
méng pí
  • skin;covering;envelop;envelope;thin-gauge skin
蒙皮 [méng pí]
  • [envelop] 把包起来或封起来,把裹起来

蒙皮[méng pí]
  1. 为提高飞机蒙皮的维修质量,研究了飞机蒙皮表面铈转化膜表面改性技术。

    The surface modification of LY12 Al-alloy based aircraft envelope by cerium conversion coating was studied , aiming at improving the repairing quality of the aircraft envelope .

  2. 平流层浮空器长期驻留于空气稀薄、紫外线辐射和臭氧作用强的复杂空间环境中,轻质、高强度、抗撕裂、高阻隔和抗老化是其蒙皮材料的关键技术性能要求。

    The stratospheric aerostat permanently stayed in the complex space environment with thin air and strong effect of ultraviolet radiation and ozone . Excellent properties like lightweight , high strength , tear resistance , high sealing and anti-aging are the key technical requirements of envelope material .

  3. 蒙皮支撑C型檩条在风吸力作用下性能的理论分析及实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Research on diaphragm-braced c-purlins subjected to wind uplift

  4. C型钢体系住宅中的蒙皮效应分析

    Analysis of the diaphragm effect in C steel system house building

  5. 蒙皮支撑的C形檩条在静力荷载作用下的性能

    Shape Shadow Behavior of Diaphragm - braced C - purlins Under Static Loading

  6. 蒙皮法是目前市场上CAD系统中一种比较常见的曲面定义方法。

    Skinning is a common method of surface definition in the CAD system .

  7. 基于CT数据的曲面重构,讨论了重构过程中所应用到的基本算法(如节点插入及消去算法、曲线的反算方法等),并介绍了曲面重构中常用的蒙皮法。

    As to reconstruct surface from CT data , we discuss some basic algorithm and introduce the wrapping skin algorithm .

  8. 首先对切片图像进行二值化和轮廓提取,继而进行B样条曲线拟合和NURBS曲面蒙皮构建。

    The contour is extracted and the curve and surface are constructed by NURBS fitting .

  9. 介绍一种客车顶盖蒙皮低位作业自动焊接方法:综合采用CO2气体保护焊和单面双点电阻焊。

    The paper introduces an auto welding method being used to the outer panels of the bus roof .

  10. 基于复杂截线的NURBS双向蒙皮造型方法

    NURBS Bi skinning surface modeling method via complex curves

  11. 基于复杂曲线的NURBS蒙皮曲面

    Research in NURBS skinning surface based on complex curve

  12. 利用ANSYS有限元通用分析软件对开洞蒙皮体试验模型进行了有限元数值模拟分析。

    In this paper , FEM software of ANSYS is used to analyze the test model of diaphragm with openings .

  13. 基于LBS的辅助骨骼驱动的改进蒙皮变形技术

    New method to skin deformation driven by auxiliary bones based on LBS

  14. 运用通用有限元程序ANSYS分析了连接件布置对蒙皮体的结构性能的影响。

    The structural behaviors of diaphragms with different distribution of fasteners is studied with the finite-element software " ANSYS " in this paper .

  15. 本文试图用一种新的加工方法&纤维缠绕(FW)来成型机翼蒙皮。

    The paper tries to adopt a new method-FW to mould it .

  16. 对于纤维增强复合材料(FRP)机翼蒙皮,国内外一般是采用手工铺放的方法来成型。

    Forming of Aerodynamic Break Shape of Wing Skin Panels For the FRP airfoil shell , we generally use moulding method of handcraft laying .

  17. 给出了一种逼近NURBS(非均匀有理B样条)蒙皮曲面的方法,用于对给定的一组平面NURBS截面线进行蒙皮。

    This paper , presents a method for approximate NURBS ( Non-Uniforn Rational BSpline Curve ) skinning , which skins a group of given plane NURBS cross-sections .

  18. 该方法生成的蒙皮曲线具有G1连续性且克服了现有算法的缺陷&蒙皮曲线与圆环存在局部相交现象。

    Skin curves generated by the presented method have G continuity and can avoid the local intersection problem which encountered for existing algorithms .

  19. 本文希望能在所做的夹芯板受力蒙皮整体连接件性能和整体试验的基础上,借助ANSYS有限元分析,提出一种比较合理、简捷和经济的设计方法。

    Based on the experiment of the stressed skin diaphragm and the analysis by the " ANSYS " software , the author 's purpose is put forward one rational and economic design means .

