
  1. 尤其对于自然科学的讨论,《演繁露》深得《梦溪笔谈》之精华,并且又有新的创建。

    Especially discussion to natural science , Yan fan lu depths get that cream of Men xi bi tan , and have new establishing .

  2. 《演繁露》在文献学方面也颇具价值,书中引用了大量古代典籍,并注明了这些典籍的出处。

    The book have quoted the large amount of ancient book and record , and have given clear indication of these ancient book and record sources .

  3. 《演繁露》收录了722则笔记,所记内容十分繁杂,其中有对于前代名物典章制度的考证,也有对宋代史实的记载。

    Yan fan lu have included 722 item of notes of complicated content . , included the textual criticism of system in former dynasty and the historical facts in Song Dynasty of political , economy and culture .