
zhí jiē xuán jǔ
  • direct election
  1. 这是直接选举。

    This is a direct election .

  2. 选举行为背后:投机博弈&以武汉市C社区居委会直接选举为例

    Behind the Elective Behavior : Game of Speculation & Take Direct Election of C Community in Wuhan for Example

  3. 尽管有过一次新生的民主运动,但几乎不会带来直接选举。

    Despite a nascent democracy movement , there 's little traction for direct suffrage .

  4. 欧洲议会采取PR进行选举,如大伦敦会议等其他新的地区会议也通过直接选举产生市长。

    Forms of PR were introduced for elections to the European Parliament , the new devolved regional assemblies , the Greater London Assembly and for the direct election of those mayors .

  5. 在松下(panasonic)子公司深圳欧姆电子(ohmselectronics),工人们在5月第一次直接选举出了工会的领导层。

    At ohms Electronics ( Shenzhen ) , an affiliate of Panasonic , workers directly elected their union leadership for the first time in May .

  6. 552名LokSabha的成员每五年由直接选举产生,是政权和政府机构起决定性作用的委托人。

    The552-member Lok Sabha is directly elected for a five year term , and is the determinative constituent of political power and government formation .

  7. 我国直接选举制度若干问题的讨论

    A Discussion on Some Issues about China 's Direct Election System

  8. 中国乡镇长直接选举述论

    Direct Election Review of Chief Executive of Chinese Villages and Towns

  9. 二零零八年举行既立法会直接选举,你会唔会去投票?

    Will you vote in the Legislative Council election in2008 ?

  10. 直接选举中提名及确定候选人方式的探讨

    The Discussion of the Style of Nominating and Defining Candidate

  11. 省议会也是每四年直接选举产生的。

    The provincial parliaments are directly elected every four years as well .

  12. 中国村民直接选举制度推行的制约因素

    Restricting factors in the pursuance of the village people direct electoral system

  13. 中国基层直接选举的法律问题研究

    The Law Problem Research of the Chinese Grass-roots Direct Election

  14. 应将“无候选人的直接选举”合法化等等。

    Legalize the " direct election without candidates " and so on .

  15. 社区自组织与居委会直接选举成本

    Community Self - organizing & the Cost of Residents ' Committee Direct Election

  16. 直接选举是未来我国领导职务公务员任用制度的可行模式与改革方向。

    Direct election is an ideal and practical model for the cadre system reformation .

  17. 国家首脑是联邦总统,他是由直接选举产生的。

    The head of state is the Federal President , who is directly elected .

  18. 这个团体具有由人民直接选举的不可估量的优势。

    The group has the inestimable advantage of being directly elected by the people .

  19. 我国乡镇长直接选举制度改革研究

    Research on Reform of the System of Direct Elections of Township and Village Leaders

  20. 村委会直接选举的模式研究

    Research on The Electing System of Village Committee

  21. 工会基层直接选举调查及其思考

    On the Direct Election in Basic Union

  22. 自由参与直接选举的原则

    Principle of free participation in direct election

  23. 对于社区居委会选举而言,如果直接选举成本过高,就必然会阻碍选举体制改革的进行。

    But the high costs for election may become the barrier to reform of election system .

  24. 论村民自治中的直接选举

    Immediate Election of Autonomous Village Committee

  25. 知事由都民直接选举产生,并代表东京都。

    The governor is directly elected by the citizens , and represents the metropolis of tokyo .

  26. 许多人赞成直接选举总统而不是由选举团选举。

    Many people favor direct election of the President rather than election by the Electoral College .

  27. 参议院直接选举法;

    the direct election of senators ;

  28. 选区是指一个国家或地区为实行直接选举活动而划分的区域。

    Electoral district means those districts divided by a country or a region aimed for direct elections .

  29. 新《村委会组织法》贯彻实施一周年回眸村委会直接选举的模式研究

    One Year Anniversary of the New Village Committee Organization Act Research on The Electing System of Village Committee

  30. 伦敦通过直接选举产生市长,另有一批当地官员和大伦敦自治市也是如此。

    London gained a directly elected mayor , as did a clutch of other local authorities and boroughs .