  20. MD-82型飞机机身下部蒙皮腐蚀原因分析与防腐改进措施

    Corrosion Analyses and Improved Anticorrosive Measures on MD-82 Airplane Fuselage Lower Skin

  21. 塑料窗平开框梃异型材机头流道的流场分析PBO基质平流层飞艇蒙皮材料的制备研究

    Study on Flow Field in Extrusion Die for Plastics Window Profile Fabrication and Investigation of Envelope Materials for Stratospheric Aircraft with PBO Fabric as Load-carriers

  22. 最后,通过Taylor碰撞算例验证了本文塑性程序的有效性,并对弹丸撞击飞机加强蒙皮实验进行了数值模拟,研究了变形区直径、变形区深度和弹丸剩余速度与弹丸初速度的关系。

    Finally , the plastic program is proved to be correct and efficient by Taylor impact . In addition , numerical simulation for impact of bullet on airplane skin is carried out .

  23. 参考国内外对蒙皮效应的研究成果和现状,利用通用有限元分析软件ANSYS模拟分析了轻型钢框架结构中的蒙皮效应。

    Diaphragm effect in steel frame was simulated by the finite element software " ANSYS " based on the research results of the diaphragm effect of profiled steel sheets at home and abroad in this paper .

  24. 针对低层钢结构住宅采用C型钢结构体系的抗侧能力进行分析,用蒙皮效应计算理论证明该体系的抗侧性能,为工程设计提供计算方法。

    This text mainly analyses the anti-side ability of low story dwelling that has adopted C steel structural system . It uses the calculate theories of the diaphragm effect proving the anti-side ability , from which it offers the designing calculation method for the engineering .

  25. 介绍了微型客车顶盖冲压成型用复合材料模具的结构及其制造工艺。介绍一种客车顶盖蒙皮低位作业自动焊接方法:综合采用CO2气体保护焊和单面双点电阻焊。

    Construction and manufacturing technology of forming die set made of composite material for minivan body roof panel are presented . The paper introduces an auto welding method being used to the outer panels of the bus roof .

  26. 针对数据压缩处理引起的各截面曲线上数据点数的不同,提出了一种蒙皮B样条曲面插值方法,该方法在保持插值精度的情况下,减少了曲面重构所需的控制顶点。

    Aimed at dealing with the problem of sectional curves with the different measurement data points arising from the data reduction , a new approach for lofted B-spline surface interpolation to sectional curves was presented , which reduced the number of control points while maintaining precise interpolation .

  27. 以B样条数学模型为基础,本文提出了带能量项的最小二乘法拟合曲线和曲面的方法,并利用带能量项的最小二乘拟合曲线方法,提出了对扫描数据的蒙皮法逼近曲面的方法。

    Based on the mathematics modeling of B-spline curves and surface , the algorithm of least-squares fitting to curves and surfaces with energy items is proposed , and the algorithm of skinning approximation to scanning data by lays is presented using the algorithm of least-squares fitting to curves .

  28. 首先,对于截面数据给出了基于统一节点矢量的NURBS曲面蒙皮与拟合方法,避免了利用节点插入算法存在的节点相容性问题。

    Firstly , for the cross-sections , given the uniform knot vectors a fitted NURBS surface can be produced by skinning , and the algorithm avoids the problem of knot compatibility by knot insertion .

  29. 文章主要研究了基于最新GPU的实时渲染技术,主要涉及以下方面:逐像素光照计算、实时阴影、材质与丝绸材质的渲染及蒙皮网格体的渲染。

    The paper focuses the GPU based real-time rendering technologies . It involves the following parts : per-pixel lighting , real-time shadow , glass and velvet texture rendering , and skinned mesh rendering .

  30. 采用数字PID控制算法,实现了加载伺服油缸的速度控制以及对称拉伸油缸和工作台上顶油缸的位移同步控制,建立了数控蒙皮拉伸成形试验机控制系统。

    Velocity control of hydraulic servo cylinders and displacement synchronous control of same axial hydraulic servo cylinders were realized by using the improved digital proportional , differential , integral ( PID ) control algorithm , and the numerical control skin stretch-forming system was established .