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  • cast ;billing
  1. XML数据包含演员表、字幕和剧终感谢、一系列用作效果的文件,以及每个人物的台词(对白)。

    The XML data contains the cast list , the title and credits , a list of files to use for effects , and each character 's lines ( the dialogue ) .

  2. 它也不是由中国出品的,演员表上根本没有中国人。

    Nor was the film a Chinese production with a Chinese cast .

  3. 已保险的风险事件;演员表上的成员和全体人员都已保过险了。

    An insured risk ; all members of the film cast and crew are insured .

  4. 在演员表上收到突出名次的表演者。

    A performer who receives prominent billing .

  5. 他说,演员表不会包括任何明星,冯导演将会起用新人。

    He said the cast won 't include any stars and that Feng will cast newcomers .

  6. 噢,是的,但我只是看看演员表而已。

    Chandler : Uh yes , but uh , I just watch it for the articles .

  7. 演员表列着两个孩子,1个稍微比另1个大些。

    The cast list has two sets of kids listed , ones slightly older than the others .

  8. 社会往往把企业看作电影:我们希望它们有情节,有演员表。

    Society thinks of companies like movies : we want them to have a plot and a cast .

  9. 但预告片中最劲爆的剧透当属艾玛·汤普森饰演了布里奇特的医生,因为之前曝光的演员表中并没有她的名字。

    But the real scene stealer is Emma Thompson - previously unmentioned on the cast list - as Bridget 's doctor .

  10. 演员表不要太长,否则每个人物在一分钟内说不上什么话。

    The cast can 't be huge ; otherwise , each character will have little to say in a minute or so .

  11. 接下来,寻找演员表,并将它们加载到一个带有各自声音的数组中。

    Next , you look for the cast of players and load them into an array with the voices they are to use .

  12. 但如今缺了银行家和美国重要人物,演员表看上去就不太具有震撼力了:新闻记者、学术界人物和威权国家的领导人。

    But without bankers and important Americans , the cast list looks less impressive : a mix of journalists , academics and authoritarian leaders .

  13. 相反,您可能会创建一个演员表或更一般的表(比如一个电影参与人表),然后让一个引用从电影表指向演员表中的一行。

    Rather , you 'd have an actors table or something more general ( such as a table of movie participants ) and then have a reference from the movie table to a row in the actors table .