
  • 网络Tea masters;Tea people
  1. 茶与人的同构&论《茶人三部曲》中的人生哲学

    The Isomorphism of People and Tea & The Philosophy of Life in Tea Trilogy

  2. 买茶人则认为自己喝的是黄茶。

    There are still people however that buy this tea thinking it to be yellow .

  3. 铁观音,茶人又称红心观音、红样观音;

    Tie Guan Yin , Guan Yin tea , also known as Red , red like Guanyin ;

  4. 卖茶人知道黄茶的价格更高,但是当作绿茶卖会更容易。

    The people the Anhui found it still commands a respectable price , and it is easier to sell as a green tea .

  5. 花茶的特点是既有茶的滋味,又有花的香气,特别为北方茶人喜爱。

    Jasmine tea is characterized by tea flavor as well as the fragrance of jasmine flowers . It is popular among tea lovers in the north of China .

  6. 历史文化底蕴对杭州茶人品格形成的影响主要是移民文化的影响和儒道佛文化的影响。

    The formation of historical and cultural heritage of Hangzhou Tea human character is the impact of the immigrant culture and the cultural influence of Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism .

  7. 杭州的茶文化整合了北方茶文化与杭州本土茶文化的精髓,因而杭州茶人的性格是柔软中带着刚强的。

    The tea culture in Hangzhou integration of northern tea culture and the essence of the local tea culture in Hangzhou , and thus the character of the tea in Hangzhou is soft with a strong .

  8. 唐代茶人对饮茶用水的鉴别与品评&唐代茶道研究之二在美国人饮用的茶中,94%为红茶,只有4%是绿茶。

    The Identification and Evaluation of Tea Beverage from People in Tang Dynasty : The study of Tang Dynasty Tea ⅱ Of all the tea consumed in the U.S. , ninety-four percent is black and only four percent is green .

  9. 当别人给你的杯子倒了茶之后,你可以将食指和中指弯曲敲一敲桌子,以表示对七茶人的谢意。

    After a person 's cup is filled , that person may knock their bent index and middle fingers ( or some similar variety of finger tapping ) on the table to express gratitude to the person who served the tea .

  10. 杭州人爱喝茶,喝茶成了杭州人表达友好的方式之一。《茶人三部曲》曾提到,上海沦陷后,杭州人曾有过一段时间的集体逃难。

    Hangzhou Aihe Cha , tea became Hangzhou expression of one of the friendly way . " Trilogy of Tea Men " has been mentioned , after the fall of Shanghai , Hangzhou , there had been a period of collective fled .