
chāo xiě
  • copy;transcribe;transcription;copy out
抄写 [chāo xiě]
  • [transcribe;copy] 照原文写出

  • 抄写一份遗嘱的副本

  • 抄写一份清单

抄写[chāo xiě]
  1. 老师让同学们抄写课文。

    The teacher asked the students to copy out the text .

  2. 我叫他把这篇课文抄写20遍。

    I made / had him copy the lesson 20 times .

  3. 她把那个电话号码抄写在自己的通讯录上。

    She copied the phone number into her address book .

  4. 通过流程图和思维导图来做笔记,而不是仅仅抄写一个列表。

    Take notes by drawing charts and connecting ideas instead of just copying down a list .

  5. 在那之前,欧洲的书是手工抄写的,所以很贵。

    Before that , books in Europe were copied by hand , so they were very expensive .

  6. 抄写前,大声读出来。

    Read it aloud before you write it down .

  7. 我们需要自愿者来抄写这个文稿。

    We need volunteers to transcribe this manuscript .

  8. 唯一的区别是当时的抄写员是拖着桌子(deske,不同于现代英语中的桌子(desk))辗转于不同的工作地点。

    The only difference was that scribes lugged the desk - or deske - around with them from job to job .

  9. 将设计师视为像素抄写员大大浪费了他们的设计经验:来自Twitter的关于像素抄写员的抱怨(原文有截图)

    Treating designers as pixel pushers wastes their design experience : post from Twitter complaining about being a pixel pusher

  10. 博格曼的方法就是让X射线穿透那些伪造的图案,穿透抄写员的字迹,找到最初的阿基米德文本里墨水所含的铁,并生成图像,只反映出书页中的铁。

    Bergman 's technique allows X - rays to pass through the forged paintings , pass through the scribe 's writing to hit the iron traces from the ink of the original Archimedes ' text and create an image just of the iron on the pages .

  11. 结果6例患者AgQ明显高于常模;损害程度由重到轻为主动书写、看图书写、听写、自动书写、抄写;

    Results Their AgQ was significantly higher than the normal and the damage from serious to light occurred in spontaneous writing , picture writing , dictation , automatic writing and copying .

  12. 右手英文主动书写和抄写共同激活左额中回BA9、10区,左中央后回BA3区及右侧颞中回BA21区。

    The left middle frontal gyrus BA 9 , 10 , left posterior central gyrus BA 3 and right middle temporal gyrus BA 21 were the common activated areas in English spontaneous writing and copying with right hands tasks .

  13. 我觉得可能只是抄写时的一个错误。

    I think it is probably just on errow in transcription .

  14. 他一天又一天地坐着抄写证词。

    He sits there day in and day out transcribing testimony .

  15. 大脑半球损害病人的汉字抄写研究

    A study of Chinese character copying in patients with cerebral lesion

  16. 我罚她把每一个有错误的句子又抄写了三遍。

    I punished her to write each wrong sentence three times .

  17. 请找人抄写这封感谢信好吗?

    Can you get someone to copy this letter of thanks ?

  18. 他让我抄写这份报告,给我添了许多麻烦。

    He put me to the trouble of copying the report .

  19. 抄写句子。让我们抄写句子。

    Write down the sentence . let 's write down the sentence .

  20. 在我们做完抄写练习后,接着上历史课;

    After the writing exercises , we had the lesson in history ;

  21. 他让我把这些生词抄写5遍。

    He made me write the new words five times .

  22. 她仔仔细细地抄写以免遗漏任何东西。

    She copied so carefully so as not to leave anything out .

  23. 至此书籍已可印刷出版而并非手工抄写。

    Books were printed rather than written out by hand .

  24. 抄写书籍是僧侣们乐于从事的一项苦修。

    Copying manuscripts was one of the austerities monks preferred .

  25. 手工抄写是隋代出版的唯一手段。

    Hand transcribing is the only means of publishing in Sui Dynasty .

  26. 抄写下列单词各两遍,中文1遍,并背诵。

    Copy the following words and phrases twice and recite .

  27. 我们得抄写书上的句子。

    We had to copy out sentences from a book .

  28. 经文通常被抄写在莎草纸或是薄薄的羊皮上。

    The scriptures are copied out on papyrus-like material or thin sheepskin .

  29. 人们读书都是靠手抄写。

    The books people read were all copied by hand .

  30. 抄写这段对话,.在结尾处加上你的名字。

    Copy this dialogue . Add your own name at the end .