
  • 网络dialect island;speech island
  1. 浙江安吉县河南方言岛的内部接触与融合

    The Internal Contact and Mixing of Henan Dialect Island in Anji County

  2. 广西平乐的闽方言岛

    Pingle Min Dialect Island of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

  3. 最后,简要分析山东方言岛的语法情况。

    Another analysis is made of the grammar of Shandong dialect islands .

  4. 有赣语继续东扩、方言岛走向衰落、形成县域通行方言的趋势。

    The dialectal island is declining and trending to form county field dialect .

  5. 文章以四川境内的西昌、成都两地客家话方言岛作为研究对象。

    This paper takes Xichang , simultaneously , Chengdu Hakka dialect as research objects .

  6. 第三章考察安吉县官话方言岛的语言接触和语言演变。

    Chapter three studies the language contact and language change of the mandarin islands in Anji .

  7. 一个西南官话方言岛

    A Dialect Island of Southwest Mandarin

  8. 我们认为应该区分方言岛的两种接触:内部接触和外部接触。前者只发生在多源方言岛内,后者则见于所有的方言岛。

    The author argues that there are two different kinds of contact in dialect Hands : internal contact and external contact .

  9. 经与吴语及官话特点比较,证明本文讨论的三个方言岛属官话无疑。

    By comparing these dialect islands with Wu dialects and Mandarin , we conclude that these dialect islands belong to mandarin .

  10. 经济活动类型的差异加上封闭的地理环境,会产生方言岛,也会使方言保存较多的古语成分。

    The difference in economic activities and geographical limits may cause " dialectal island " and the remains of ancient Chinese .

  11. 方言岛作为一种特殊的语言形态,是我们观察语言接触和语言演变的极好窗口。

    Dialect island , as a special kind of language form , can be taken as an excellent window for us to observe language contact and language development .

  12. 本文描写了陕西安康汉滨区牛蹄乡赣语方言岛的语音系统,列出了同音字汇。

    This article describes the phonological system and its features of Gan dialect in Hanbin district , the city of Ankang , Shaanxi providence and lists the homophony syllabify .

  13. 浪平高山汉话这一特殊方言岛的内在生命力仍十分顽强,并且由于西南官话目前在广西仍是一种强势方言,应该会在相当长的一段时间内存在。

    The internal vitality of Lang Ping dialect is quite strong , and since southwest mandarin is still a popular dialect , it will exit for a long time .

  14. 本文以湖南省永州市冷水滩区的官话(即零陵话)以及被它所包围的“方言岛”&岚角山镇的土话为研究对象。

    The thesis focuses on the Lingling dialects and the local dialects of Lanjiaoshan town known as " island of dialects " because it is surrounded by Lingling dialects .

  15. 学术界目前有关方言岛的定义仍存分歧,本文采用广义上的方言岛概念。

    Firstly , the different definitions of dialect island in the academical circle are introduced and the concept of dialect island is specified in a broad sense in this paper .

  16. 最后在综合比较研究之后指出这是一种新型的方言岛,在方言岛研究方面具有类型学上的意义,同时给予这几种方言明清普通话的新提法。

    Finally , The article points out that these are the new dialect islands , and brings forward a new name for these mandarin dialects " Ming and Qing common speech " .

  17. 研究这个方言岛,不仅利于我们研究不同类型方言岛的特点,也便于我们更好地从整体上研究西南官话提供重要的语言材料。

    It is meaningful for us to study this dialect island , because it would give us insight into the characteristic study of different dialect islands , and provide important language materials for the wholly study of southwest dialect .

  18. 以往的研究多着眼于方言岛的外部接触,考察方言岛与周围方言的关系。本文则以浙江安吉县安城地区的河南方言岛为例,探讨方言岛的内部接触与融合。

    Previous studies focused on the external contact of dialect islands , investigating the relationship between dialect islands and the surrounding dialects , while this article deals with the internal contact of dialect islands and mixing of them by taking Henan dialect island in Anji county as an example .

  19. 这些方言,有的成片分布,有的形成方言岛,有的是两种方言共存于同一语言系统内,这就构成了赣东北地区方言的多元接触特征。

    Some of these dialects distribute in different language groups ; some of them form the dialect islands ; and in some places two dialects coexist in the same language system , all of which constitutes the multi-contact features of dialect contact in the northeast of Jiangxi province .

  20. 在这种不同于移民母语的语言环境中,移民方言在周围当地方言的包围下,形成方言岛。

    Encircled by a new dialect , the dialect held by the immigrants froms a dialect Island .