , this financial service platform can be serve as an inserted floor for its subsystem or cooperative partner , can be as the solution while transforming the old banking system , satisfy the demand of newly-increased business too .