
  • 网络subaru;FHI;Fuji;Fuji Heavy Industry
  1. 看来这场金融海啸所波及的范围之广,触动行业之多已经超出人们的想象,连富士重工也退出了WRC。

    This financial tsunami affected the region and the fields which had been out of our imagination , even Subaru declared they will quit WRC in the new season .

  2. 丰田之前已与大发(Daihatsu)、日野(Hino)以及斯巴鲁(Subaru)的生产商富士重工(FujiHeavy)建立了资本联系。

    Toyota already has capital ties with Daihatsu , Hino and Subaru maker Fuji Heavy .

  3. 今年7月,日本防卫省将一份向自卫队供应150架军用直升机的合同,授予了由美国贝尔直升机(BellHelicopter)和日本富士重工(FujiHeavyIndustries)组成的联合体。此举令整个军工行业都感到意外。

    There was industry-wide surprise in July when the defence ministry awarded a contract to a consortium of Bell Helicopter of the US and Japan 's Fuji Heavy Industries to supply 150 military helicopters to the self-defence forces .

  4. 日本富士重工汽车发动机生产概况

    Auto Engine Production of Fuji Heavy Industry Japan

  5. 富士重工与奇瑞将会共同在中国东北的辽宁省大连市组建工厂生产斯巴鲁汽车,报道援引外电消息称。

    The Tokyo-based transportation conglomerate will join with Chery set up a joint plant in Dalian , northeast China 's Liaoning province , the newspaper said , citing foreign media .

  6. 这笔对贝尔-富士联合体估计价值20亿美元的交易,为富士重工的直升机业务带来一线生机。自2007年以来,这家日本集团一直难以获得订单。

    The deal - estimated to be worth $ 2bn to the Bell-Fuji consortium - throws a lifeline to the Japanese group 's helicopter operations , which have been struggling to secure orders since 2007 .