
  1. 在11月末一场剧烈的暴风雪期间,53岁的中国基地站长徐宁喝着茶说“我们检测天气,还做其他的研究。”

    " We do weather monitoring here and other research . " Ning Xu , 53 , the chief of the Chinese base , said over tea during a fierce blizzard in late November .

  2. 赵军在另一个房间等着我,给我让烟倒茶,说:哥哥辛苦了。

    Zhao 's waiting for me in another room , so I smoke poured , the brother said : tough .

  3. "好吧,那我再给你倒点茶,"迈克说。

    " Well , I 'll get you more tea then , " said Mike .

  4. 这位大英帝国的子民想要点茶,他说。

    The son of the British empire wants tea , he says .

  5. 前阵到海南品了一次苦丁茶,不说茶师的高超茶艺,却说一个苦字,便让人畏惧三分。

    Hainan goods before the array to a Kudingcha , do not say superb tea tea division , said that a hard word , two-thirds will be daunting .

  6. 茶党与其说是主张削减赤字的鹰派,不如说是从众的旅鼠派:为了追求削减开支,他们似乎不惜将美国带下悬崖&这会吓坏大多数不明事理的美国人。

    Less deficit hawks than deficit lemmings , they seem perfectly prepared to bring the nation over the precipice in pursuit of spending cuts that would scare most Americans witless .

  7. 喝杯茶吧,他说,接着对蓓蒂问长问短。

    " Cuppa ," he remarked , and began asking Bette questions .

  8. “爸爸要我们结婚,”他啜了一点茶后,接着说。

    Papa wants us to be married , 'he continued , after sipping some of the liquid .

  9. “我喜欢经过勺子搅拌变得很甜的茶,”他说。

    " I like tea sweet enough to stand the spoon up in it ," he said .

  10. 他为将我们的会面从午餐改为下午茶而致歉,说在这即将卸任的一周里,工作安排实在是太满了。

    He apologises for our meeting being over tea rather than lunch , blaming the hectic schedule of his final weeks in charge .

  11. 据《茶疏》之说,最宜于饮茶的时候和环境是这样:

    In accordance with the Chinese practice of prescribing the proper moment and surrounding for enjoying a thing , Ch'asu , an excellent treatise on tea , reads thus :

  12. 中国的现代化之路还很漫长,要治理好13亿人口的大国,绕不开柴米油盐酱醋茶,也就是说,要关注最基本的民生问题。

    Chinas road to modernization is a long one . To govern such a big country with 1.3 billion people , it is essential to meet peoples basic daily needs .

  13. 可以试试泡菊花茶喝,菊花茶是最好的清凉茶。或者说也可以每天泡杯绿茶喝喝。

    Try switching to chamomile , which is the best herbal tea , or you can have one cup of green tea a day .