
  1. 来自草原深处的天籁之音&内蒙古民族歌舞剧院蒙古族青年合唱团试论牧用林业在草地畜牧业持续发展中的作用

    Significance of Pastural forestry in the process of sustained development of grassland animal husbandry

  2. 1991年,蒙古族青年合唱团参加“第三届中国北京合唱节”,以其浓郁的民族特色和高超的演唱技巧,荣获本届比赛一等奖和指挥奖。

    In1991 , the glee club participated in3rd Beijing Chorus Festival of China and won the1st class honor and the Conductor Award with its rich cultural flavor and excellent performing techniques .

  3. 因此,梅州客家山歌的艺术风格、修辞方法、章法结构都留有十五国风以及迁徙途经的江南吴音印迹。来自草原深处的天籁之音&内蒙古民族歌舞剧院蒙古族青年合唱团

    The paper thinks that there are many marks of fifteen nations ' folk songs and Jiangnan 's songs of Wu in folk songs Hakka folk songs of Meizhou , just as artistic style , the rhetoric and structure of these songs . SONGS FROM THE GRASSLAND