
yǎn shuō jiā
  • orator
  1. 列宁是俄国革命时期伟大的演说家。

    Lenin was the great orator of the Russian Revolution .

  2. 他能言善辩,胜过最好的演说家。

    He was so eloquent that he cut down the finest orator .

  3. 丘吉尔是个雄辩的演说家。

    Churchill was an eloquent speaker .

  4. 他是个有水平的演说家。

    He 's an able speaker .

  5. 你们不用佩服这个演说家,他做的一些事情不够光明正大。

    You don 't have to hand it to him , something the talker doing isn 't above board .

  6. 一位政治演说家被听众中的一个人烦扰得非常恼火。

    A political speaker was annoyed by a man in the audience .

  7. 这位激昂的演说家把无所事事的富人同终日辛劳的工人阶级进行了对比。

    The fiery orator contrasted the idle rich with the toiling working classes .

  8. 即便是著名的演说家,也有怯场的时候。

    Even great speakers may sometimes get stage fright .

  9. 这位演说家的讲话言过其实。

    The orator spoke in a bombastic manner .

  10. 他是一个出色的演说家。

    He excels as an orator .

  11. 人们的耳朵被军号声和战声以及呆在这的演说家们的漂亮言辞塞得太满了

    Their ears are too full of bugles and drums and the fine words from stay-at-home orators .

  12. 最后演说家忍不住了,他很客气地对这个人说:“你感到这么难受,如果到户外去,可能对你的感冒有好处。”

    Finally the speaker was unable to stand it . He very politely said to the man : " You are having so much discomfort . If you go out to the open air , it might be good for your cold . "

  13. 《薪酬谈判指南》(SalaryTutor)一书的作者,作家、演说家、教师吉姆o霍普金斯的回答

    Answer by Jim Hopkinson , author of Salary Tutor , writer , speaker and teacher

  14. 但凡看过SteveJobs的主题演讲的人都觉得,他是全美最棒的演说家和合作伙伴。

    Anyone who has watched a Steve Jobs keynote will tell you he is one of the most extraordinary speakers in corporate America .

  15. 这也让他成为以往美南浸信会(SBC)集会上振奋人心的演说家。

    This has made him an inspiring speaker at previous SBC conventions .

  16. 许多年前,休利特在哈佛大学(Harvard)读研究生时,他的指导教授是已故的经济学家约翰o肯尼斯o加尔布雷斯,也是一位令人着迷的著名演说家。

    When Hewlett was a graduate student at Harvard many years ago , her faculty advisor was the late economist John Kenneth Galbraith , a famously riveting public speaker .

  17. 我最喜欢的作家/演说家之一布里尼布朗是研究羞耻感和脆弱的研究员(不要漏了她的TED演讲)。

    One of my favorite author / speakers Brene Brown is a shame and vulnerability researcher ( don 't miss her great TED Talk here ) .

  18. 他不仅为全球卓越企业的高层领导者、CEO及其管理团队担任领导力教练,同时也是一位杰出的教育家和演说家,以及多部领导力著作和文献的作者。

    He is not only a senior leader , CEO and leadership coach of his team in excellent enterprise but also a outstanding educator , elocutionist and author of many famous leadership literatures .

  19. 此外,马里兰州哥伦比亚(Columbia)的心理学家、作家和演说家布拉德?萨克斯(BradSachs)表示,一些青少年显出一副冷漠的样子,其实可能是因为他们在努力避免被自己的同理心征服。

    Also , some teens may appear insensitive because they 're actually struggling to avoid being overwhelmed by their own feelings of empathy , says Brad Sachs , Columbia , Md. , a psychologist , author and speaker . '

  20. 马萨诸塞州朗梅多(Longmeadow)的心理学家、作家兼演说家安东尼?沃尔夫(AnthonyWolf)称,儿童通过观察父母行为及亲身体验(受到对他们的感受做出热情回应的成年人的关爱)来学习换位思考。

    Children learn to practice empathy by watching their parents and by experiencing it themselves-being treated well by adults who respond warmly to their feelings , says Anthony Wolf , a Longmeadow , Mass . , psychologist , author and speaker .

  21. 伟大的演说家经常用古英语调动情绪。

    Great speakers often use Old English to arouse our emotions .

  22. 奎尔奇教授是世界级的专家和杰出的演说家。

    Professor Quelch is a world-class expert and an excellent presenter .

  23. 他是演说家,而且是口若悬河的演说家。

    He is a speaker , and a flunt speaker therewith .

  24. 我并非是想装成是个演说家。

    Though I do not pretend to any great oratorical skills .

  25. 无论他在道德上有何瑕疵,不可否认他是一个杰出的演说家。

    Whatever his ethical shortcomings , he was a brilliant speaker .

  26. 你有没考虑过职业演说家?

    Have you ever considered a career as a motivational speaker ?

  27. 埃斯基涅斯是古代雅典杰出的政治家、演说家。

    Aeschines was an outstanding statesman and orator in ancient Athens .

  28. 威尔玛·苏夫拉原来没有想过要成为一名公共演说家。

    Wilma Subra had no intention of becoming a public speaker .

  29. 我们当中只有很少人能成为真正优秀的演说家。

    Only a few of us can ever become really good speakers .

  30. 她一直就是一个能说会道的公众演说家。

    She 's always been a very fluent public speaker .