
yǎn tì
  • succession
  1. PRO、MDA含量呈先上升后下降再上升的变化,各演替阶段间差异极显著。

    PRO and MDA contents increase first , and then decrease during the process of the succession .

  2. 土壤氮素(N)转化是生态系统关键生态学过程之一,且土壤N有效性与群落演替间存在着反馈关系。

    Soil nitrogen ( N ) transformation is one of key ecosystem processes , and soil N availability has a feedback to the community succession .

  3. 在光秃岩石上的演替系列是岩生演替系列。

    A sere on uncovered rock is a lithosere .

  4. 并采用分子生物学技术聚合酶链式反应&变性梯度凝胶电泳(POLYMERASECHAINREACTION-denaturinggradientgeleleetrophoresis,PCR-DGGE)对污泥微生物群落的演替展开研究。

    The microbial community structures and succession were studied by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel eleetrophoresis ( PCR-DGGE ) .

  5. DCA排序结果表明,随着演替时间的增加,土壤含水量也逐渐增加,且不同植物群落在排序图上有各自的分布范围。

    The results of DCA ordination indicate that water conditions of soil is increased in the succession process .

  6. 这表明,(1)森林演替过程中,林冠层结构、树种构成等的改变可能引起森林水文学过程中TOC浓度的变化;

    All of the results indicated that ( 1 ) changes of canopy structure and tree species during successions can affect the concentration of TOC during the hydrological processes ;

  7. 因此,每年黑河水来水量必须保证在3.2亿m3以上才可以确保绿洲生态不恶化,不会向着逆向进行演替。

    The annual water inflow of Heihe River has to be guaranteed over than 320 million m3 , in that case , the ecological environment would not get worse and adverse succession could be prevented .

  8. 运用聚类分析、PCA排序等方法将群落演替阶段划分为草本群落阶段、灌丛阶段、小乔木阶段、乔林阶段、顶极季雨林阶段;

    Community succession was divided into five stages by using Cluster method , PCA method ; the succesion stages include herbaceous stage , scrub-shrub stage , small tree stage , arbor stage and climax seasonal rain forest stage .

  9. 把先进的双向指示种TWINSPAN分类方法引入混交林分类,并找出混交林的演替序列与规律。

    The method of TWINSPAN quantitative classification is applied to classify mixed forest and therefore a succession serial and law of mixed forest has been gotten .

  10. 结果如下:将安太堡矿的植物群落演替划分为三个阶段,在第一阶段即复垦初期(1~3a),物种组成较单一,群落结构不稳定,群落层次分化不明显;

    The results show that the succession is classified into three stages . In the first stage , the composition of species is simple and the structure of community is unstable .

  11. 研究了9a草地恢复演替系列中斑块边界形状和斑块面积分布动态,并进行了尺度转换分析。

    Patch boundary shape and patch size distribution in 9 year restoration succession was studied scale transition points were determined using fractal method .

  12. 研究表明:奇台县绿洲地下水埋深已低于影响地表盐渍化的水位埋深临界值(5m),地下水矿化度低于3g/L,研究区整体处于有利于土壤盐渍化逆向演替的环境。

    The results show that Qitai oasis has already in a circumstance which is valuable for soil-salinization reversal evolvement . Groundwater table is below 5 meters , the critical point which will affect the surface salt accumulation .

  13. 这些菌分别出现在两种原料中,并在各个时间分离出的LAB不同,前期以球菌居多,但随着青贮发酵时间的延长,青贮中的LAB种类由开始的球菌逐渐演替成杆菌。

    These bacteria appeared in the two materials , respectively , and in various time of the LAB isolated from different bacteria in the early majority , but as time silage fermentation , silage types of LAB cocci by the beginning of a gradual succession as Bacillus . 2 .

  14. 分析了近40a海北高寒湿地区域气候变化特征,以及近期湿地退化和植被演替的情况。

    The regional climate change features of Haibei alpine marsh during the recent 40 years and its possible impacts on marsh degradation and vegetation succession are analyzed .

  15. 土壤种子库物种多样性的变化表现为,随着演替的进行,优势度指数逐渐减小,而丰富度指数、均匀性指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数逐渐增大,恢复到32年时达到最大。

    Along with the restoration stages , the dominance index decreased while the species richness index , evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index increased gradually and come to the highest value in the plots after 32-year restoration .

  16. 进入演替层的幼树以采伐带最多,达11500株/hm2,是保留带和对照林的2.1倍和3.6倍。

    The young trees in succession layer were most in cutting strip , 11 500 stems / hm2 , which were 2 . 1 times as much as that in reserving strip and 3 . 6 times as much as that in uncut stand .

  17. 结果表明,草本植被恢复演替过程可明显分为以下几个阶段:荠菜(Capsellabursa-pastoris)+铁苋菜(Acalyphaaustralis)+小白酒草(Conyzacanadensis)群落(退耕1年);

    The results show that the process of herbaceous vegetation restoration can be divide into the following stages obviously : Capsella bursa-pastoris + Acalypha australis + Conyza canadensis community ( 1 year abandoned );

  18. 结果表明:随着植被演替,土壤中大粒级水稳性团聚体含量逐步增加,5mm粒级团聚体在土壤团粒结构中占主导地位,含量占50%~80%。

    The results show that : In terms of vegetation succession stages , the contents of big gravel soil water-stable aggregates increased , the 5 mm aggregate is priority in different layers , about 50 % ~ 80 % .

  19. 在给定初始条件后,模拟了自然演替和实行采伐控制的林分断面积、径阶、年龄和采伐收益200a的变化。

    Under the given initial conditions , the variation of stand section area , diameter size , age , and effect from cutting during 200 years were simulated under natural succession and dynamic cutting respectively .

  20. DGGE图谱表明,人工接种菌株成为堆肥高温期优势菌株。人工接种增加了堆肥中微生物总量,提高了堆肥微生物种群多样性,并且促进了堆肥菌群演替,从而缩短堆肥腐熟时间。

    The DGGE spectrum also showed that inoculated strains assumed predominance during the high temperature phase , and inoculation increased the total count of microbes , enriched microbial diversity and accelerated succession of microbes during composting , thus shortening duration of the composting process .

  21. 分布在大西洋沿岸的海岸沙丘植被具完整的沙丘演替系列和重要的固沙防海潮作用。

    The sea - coast dune vegetation along the Atlantic coast .

  22. 恢复演替中草地斑块动态及尺度转换分析

    Patch dynamics and scale transition analysis of grassland in restoration succession

  23. 植物群落演替与土壤发展之间的关系

    The relationship between the plant communities succession and the soil development

  24. 渭南地区地貌类型结构的特征和演替

    The structural characteristics and succession of geomorphology types in Weinan region

  25. 城镇空间的演替与功能聚散效应研究

    Research on the Effect of the Function Evolution in Urban Space

  26. 武汉东湖水生植物群落演替的研究

    Succession and species replacement of aquatic plant community in East Lake

  27. 南海大鹏湾浮游植物种群的季节演替

    Seasonal Succession of Phytoplankton in Dapeng Bay , South China Sea

  28. 植被演替过程中种群格局动态的分形分析

    Fractal analysis of the dynamics of population patterns during vegetation succession

  29. 人类生给活动引起的森林草原生态系统的演替特征

    Successional Features of Forested Grassland Ecosystem Caused by livelihood-action of Humanity

  30. 同时,演替能提高土壤空隙度;

    On the other hand , soil porosity tended to increase .