
  • 网络Furama Hotel;Furama Chiang Mai
  1. 现在咱们去富丽华酒店用餐,下午我们将带你参观我们的体育馆。

    Now we will drive you to the Furama hotel . We 'll have a simple lunch there * And this afternoon we will show you around about our gymnasium .

  2. 比较著名的有富丽华大酒店、富森玛雅度假村、和珍珠豪华酒店。

    A few names are Furama Resort , Fusion Maia and Vinpearl Luxury .

  3. 昨日在中国东北港口城市大连,有人看到一个大型朝鲜代表团进入富丽华大酒店。

    A large North Korean delegation was spotted yesterday entering the Furama Hotel in Dalian , a port in north-east China .

  4. 岘港富丽华大酒店的维泽曼表示,钻井平台的离去似乎提振了游客对越南的总体信心。

    The rig 's departure appears to have increased overall tourist confidence in Vietnam , said Mr. Wiesmann , of the Furama Resort Danang .