
  • 网络singing skill
  1. 论民歌的艺术魅力及演唱技巧

    On Artistic Charm of the Folk Song and its Singing Skills

  2. 第三部分通过不同的演唱技巧来塑造不同人物的音乐形象。

    The third part creates the image of the music of different characters through the different singing skills .

  3. Boyle的演唱技巧是在教堂里磨练出来的,她还要和捷克国家交响乐团合作出专辑。

    Boyle , who honed her skills in a church choir , is poised to record an album with the Czech National Symphony Orchestra .

  4. 论民族声乐的演唱技巧及其教学

    On the skills and teaching of local songs - singing

  5. 歌剧《波西米亚人》中鲁道夫角色的演唱技巧

    The Singing Technique of the Role Rudolf in La Boheme

  6. 同时他的演唱技巧尚欠火候,这也使得他的歌听上去有些瑕疵。

    And his insufficient vocal technique makes his singing less easy on the ear .

  7. 对曲艺中说与唱创作规律及演唱技巧的探讨

    The Research on the Composing Rules and Performing Techniques of Talking and Singing in Quyi

  8. 我将分别从对作品的认知和演唱技巧这两方面着手,来进行谈论。

    These works are discussed in two aspects , the understanding of the songs and performing techniques .

  9. 从美声唱法的角度谈《我爱你.中国》的演唱技巧

    A Talk about the Singing Skills off the Music I Love You , China from the Angle of Graceful Singing

  10. 尤其它的演唱技巧已达到相当高的难度,而且有了一套系统的,表现它音乐风格的演唱方法。

    E'erduos 's sing skill is matured and own systemic principle of singing which help to express it 's music style .

  11. 笔者还对流行歌手进行了分类,不同歌手类型对演唱技巧的要求是不一样的。

    Furthermore , this thesis divides pop singers into several kinds , for a singer of different type has different singing technique .

  12. 其次,本课题又论述了美声的演唱技巧和审美标准以及民族的演唱技巧和审美标准。

    Secondly , this topic and discusses the bel canto singing skills and aesthetic standards and national singing skills and aesthetic standards .

  13. 我们在学习演唱技巧训练的同时,还应该加强音乐情感的培养,这样才能确切地表达歌曲的含义。

    While practicing singing skills , we need to cultivate emotion , so that we can convey the exact meaning of the songs .

  14. 其次对演员演唱技巧的具体研究,探究该剧在演唱方面取得的巨大成功。

    Then will research into the great success of singing in the work through the specific research on the singing skills of the actors .

  15. 其次、细致找出了若干个演唱技巧中的对立统一因素,并对这些矛盾着的方面作了具体的阐述。

    Secondly , meticulous find a number of unity of opposites of singing skills of these factors , and the contradictions in the aspects in detail .

  16. 吐字清晰是一切声乐艺术必不可少的基本要求,它同其他声乐演唱技巧相辅相成,密不可分。

    Clear articulation is essential to every kind of art of vocal music and closely related with the singing skills of other kinds of vocal music .

  17. 本文《孟姜女》、《兰花花》两部作品的音乐风格及演唱技巧等方面,分析不同音乐形象的塑造。

    The " Meng Jiangnv , Lan Huahua " two works of musical styles and singing skills analyze the image of the shape of different music .

  18. 这部歌剧无论是在人物形象设计上、舞台布景及背景效果、还是在音乐的创作特征及演唱技巧上都独具创新,有它独特的风格。

    The opera is both the design of characters , stage scenery and background effects or music creation features and singing skills are innovative , unique style .

  19. 从技术方面通过变化声音的力度、色彩和速度来提高演唱技巧。

    At last , the author discusses how to improve the singing techniques from improving the dynamics , color as well as the speed of the voice .

  20. 第四章为歌剧《魔笛》中花腔女高音经典唱段的分析,同样从人物角色、音乐结构及演唱技巧等方面对两首歌剧中的花腔女高音经典唱段进行分析。

    Second , three aspects of the two classical coloratura soprano arias in the Operas , i.e. the characters , musical structure and of singing skills will be analyzed .

