
téng xiě
  • transcribe;copy;copy out
誊写 [téng xiě]
  • [copy out;transcribe] 抄写

誊写[téng xiě]
  1. 把这篇文章连同我的修改部分誊写出来。

    Make a copy of the article with all my corrections .

  2. 这个压扁的符号让誊写者用单笔划结束书信。

    The compressed symbol allowed the transcriber to complete the letter in a single stroke .

  3. n.誊写把文字誊写为音标需要专门训练。

    transcription The transcription of words into phonetic symbols requires special training .

  4. 狱中口述的誊写纸条标志着韩飞龙首次公开表达他对GSK的不满。

    The note from jail marks the first time Mr Humphrey has gone public with his grievance against GSK .

  5. 但在他记忆力依旧清晰的当年,他的女儿多萝西(Dorothy)曾经把他的录音回忆录誊写为一份48页的文件,美国华人博物馆以此为底本,制作了一份四分钟的第一人称叙述视频。

    But when his memory was still sharp , his daughter Dorothy transcribed 48 pages of his taped recollections , which became the basis of a four-minute first-person narrative produced by the museum .

  6. 随后录音被誊写出来作为分析的依据。

    Then the recordings were transcribed as the base for analysis .

  7. 确定你们把答案誊写在准确的位置。

    Make sure you put your answer on the correct side .

  8. 把文字誊写为音标需要专门训练。

    The transcription of words into phonetic symbols requires special training .

  9. 来源:由译者提供的一个档案誊写。

    Source : Transcribed from a file provided by the translator .

  10. 提出田野调查笔记、谈内容之誊写以供课堂讨论。

    Submit field notes and transcribed interviews for class discussion .

  11. 把哈利波特的第一张誊写到墙上。

    Writing the entire first chapter of Harry Potter on the wall .

  12. 讲稿是以课堂作业的形式由学生所誊写。

    Scribe notes are latex transcriptions by students as part of class work .

  13. 于是,我把故事誊写下来,并且把它作为生日礼物寄给了阿纳戈诺斯先生。

    Accordingly I copied the story and sent it to him for his birthday .

  14. 胶版誊写品通过这种方式得到的复制品。

    To copy by means of a hectograph .

  15. 为电视台做誊写员。

    As a transcriber for reality television .

  16. 她草草做了些笔记,然后誊写在练习本上。

    She jotted down a few notes , and later transcribed them into an exercise book .

  17. 荒谬境遇中的生命抗争&麦尔维尔小说《誊写员巴特比》的存在主义解读

    Life 's Struggle Against Absurdity : An Existentialist Interpretation of Melville 's Bartleby , the Scrivener

  18. 在语言中频频利用的单词,比起在誊写中誊写的单词,更容易变化。

    Words are much more easily changed when used again and again in speech than when copied in writing .

  19. 我坐下来,把我的论据形诸文字,誊写清楚,给他寄去。

    I sat down to put my arguments in writing , which I copied fair and sent to him .

  20. 好了,我希望你立刻将这段对话誊写下来,我们下次再敍。

    Now , I do want you to transcribe this conversation immediately , and then we will talk again .

  21. 将自己脑海里那些模糊不清的思想摘下来,细心收割那些经由筛选,推敲,誊写出来的思考成果。

    The vague idea picked from the mind , and selected those harvest carefully , refine , transcribed from thinking results .

  22. 在阅读考试结束后,是否还有额外的10分钟可以用来誊写答案?

    Is there a similar period of ten minutes at the end of the Reading exam for the transfer of answers ?

  23. 杰克勤奋地誊写这些磁带中的内容,把这些素材寄给父亲的出版商,但是遭到了坚定的拒绝。

    Jake diligently transcribed the tapes and sent material off to his father 's publisher , but got a firm rejection .

  24. 这些作品由各地教会誊写,保存了两百多年之后,才被公认为新约正经。

    These were preserved by later generations of Christians for over two centuries before they were declared to be the canon of the New Testament .

  25. 把课堂中写的作文用双语的形式整齐地誊写在纸上,作为送给父母家长开放日的礼物。

    Write the composition on a piece of paper and translate it into Chinese , then give it to your own parents as a gift .

  26. 我们将恢复到我们一贯的政策,不会提前宣告会期而是一旦誊写就立马发表。

    We will be reverting to our policy of not announcing sessions in advance , but will publish them as soon as they are transcribed .

  27. 借助歌曲学习英语的最好方法之一便是反复收听一首歌曲,试着将歌词誊写出来。

    One of the best ways to learn English through songs is to listen to the song several times and try to write down the lyrics .

  28. 然后她会伸出另一只手,抓住那首诗的尾巴,把它顺势拉回来,另一只手则一边将诗句誊写在纸上,把它顺势拉回来,

    She would catch the poem by its tail , and she would pull it backwards into her body as she was transcribing on the page .

  29. 从事这项长时间辛苦誊写刻画的僧侣们就开始寻找减少每一个常用字笔画数的方法。

    The monks that performed these long , tedious copying duties looked for ways to reduce the number of individual strokes per word for common words .

  30. 是用誊写钢版或者带钢通过卷曲成型后铆接酿成的钢管。

    Piling steel pipe , also known as drill pipe , is transcribed , or strip steel plate riveted through the coil after forming the pipes lead .