
  • 网络mass incident;mass events
  1. 至少自1989年以来,中国高层的首要任务一直是创造足够的就业机会,以维护社会稳定,阻止可能推翻威权政府的群体性事件。

    Since at least 1989 , Beijing 's top priority has been to create enough jobs to maintain social stability and head off popular uprisings that could overthrow the authoritarian state .

  2. 群体性侵害事件的多元化解决&三鹿奶粉事件与日本C型肝炎诉讼案的比较研究

    Multi-ways to Groups Tort Incident : Comparison of Sanlu Milk Powder and Hapatitis C Litigation of Japan

  3. 同时,将本体融入到CBR循环的整个过程,我们构造了群体性突发事件案例推理系统框架并加以实现。

    At the same time , we put ontology technology into the CBR circulation the entire process , then construct the mass unexpected incident of case-based reasoning system framework and realize .

  4. 针对高校群体性突发事件产生机理的复制动态模型的理论分析结果,通过MATLAB编程进行数值分析;针对高校突发事件的信息传播模型,结合九江学院事件案例进行分析。

    In college colony accidents of the generating mechanism of copy of theoretical analysis of the dynamic model results , through numerical analysis of MATLAB ; According to the emergency information transmission model and combining with " jiujiang university event " case analysis .

  5. 冲击铁路群体性治安事件的概念与性质

    The Concept and Character of Group Cases of Attacking the Railway

  6. 第三,建立高校群体性突发事件的信息传播模型。

    Third , establish the colony accidents of information transmission model .

  7. 现阶段群体性突发事件对策探析

    Analysis of Countermeasures for the Colony Accidents at the Present Stage

  8. 关于预防和处置群体性治安事件的几点反思

    Some considerations on Preventing and Treating Public Order Incidents of Group

  9. 论群体性突发事件的特点及预防处置机制

    On the Characteristics of Unexpected Mass Incidents and the Preventive Mechanisms

  10. 群体性突发事件产生根源的主观博弈分析

    The Subjective Game Analysis for the Root of Mass Unexpected Incident

  11. 大学生群体性突发事件的成因与预防

    Cause analysis and prevention for mass unexpected incident of college students

  12. 群体性突发事件考量政府的决策和处置能力

    Group unexpected Events Test Government 's Capacity of Decision-making and handling

  13. 该模型可以推广到一般的群体性突发事件,对研究群体性突发事件具有一定的借鉴意义。

    This model can be extended to explain general mass unexpected incidents .

  14. 第三部分是转型期群体性突发事件治理中的不足之处。

    The third part is the deficiencies of the Emergency Group Events .

  15. 对我国社会转型期群体性突发事件之研究

    Research of Group Paroxysmal Affair in a Turn Period in our Country

  16. 结论处理小学生群体性发热事件,应掌握原则与技巧。

    Conclusion We should master rule and skill in accident .

  17. 农村群体性暴力事件的内在本质在于事件实质的暴力性。

    Violence is the essence of the collective violent riot of countryside .

  18. 农村群体性突发事件起因的演化博弈分析

    The Evolutionary Game Analysis on Cause of Unexpected Mass Incident in Countryside

  19. 湖南省群体性治安事件综合研究

    Comprehensive Research on the Community Security Events in Hunan Province

  20. 江西省群体性治安事件现状跟踪分析

    Tracking Analysis for Present State of Public Order Incident in Jiangxi Province

  21. 群体性突发事件诱发原因及防范机制的构建

    The Cause of Sudden Group Event and Creating a System to Avoid it

  22. 乡镇公务员应对农村群体性突发事件能力研究

    On Enhancing the Township Officials ' Capability of Deal with Rural Group Affairs

  23. 高校群体性突发事件的成因及处置

    The Cause of formation and Treatment of Mass Emergency in Colleges and Universities

  24. 论新时期群体性治安事件的原因与对策

    On the Reasons and Social Countermeasure of New Period Group Public Security Cases

  25. 高校群体性突发事件成因与治理的演化博弈模型

    Evolutionary game model of the causes and solution for college unexpected group events

  26. 论群体性治安事件的生成与消解

    On the Generation And Elimination of the Public Order Incident with the Group Nature

  27. 第五部分提出民族地区政府应对群体性危机事件的有效对策。

    The fifth part brings forward some effective countermeasures to resolve mass danger events .

  28. 本文运用主观博弈模型分析了我国群体性突发事件的产生根源。

    This paper analyses the root of mass unexpected incident used subjective game theory .

  29. 群体性治安事件处置的组织指挥亟待完善

    Organization and command need improving in dealing with public security cases done by groups

  30. 处置群体性暴力事件的战术行动方法

    On Tactics of Dealing with Mass Violent Incident