  21. 花腔的演唱技巧涵盖了多种演唱基本要素。掌握女声花腔部分的演唱是提高演唱技巧的关键之一。

    The technique of colorature contains multifarious basic factors of singing , and it is one of the keys to improve singing skill that to master the singing of colorature part .

  22. 来自不同职业,不同年龄的歌手带来了他们精彩的表演,我惊讶于观众的热情,歌手的演唱技巧及激情。

    A variety of singers of all ages performed today and I was pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm of the audience and the skill set and passion that the singers displayed .

  23. 1991年,蒙古族青年合唱团参加“第三届中国北京合唱节”,以其浓郁的民族特色和高超的演唱技巧,荣获本届比赛一等奖和指挥奖。

    In1991 , the glee club participated in3rd Beijing Chorus Festival of China and won the1st class honor and the Conductor Award with its rich cultural flavor and excellent performing techniques .

  24. 如何能够学以致用,将自己所学到的演唱技巧与本土音乐相结合,最大程度的得到群众的认可?这一问题困扰着许许多多声乐(特别是西洋唱法)学习者。

    What puzzled many vocal learners ( especially western singing ) is how to make use of what we have learned and get together of the vocal acrobatics and local music , then make them to be approved by the masses .

  25. 第三章则对女性形象塑造的艺术做了一个分析,主要从音乐创作和声音的技巧两个方面,解读了其中的主题音乐、调性曲式、唱腔、演唱技巧、演唱处理等对于人物形象塑造。

    Chapter III of the Portrayal of Women in Art an analysis from the two aspects of music creation and sound techniques , interpretation of the theme music , tonal musical form , singing , singing technique , singing processing Characters in .

  26. 本文通过对创作歌曲《贵妃醉酒》表演风格、演唱技巧的分析研究,深刻感受到,二度创作是声乐表演艺术真实性和创造性的协调统一,是声音技巧和表演艺术的高度融合。

    By analyzing the performing style and singing skills of the creative vocal The Drunken Beauty , the author deeply understands that the second creation is coordination of authenticity and creation of vocal performance arts and a well combination of voice skills and performance .

  27. 其次是通过在教学中的点滴体会,从最基本入手,探寻声音的发声原理,正确选择适合学生的连声曲,通过练声曲的训练提高歌唱者在歌唱中的演唱技巧。

    Second , by way of teaching experience , I start from the basic and explore the audible sound principles . Teachers should keep the students choose the right music , and could improve the singers ' performance skills in singing though the training exercises of acoustic music .

  28. 第三章重点论述了中国民族声乐对戏曲唱腔、表现手法、演唱技巧以及表演艺术等诸方面的借鉴,并结合相关实例进行分析和论证说明戏曲艺术对民族声乐产生的影响。

    Chapters four is focuses on the Chinese Vocal Music in the opera singing , performance techniques , singing skills and the performing arts and other aspects of the draw , combined with analysis of related examples and demonstrate that Operas on the impact of national vocal music .

  29. 这支乐队并未就此放弃。碧昂斯的父亲辞去工作,设法使她们在教堂、他们家的后院,甚至是在碧昂斯妈妈的美发沙龙里面练习歌唱。在沙龙里,此举不仅能收到小费,还能使女孩们听到有助于提高她们演唱技巧的意见。

    The group were undeterred and Beyonce 's father gave up his job to manage them with the girls taking time to practice at church , in their backyards and even in the salon that was owned by Beyonce 's mother where they would collect both monetary tips from customers and critique of their performances which helped them improve .

  30. 学习巴洛克时期声乐作品能使我们获得良好的审美体验,对提高音乐修养、演唱和技巧水平都有很大帮助,同时也可以增强演唱者和伴奏之间的协作能力。

    By learning vocal music at Baroque times we can gain good aesthetic experience , improve music culture , singing performance and techniques . It also helpful to strengthen the collaboration ability between the singers and the accompaniment .